Imagine a home where love, trust, and laughter should be the order of the day, but instead, mind games and ‘discipline tests’ have taken over. Meet our 36-year-old heroine, engaged to a 40-year-old teacher who seems to have turned their home into a behavioral lab. With three kids from a previous marriage, our heroine thought she found love and a father figure for her children. But things took a turn when the fiancé’s idea of discipline started to look more like a psychological experiment. ️♂️
A New Family, A New Beginning?

Discipline or Dictatorship?

The Discipline Tests Begin

The Skittles Incident

The Dollar Dilemma

The Unexpected Outcome

The Truth Unveiled ️♀️

The Punishment Proposal

Mother’s Fury Unleashed

The Battle of Principles ️

The Standoff

The Fiancé’s Final Word ️

A House Divided: Discipline or Deception? ️
In a home where discipline tests have replaced family game nights, our heroine finds herself in a predicament. Her fiancé, a teacher by profession, has turned their home into a behavioral lab, conducting ‘tests’ on her children. The most recent one involved a missing dollar and a $10 reward, leading to an unexpected outcome and a heated argument. The mother stands her ground, refusing to let her son be punished for failing a ‘test’ she deems ridiculous. The fiancé, however, sees this as an undermining of his authority and a breeding ground for ‘unacceptable behaviors’. As the tension escalates, we’re left to wonder, who’s in the right here? Let’s see what the internet has to say…
“YTA for allowing emotional abuse. Get him away from your kids.”

ESH: Manipulative fiancé and enabling partner, time to dump him.

Dump him! His ‘discipline tests’ are psychologically damaging to your kids.

Manipulative ‘tests’ by abusive fiance spark concern and outrage.

YTA for allowing mind games with your kids. Prioritize their safety!

Commenter warns about dangerous fiancé, others agree he’s terrible.

NTA for calling out delusion, but YTA for tolerating abuse?

Fiancé’s ‘discipline tests’ spark family drama: Who’s really at fault?
Comment: Your fiancé is a psycho
Replies: NTA
This isn’t about discipline. It’s about control and power.
Traumatized by stepmother’s ‘tests’, still suffering at 50.

NTA. Fiancé’s cruel ‘discipline tests’ backfire. Kids outsmart him.

Parent’s ‘discipline tests’ deemed harmful by commenters, sparking controversy.

Think twice before marrying someone who subjects children to discipline tests.

YTA for staying with an abusive man. Protect your children!

ESH: Fiancé emotionally abuses kids, OP needs to protect them!

Protect your kids! Don’t marry an abusive stepparent.

Don’t marry him! This guy shouldn’t be raising kids.

Engaging caption for the comment and its replies.

Fiancé’s ‘discipline tests’ creating toxic and unsafe home environment.

Fiancé’s ‘Discipline Tests’ Spark Family Drama: Who’s Really at Fault?

Ex-fiancé? More like exasperating!

Fiancé’s ‘discipline tests’ are actually entrapment. Dump him!

Engaging caption for the comment and its replies

Protect your kids! Escape and don’t marry that person!

Parent defends kids against abusive fiancé. Who’s really at fault?

Don’t ignore the red flag! Protect your kids! ️

YTA’s toxic fiancé punishes and plays mind games with kids!

Fiancé ‘testing’ kids? NTA for calling him out, but stop it!

Parent questions fiance’s ‘discipline tests’ on children, deems him NTA

Dump the unhinged fiancée for the kids’ sake! NTA
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Fiancé’s ‘tests’ are unhinged. Surprising for a teacher.

Protect your kids! Don’t let this manipulative behavior continue!

Fiancé’s ‘discipline tests’ are sociopathic! OP is NTA.

“YTA. Subjecting your kids to abuse? Get them out ASAP!”
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Engaging caption: Emotional manipulation and abuse in the family – who’s to blame?

Red flags galore! Don’t marry him!

Mind games with kids? That’s a red flag. ESH

Protect your children from this AH. Get rid of him!
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
NTA, reconsider marrying this person. Protect your kids.

Parent accuses fiancé of manipulative discipline tests on children.

Fiancé’s creepy ‘discipline tests’ causing family drama. NTA for leaving!

NTA, protect your kiddos from controlling ex-fiancé.

Parent calls out toxic environment, sparks family drama.

Fiancé’s ‘Discipline Tests’ Spark Family Drama: Who’s Really at Fault?

Fiancé’s ‘discipline tests’ causing family drama. Is he really loving?

Parenting partner’s ‘discipline tests’ create family drama and resentment.

NTA. Protect your children from this manipulative fiancé. Run away!

YTA for staying with an abusive partner. Protect your children!

YTA for enabling manipulative behavior towards your children.

NTA: Spotting red flags before saying ‘I do’!

Think twice before staying with a man who neglects your kids.

Questioning OP’s judgment: Do they want this man around? YTA

NTA – Fiancé’s ‘discipline tests’ are manipulative and deceitful. ♀️
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Run! Protect your kids from this toxic and damaging relationship.

NTA: Lying fiancé sets up ‘gotcha’ test, time to ditch!

Dump him! Start therapy to undo the damage.

Escape the red flags! Leave the abusive, manipulative partner!

Don’t marry him!

Don’t let your kids suffer: end the engagement now!

Nuts teacher fiance needs therapy! Don’t marry him.

Protect your kids and kick him out! ♀️
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“Dump this emotional s****t! Put your children first! NTA!”

Irony at its finest: Fiancé accuses others of greed and dishonesty, but lies and steals from kids. NTA.
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NTA. Fiancé’s ‘discipline tests’ raising paranoid kids. Time to reconsider?

NTA: Don’t punish kids for existing! Build trust, not terror.

NTA. Toxic behavior! Run. Clever child. Be proud.

NTA calls out toxic behavior of fiance and teacher.

ESH, but why stay with him?

NTA, but marrying him? You might become the AH.

NTA. Get your own roof and a new boyfriend!

NTA for setting boundaries, but don’t let him harm your kids.
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Last Updated on January 6, 2024 by Diply Social Team