A father has been accused of being too harsh on his daughter after he took back the money he promised to pay for her trip with friends. This came after she refused to babysit her younger siblings for one evening while he and his wife celebrated their anniversary. The daughter, who left her summer job recently, had been promised $80 for the trip. The father, who was unable to find a babysitter at short notice, argued that his daughter should have been willing to help out, but the daughter disagreed. The dispute has led to a breakdown in communication between the two, with the daughter giving her father the cold shoulder. Reddit users are divided over who is in the right, with some suggesting that the father was unreasonable, while others believe the daughter should have been more responsible.
Father reneges on promised trip money for daughter, causing conflict

Father reneges on promise to fund daughter’s trip over babysitting

Daughter denied promised money for trip due to sister-watching duties.

Father reneges on daughter’s trip money over babysitting dispute.

Father reneges on promise to pay for daughter’s trip ♂️

Father retracts trip money after daughter refuses to watch siblings

Father takes back promised money for daughter’s trip over siblings

Last minute sitter issue leads to financial disappointment for daughter.

Father takes back promised money for daughter’s trip
A father promised his daughter, Zoey, that he would pay for her part of a trip with friends. However, when he asked Zoey to watch her younger siblings so he and his wife could celebrate their anniversary, Zoey refused and said she had plans to attend a party. The father became angry and took back the promised money for the trip. Zoey called him unbelievable and is now cold shouldering him. Some commenters are wondering why the father notified Zoey last minute. Read on for more reactions.
OP’s last minute demands and lack of respect for daughter’s plans make them TA
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/2e75499a-d3be-4ecd-a574-dc8f791d76ee.png)
Father refuses to give daughter notice but expects her to babysit ♂️ YTA
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/f601a40c-3501-4f43-a6bf-0df31dac409a.png)
Father’s control over daughter’s plans makes him TA

Father reneges on promise, daughter calls him out. YTA

Father demands daughter prioritize siblings over her own plans, gets rightfully called out as YTA

Father unfairly takes back promised money for daughter’s trip. YTA

OP gets called out for being the a**hole
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/11692d82-0b23-4d84-bac6-f175300dec37.png)
Father reneges on money promise, punishes daughter for not babysitting.

Commenter shares negative experience with parents attaching strings to help.

Father reneges on promised money for daughter’s trip; deemed YTA.

Father reneges on promise for daughter’s trip due to childcare duties

Father refuses to plan childcare, takes back promised money. YTA.

Father reneges on promised money for daughter’s trip with conditions. YTA.

Father fails to plan anniversary, punishes daughter, YTA
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/baf7b92e-1b4e-444a-b93b-4519c5ea155e.png)
Father reneges on promise to daughter for childcare issue. YTA.

Father breaks promise and learns a harsh lesson. ♂️

Commenter calls out father for reneging on promise to daughter.

Don’t be an a**hole, let her say goodbye

Father reneges on promise to daughter over sibling care. YTA.

Father’s last minute childcare demand backfires, commenters call out irresponsibility

Father reneges on promise and punishes daughter for having plans

Commenter calls out OP for poor planning

Father reneges on daughter’s trip money and childcare agreement. YTA

Father’s lack of planning ruins daughter’s trip. YTA

Father refuses to watch siblings, takes back promised money. YTA.

Father takes back gift of money from daughter for saying no. YTA ♂️

Father reneges on promise for daughter’s trip over babysitting duties

Father reneges on payment for daughter’s trip because she refused babysitting

Father breaks promise, daughter’s trip in jeopardy. YTA ♂️

Father reneges on gift and punishes daughter for his own mistake

Father refuses to watch siblings, takes back promised money. YTA

Commenter calls out father’s lack of planning and priorities

Father reneges on promise, blackmailed daughter to get his way

Parent expects free childcare from 17 y/o daughter, takes back promised money. YTA
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/746efa9a-48fd-4dfa-aeb0-693b90f2927c.png)
Father reneges on promise, daughter may hold grudge. YTA

Father’s unreasonable expectations lead to broken promise
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/369ed936-195a-44aa-bb25-cb631e901f13.png)
Father backs out on promise, daughter called YTA, poor planning.

Don’t be an a**hole dad, plan ahead for babysitting

Father refuses to watch siblings, takes back trip money from daughter. YTA

Broken promises and forced parenting leads to resentful children. YTA

Father reneges on promise, punishes daughter for his own mistake

Father reneges on promised trip money, refuses to watch siblings. YTA.

Father reneges on promised money for daughter’s trip, YTA

Father reneges on promised money for daughter’s trip. Commenters outraged. YTA.

Father refuses daughter’s trip money due to own mistake. YTA

Commenter judges father as a**hole for reneging on promise
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/3822ac65-c5d4-4a3b-883c-d3d8be1843a0.png)
Father takes back promised money and punishes daughter for having valid reasons. YTA ♂️

Commenter judges father’s actions with ‘YTA’ acronym.

Commenter calls out parent for reneging on daughter’s trip YTA

Father accused of blackmailing daughter over promised money

Commenter thinks father is in the wrong. ♂️

Expecting older siblings to babysit without communication makes you TA

Commenter deems father the a**hole, no replies.

Last Updated on April 14, 2023 by Diply Social Team