We all have that one friend who can be a bit too sensitive, but what happens when their sensitivity starts affecting everyone around them? Meet our protagonist, a 24-year-old woman who’s part of a close-knit group of friends. One of their friends, Max, has gained some weight and become increasingly oversensitive to anything related to body image. But when Max accuses a nurse friend of fat-shaming during a heart-wrenching story, our protagonist finally reaches her breaking point!
Reconnecting with Max

Max’s Weight Gain ⚖️

Oversensitivity Overload

No Complaints Allowed ❌

Zoom Call Drama

Max’s Rant

Trying to Calm Max Down

Enough is Enough!

The Wake-Up Call

Friends Agree

Max’s Response ️

Edit: Blown Up

A Proper Update

DM for More Info

Is She Really Fat-Shaming?
After months of tiptoeing around Max’s oversensitivity, our protagonist finally snaps back during a Zoom call when their nurse friend is accused of fat-shaming. She tells Max that the world doesn’t revolve around her feelings and that she needs a wake-up call. While her friends agree, Max accuses her of being an a**hole and hasn’t spoken to her since. But is our protagonist really in the wrong, or is Max’s sensitivity spiraling out of control? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this explosive situation…
NTA commenter defends that fat shaming is not a tool for victimhood

Friend’s exhausting behavior leads to NTA’s decision to cut ties

NTA for defending nurse friend against entitled fat-shaming friend

Commenter uses humor to agree with NTA and reply

Friend’s fat-shaming discussion turned into a self-centered trauma. NTA.

Cutting off toxic friends can be liberating.

Reassurance may not work, Max sounds like a reactionary a**hole

NTA. Criticizing someone for trying to lead a healthy lifestyle reflects self-consciousness

NTA defends right to voice grievances and eat without commentary.

♀️ Don’t blame others for your issues. Therapy is important.

Formerly overweight commenters agree: HAES is BS and excuses won’t help.

Breakup advice? NTA suggests a permanent split.

Taking responsibility for one’s own weight, NTA

Defending against false accusations of fat-shaming. NTA

Nurse defends friend’s venting, calls out overreaction to fat-shaming accusation. ⚕️

Cutting ties with toxic friends is sometimes necessary

NTA. Eye-rolling so hard at ‘check your thin privilege’

Truth hurts but NTA for being honest.

Friend’s fat-shaming is unacceptable. Consider cutting contact.

NTA commenter shares personal experience and advice for friend’s weight insecurities.

Disabled vet shuts down thin privilege argument with humor

NTA and losing a toxic friend? Win-win situation!

Standing up to bullying: a clear and articulate response.

NTA calls out friend’s HAES denial, ready to move on.

Overweight people & Covid: stating fact isn’t fat-shaming

NTA shuts down fat-shaming accusations with r/fatlogic reference

Commenter criticizes fat positivity movement, calls out western privilege

NTA. Personal experience shows Health At Every Size is BS

NTA commenter defends against fat-shaming and thin privilege myths.
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Nostalgic comment about Reddit’s past and controversial subreddits.

Overweight person defends OP, calls out friend’s behavior.

NTA. A nurse’s experience with COVID harassment.

Defending against fat-shaming accusations with personal experience.

Choosing between two animals? See what they mean here!
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/330429b8-4dfa-419b-8f05-347eeb8e54eb.png)
Fat-shaming is BS, I’m obese and it’s my fault. NTA

Max’s behavior is toxic, you’re better off without her!

Short and sweet, NTA says it all!

Body positivity wins! NTA shuts down fat-shaming friend.

Thin privilege? NTA finally tells off fat-shamer friend.

NTA shuts down fat-shaming accusation with a reality check

Thin privilege debate sparks fiery NTA response.

No shaming occurred, friend has issues. NTA

Defending thin privilege sparks debate about body shaming.

Overcoming societal pressure to lose weight through healthy habits

Formerly obese commenter shares weight loss journey and supports OP’s decision.

Choose your hard wisely. NTA for not pitying sensitive friend

NTA encourages friend to take responsibility for her weight loss

Encouraging body positivity while supporting the NTA.

HAES is not an excuse for body shaming. NTA

Curious if the nurse friend was respectful or crude?

Thin privilege argument shut down with personal attack.

Commenter defends against fat-shaming accusation and ‘thin privilege’ concept.

Formerly overweight commenter supports NTA’s stance on body positivity.

Body positivity is important, but promoting obesity as healthy is delusional.

Commenter defends Max, implies she’s insufferable for other reasons.

Don’t project your insecurities on others.

NTA defends against fat-shaming accusations and PC culture.

Body-shaming and misogyny have no place in this discussion

Cutting out toxic friends? NTA, let Max go!

Self-love and healthy habits can coexist. NTA

Redditors accuse post of upvote-baiting.

NTA. Empathetic response from a fellow fat person. Set boundaries.

NTA. Some people invalidate others’ issues due to their own.

Truth-telling wins: NTA shuts down complainers.

Trash took itself out!

Healthy habits shouldn’t be shamed. NTA for prioritizing health.

NTA comment suggests going NC and letting her work out her demons.

Commenter defends themselves against friend’s fat-shaming accusation. #NTA

NTA shuts down fat-shaming friend, problem solved

NTA comment defends plus-size community against fat-shaming and insecurity

Medical professional defends discussing obesity risks, calls friend ‘oversensitive’

NTA. Empathy for friend’s pain, but boundaries and self-respect first.

NTA. As a nurse, commenter highlights the strain obesity puts on health.

Controversial comment sparks debate on body positivity and health

NTA- Being overweight has health problems, offer support for weight loss

Body positivity wins! NTA for calling out skinny-shaming.

NTA, but be cautious of HAES cult-like behavior
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/2c1b480a-d693-404d-bcab-09d8995d7532.png)
Last Updated on June 4, 2023 by Diply Social Team