We’ve all heard of the ‘tough love’ approach, but how far is too far? In a world where mental health awareness is on the rise, one father finds himself in a predicament that has left his household in a tense state. His 23-year-old daughter, an artist and musician, claims she’s severely depressed. Yet, she refuses to seek professional help and continues her usual social life. The father, who believes in the reality of d********n, is left in a quandary. Is his daughter genuinely struggling or using her claim as an excuse to avoid responsibilities? Let’s delve into this emotionally charged tale…
A Father’s Dilemma: Is it D********n or an Excuse?

The Artistic Daughter’s Life at Home

A Life of Leisure, But No Job in Sight

A Father’s Concern: Time for Independence

The Bombshell: A Claim of Severe D********n

The Father’s Response: Support and Skepticism

The Daughter’s Resistance: No to Therapy

A Father’s Observation: No Signs of D********n?

The Phone Incident: A Battle Over Responsibility

The Daughter’s Outburst: Accusations of Insensitivity

The Father’s Retort: A Call for Maturity

The Aftermath: A Household on Ice

A Household Divided: The Fallout of a Father-Daughter Clash
In this emotionally charged narrative, a father and his 23-year-old daughter find themselves at odds over her claimed d********n and refusal to seek help. The father, who has experienced d********n himself, struggles to reconcile her claims with her behavior. The tension escalates when the daughter demands a new phone, leading to a heated exchange that leaves their relationship on thin ice. The father insists on her need to grow up and seek professional help, while the daughter accuses him of insensitivity towards her ‘disability.’ As the household remains in a tense standoff, the internet weighs in on this delicate situation… ⚖️
“NTA. Understanding the frustration of supporting someone who won’t help themselves. ♀️”
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/d92d6d12-4bda-411e-98e8-5530fe671bf5.png)
NTA for expecting daughter to be an adult at 23

NTA. Daughter needs to take responsibility for herself and seek help/job.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/cad87b2e-f16f-4ca4-a4c5-d1694b2b7836.png)
NTA. Undiagnosed d********n? Get diagnosed or get a grip

“NTA – Tough love needed. Buzz words can abuse systems. “

“YTA for enabling this behavior. Your daughter is able-bodied and has never had a job and left school at least 5 years ago. You and your spouse allowed this and now you get to deal with the consequences. Good luck.”

“YTA. Start being a parent. Make money conditional on her doing things.”

NTA. Daughter’s self-diagnosis and entitlement is causing unnecessary drama.

NTA- Parenting is tough, but finding a job might help. Good luck!

NTA, but could have handled better. Encourage freelance art/graphic design.

ESH: Don’t dismiss someone’s d********n, seek professional help for her.

User calls out parent for enabling entitled behavior, predicts struggles

Engaging caption: NTA, but approach her with empathy and professional help

Enabling an adult baby? Teaching basic adulting skills earlier!
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/dcdaec02-1f20-47e4-af3d-59d06f2089ae.png)
Tough love or manipulation? Ultimatum: therapy or job. Cut off support.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/d584c047-f5a2-4bd8-8534-2ddf75163e2e.png)
Supportive dad draws the line. Tough love for daughter’s d********n.

Personal experience with hidden signs of d********n and seeking help.

NTA. Encouraging daughter to seek professional help for d********n.

♂️ Entitlement and laziness: Who’s really to blame here?

NTA: Father’s supportive tough love helps daughter with d********n

Setting boundaries and responsibilities can help combat d********n.

Father’s tough love or insensitivity? Daughter feels entitled.

NAH-NTA: Daughter’s claimed d********n, lack of effort, need for intervention

Last Updated on September 25, 2023 by Diply Social Team