Imagine overcoming a life of drug addiction and homelessness, only to find out your brother has been writing a book about your struggles. In this emotionally charged story, our protagonist shares their journey from drug-addicted teen to a sober adult who’s managed to rebuild their relationship with their brother. But when the brother reveals he’s been writing a book about their shared experiences, tensions rise and our protagonist is left wondering if they’re in the wrong for not wanting their story to be published. Grab some tissues and buckle up, because this rollercoaster of emotions is about to take off!
The Drug-Fueled Journey Begins

Brother Watches in Despair

A Temporary Home

Desperate Calls for Help

No More Help

Celebrating Sobriety

A Surprising Phone Call

A Book About My Life?

️ His Side of the Story

No Permission Granted

Profiting Off My Pain?

Reading His Perspective

Brother’s Book: A Betrayal or a Blessing?
Our protagonist’s life has been a whirlwind of drug addiction, homelessness, and family drama. After getting sober and rebuilding their relationship with their brother, they’re shocked to learn he’s been writing a book about their experiences. The brother claims it’s therapeutic for him and could help others in similar situations, but our protagonist feels betrayed and doesn’t want their story out there for the world to see. With emotions running high and both sides feeling justified, it’s hard to say who’s right in this situation. Let’s dive into the top responses from the internet and see what people think about this family feud!
Brother has the right to tell his side, YTA.

Former addict called out for trying to stop brother’s book. YTA.

Compromise may be key to resolve family dispute over memoir.

YTA thinks reading the book is necessary for empathy.

Respecting privacy is important. Suggest writing book together to reconcile.

NTA disagrees with YTA, but thinks ESH if brother uses name. It’s his story too.

Respect privacy. Non-fiction story with personal information needs permission. NTA.
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Brother’s intention to profit from addiction story sparks conflict. NAH.

NTA for wanting anonymity in brother’s potentially damaging book

Privacy violation concerns raised in story publishing without consent. NTA.

Congrats on overcoming addiction, but YTA mildly. It’s not just your story, it’s your family’s too. Book profiting is very hard.

Brother wants to profit off your dark past? NTA.

Respectful NTA comment on personal stories and future repercussions.
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Respect for personal stories and privacy

Sibling’s book about addiction: Soft YTA, brother has right too
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Former addict expresses outrage over brother profiting from story
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Sharing his experiences could harm OP’s personal and professional life. NTA.

Brother’s claim to profit off former addict’s story is unfair.

Debate over brother’s book on ex-addict sparks YTA judgement.

NAH. Brother wants to profit off story, but OP has concerns.

OP’s outrage over brother profiting off story is selfish. ESH.

Sibling rivalry? Former addict says NTA to brother’s book proposal

Former addict encourages brother to collaborate, be a recovery example

Brother can’t profit off ex-addict’s story without permission. NTA.

Respecting OP’s wishes is crucial. NTA for setting boundaries.

OP’s brother profiting off their story without consent is unacceptable

Sibling writes book about former addict without consent

Respectful comment suggests letting brother keep story for his healing.

Engaging dialogue on respecting privacy and finding alternative solutions.

Former addict’s entitlement to brother’s story: shut down with empathy ❤️

Former addict upset with brother’s book, told he’s the a**hole.

NTA. Personal privacy should be respected even if you hurt him. Therapy is confidential.

Owning up to your mistakes is part of sobriety journey.

Compromise suggestion for sibling’s story sparks interest

Sibling feud turned profitable? NTA suggests working together for closure.

Sibling resentment and therapy suggestion in NAH situation

Former addict wants to move on, brother should use pseudonym.

Recommendation for family therapy to resolve book conflict. NAH.

Writer’s brother profits off former addict’s story without consent

Is it morally wrong to profit off someone else’s dark period?

Former addict uncomfortable with brother profiting off their story

NTA: Respect and consent matter. Get that coin

Sibling of former addict calls them out and supports brother’s book

Former addict sets boundary with brother over sharing personal story

Will the book use his real name? Important legal distinction!

Empathy lacking in comments. Let OP heal. #NAH

Navigating family dynamics: sibling profits off former addict’s story.

Sibling’s addiction story in book? Suggest pseudonym & anonymized details.

Compromise suggested for publishing sensitive life stories. ESH.

Former addict shares his NTA opinion and suggests a book collaboration.

Former addict’s brother has every right to write his story.

NTA. Brother profiting off your addiction story without permission is wrong.

Sibling conflict over addiction story publishing – ESH.

Complicated situation. Have an open discussion about how to proceed.

Sibling’s book profits off my life: fair deal or exploitation?

Debate over brother profiting off former addict’s story – NAH.

Discussion on whether former addict should profit off their story.
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Writer suggests compromise and common courtesy for sharing personal story

Author profiting off former addict’s story, ESH, but legal.

Compromise and co-write the book for a healthy outcome!

Sibling rivalry! Former addict upset brother profits from his story.

Privacy violation! Brother has no right to profit. NTA.
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Both brothers should talk and consider each other’s feelings.
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Debate over privacy for addicts compared to other writers
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NTA commenter supports shaming and humiliating former addict.

NTA commenter defends privacy, questions YTA posts.
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Owning your story: a powerful message from Anne Lamott

NTA commenter empathizes with OP’s personal struggle and condemns brother’s actions.

Don’t judge before reading his book. Keep an open mind!

Family member defends brother’s right to share his perspective.

Respectful perspective on brother’s book, suggests compromise for privacy.

Encouraging response to writer sharing personal stories for inspiration.

NTA for expressing your desire but can’t legally force him.

Brother profits off sibling’s addiction story, NTA for being upset.
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Former addict’s brother shouldn’t profit off his story. Therapy recommended.

Sister shares experience, supports author’s brother, NTA.

Last Updated on March 13, 2024 by Diply Social Team