We all know that New Year’s resolutions can be a real challenge, but imagine if yours came with a side of drama and a test of friendship! This is the story of a woman who decided to take control of her health and fitness, only to find herself in a sticky situation with her friend, Sam. As the saying goes, ‘No pain, no gain’, but who knew the pain would be emotional, not physical? ️♀️ Let’s dive into this gripping tale…
New Year, New Resolution ️♀️
The Unexpected Gym Buddy
First Day Drama ️♀️
Surprise! I’m Not Terrible
Sam’s Struggles and Snide Remarks ️
The Trainer’s Verdict ♀️ ️♀️
Sam’s Ultimatum ♀️
The Big Decision
Friend or Foe?
The Aftermath
Fitness Feud: The Final Verdict
The drama unfolds as our fitness enthusiast sticks to her guns, refusing to abandon her new trainer or her New Year’s resolution. Despite the guilt and the pressure from Sam, she decides to prioritize her health and well-being over a toxic friendship. She even takes the bold step of confronting Sam about her behavior, effectively ending their friendship. It’s a tough decision, but sometimes, you have to choose yourself over others, especially when it comes to your health and happiness. Let’s see how the internet reacts to this juicy gym drama…
“NTA. She sounds like a baby and the inappropriate comment was just horridly r**e. Hope you make great progress this year!”
Cut toxic friends, hit the gym, and find your happiness!
NTA. Friend’s r**e behavior at the gym causes unexpected consequences.
NTA. Sam is no friend. She’s threatened by your success.
Is Sam really a friend?
Toxic friend? Stand up for yourself and prioritize your health!
Sam: Friend or Foe? Gym buddies turned backstabbers!
NTA: Sam’s behavior is shocking. Is she really a friend?
NTA: Toxic friend, time to end the friendship.
Keep the trainer, ditch the friend.
Friendship gone sour at the gym
NTA. Friend’s ill-intended joke crosses the line, trainer takes action.
NTA. Sam tried to sabotage your fitness goals. You go, girl!
NTA. Stick with the supportive trainer and cut ties with Sam.
NTA: Don’t let r**e friends bring you down!
“Not the a**hole! But your hopefully ex friend is big time.”
When your fitness resolution reveals your friend’s true colors
Cutting out toxic friends at the gym.
NTA. You’re better off without toxic friends.
NTA: Keep getting healthy with your trainer, ignore the a**hole.
Toxic friend turned jealous and insulting. Time to move on.
NTA: Jealousy and negativity have no place at the gym.
Congrats on pushing forward! Ignore the negative energy
NTA. Insecure friend got the boot. You’re not abandoning her
NTA: Gym buddies can be worse than enemies!
Find your best self with supportive friends!
Friendship tested at the gym
Sam’s r**e behavior at the gym sparks controversy.
Toxic friendship alert! Cut ties with jealous, insulting Sam!
NTA. Sam sounds awful, why subject yourself to more abuse?
NTA shuts down gossiping friend, trainer fires her.
Sam’s jealousy sparks tension in the gym.
Dump the toxic friend and find someone who appreciates you!
Friend’s r**e behavior makes you not the a**hole.
Sam wants OP to stay the “fat friend”
NTA but why call her your friend? Cut her off!
Cutting out bad apples for happy goals! Best wishes!
Friendship gone sour? Toxic gym buddy causing problems.
Standing up to a terrible person at the gym.
Dump the friend, keep the trainer!
Toxic friend tries to undermine gym progress, trainer steps in.
NTA! Offensive comment from friend, more insults to follow.
Cut toxic friends out of your life!
Making healthy choices and excluding toxic people.
Sam: The Gym Nemesis
Friend turned enemy at the gym? NTA for kicking her out!
Jealous friend tries to sabotage fitness journey. Keep pushing forward!
NTA! Surround yourself with supportive friends on your fitness journey!
Supportive comment: Keep at it! Your friend will figure themselves out.
Supportive comment and encouragement to stick with a positive trainer
Friendship tested at the gym: NTA, friend is a j**k
Keep up the positive attitude! Don’t let haters bring you down
Taking charge, cutting out toxic friends, and getting fit!
NTA: Gym bully gets rightfully kicked out. Friend turned foe.
Ditch your ‘friend’ at the gym?
Sam’s sabotage: NTA, ditch the negative vibes
Unwanted gym buddy hijacks training session. Awkward and costly situation!
Sam: Friend or Foe? NTA thinks they’re an a**hole!
Leave the friend, take the trainer.
No friendship at the gym. NTA.
NTA. Overcoming gym insecurities, finding support, and positive vibes
Cut toxic Sam out of your life for a healthier you!
NTA comment: A hilarious response that shuts down the negativity
♀️ NTA. Gym friend turned foe, sabotaging or just tactless?
NTA: Supportive friend, but gym skills caused unexpected tension
Insecure friend? Not the a**hole!
Last Updated on August 15, 2023 by Diply Social Team