Imagine having a fiancé who conducts secret ‘tests’ on your children to evaluate their behavior. One mom found herself in this exact situation when her fiancé, a 40-year-old teacher, started playing mind games with her kids from a previous marriage. He believes they lack discipline and has taken it upon himself to teach them a lesson. But when one of his bizarre tests goes awry, the mom is left questioning if she’s an enabler or if her fiancé has gone too far.
Fiancé’s Discipline Obsession

The ‘Tests’ Begin ️♂️

Examples of Fiancé’s Tests

The Dollar Test

14-Year-Old ‘Fails’ Test

The Truth Revealed

Fiancé’s Harsh Punishment

Mom Fights Back

Fiancé’s ‘Principles’

Undermining Authority?

Fiancé’s Ultimatum

Mom vs. Fiancé: Who’s Right? ♀️
Caught in a battle between her fiancé’s bizarre disciplinary tactics and her son’s questionable actions, this mom is left wondering if she’s enabling bad behavior or if her fiancé is taking things too far. With the fiancé threatening to not tolerate dishonesty under his roof, the stakes are high. Is she right to stand up for her son, or should she let her fiancé’s punishment stand? Let’s dive into the internet’s top responses to this tricky situation…
Commenter and replies condemn emotional abuse of children by fiance.

Fiancé’s ‘tests’ for kids are manipulative and illegal. Dump him!

Fiancé’s ‘tests’ are damaging, send him packing.

Red flags raised by a teacher on manipulative ‘tests’ for kids. NTA.

Commenter and replies condemn enabler of child abuse. YTA.

Commenter and reply agree: Dump the dangerous fiancé

Commenter calls out the OP for tolerating psychological abuse.

Commenter calls fiancé a psycho, others agree on power dynamic.

Traumatized commenter warns against fiancé’s ‘tests’ on kids.

Fiancé’s cruel tests on kids, commenter calls him a ‘jerkwad’

Commenter calls out psycho fiancé’s power trip with kids.

Protect your kids, don’t marry someone who tests them

Red flag alert: Commenter calls out abusive behavior

Commenter calls out emotional abuse and manipulation, urges action.

Fiancé’s ‘tests’ for kids are warning signs of future abuse.

Beware of red flags: a controlling fiancé is not parent material.

Fiancé’s mind games with kids: NTA seeks advice on handling it

Toxic ‘tests’ create unsafe home environment for kids.

Fiancé’s abusive ‘tests’ on kids condemned as deranged and sick

Sassy NTA comment throws shade at bizarre fiancé behavior

Fiancé’s ‘tests’ for kids are entrapment, NTA should dump him

Fiancé’s ‘virtue tests’ on kids deemed abusive and hypocritical. NTA.

Protect your kids! Don’t marry this person.

Protecting your kids from abuse: NTA, but don’t enable it.

Protect your kids from abuse. NTA for refusing punishment.

Fiancé’s bizarre ‘tests’ for kids – is mom enabling him?

Protect your children from your toxic fiancé.

Dump the fiancee for the sake of the kids
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Parent questions fiancé’s bizarre tests on kids, declares NTA.

Fiancé’s ‘tests’ are unhinged, and as a teacher, he should know better. #NTA

Red flag alert! Fiancé’s ‘tests’ are abusive. Protect your kids.

Fiancé’s ‘tests’ for kids are sociopathic. OP NTA, fiancé is AH

Commenter calls out enabler for subjecting kids to abuse
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Fiancé emotionally manipulates kids, both are a******s.

Red flags everywhere! Don’t marry him!

Don’t marry someone who tests your kids like this

Fiancé’s disturbing mind games with kids – ESH verdict.

Protect your kids from the AH fiancé. Get rid ASAP.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Ex-fiancé’s bizarre ‘tests’ raises red flags for commenter

Fiancé’s ‘tests’ on kids called out as dishonest and s****y

Protect your kids from manipulative ‘tests’

Fiancé’s ‘tests’ on kids prompt warning of future regret.

Are the kids in a toxic environment? YTA for enabling.

Protect your children from mind games. Don’t marry him.

Fiancé’s ‘tests’ for kids: NTA, but is he a creep? ♀️

Think twice before letting him around your kids. #YTA

Red flag alert: Fiancé’s manipulative behavior towards kids

Red flag alert! Is the fiancé exhibiting abusive behavior?

Protect your kids! This guy sounds like a nightmare.

Ditch him! Entrapment is not okay. #NTA

Fiancé’s bizarre ‘tests’ for kids called out for being unhealthy

User warns of fiance’s behavior towards kids, advises to reconsider relationship.

YTA’s partner abuses children, why stay?

Red flag alert: ‘Don’t marry him!’

Protect your kids! End the engagement and show him out.

Fiancé’s manipulative ‘tests’ exposed as lies, NTA for leaving
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Red flags everywhere! Leave this abusive, manipulative partner.

Protect your kids, kick out the abuser
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Commenter calls out fiancé’s bizarre tests and suggests therapy ☠️

NTA commenter urges dumping ‘Machievellian emotional s****t’ fiancé.

Protect your kids, dump him, and seek family therapy.

Commenter calls out fiancé’s hypocrisy and advises rethinking marriage.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Fiancé’s bizarre ‘tests’ criticized for raising paranoid children.

Run! ♀️ NTA’s clever child deserves better.

Questioning the relationship status, ESH comment left unanswered.

Raising children doesn’t mean punishing them for existing

NTA for refusing fiancé’s ‘tests’; suggest testing him instead.

Fiancé’s twisted tests on kids condemned by commenter.

Commenter advises getting a new boyfriend and roof.

Commenter calls out fiancé’s bizarre ‘tests’ for kids as unacceptable.

Parenting red flags: Enabling fiancé’s bizarre ‘tests’ on kids

Last Updated on May 31, 2023 by Diply Social Team