In a world where ‘No’ is a word seldom uttered to children, one brave fast food worker (23M) dared to stand his ground. After losing a significant amount of money due to the pandemic, he found himself back under his parents’ roof, juggling a job and college courses. His sanctuary? A room filled with RC cars and a locked PC. But when unexpected guests, two young kids, make an unannounced visit, the stage was set for a clash of wills that would test the boundaries of entitlement, empathy, and the sacred right to say ‘No’. ️
The Unexpected Guests

The Battery Dies, Chaos Ensues

The Invasion Begins

The First ‘No’ ️

Parents’ Verdict ⚖️

The Second ‘No’

Tantrum Time!

The Accusation ️⚡

The Retreat

The Aftermath ️

The Support

The Verdict: A Lesson in Boundaries or a Lack of Empathy? ♂️⚖️
In a whirlwind of tantrums, accusations, and a mini RC car, our fast food hero stood his ground, asserting his right to say ‘No’. Despite the emotional rollercoaster, he emerged unscathed, his RC car intact, and his resolve stronger than ever. But was he too harsh? Or did he teach a valuable lesson about entitlement and boundaries? Let’s delve into the top responses from the world wide web for some perspective. ️♀️
NTA. Firm boundaries set with entitled cousin and her kids.

NTA- You set boundaries and they need to respect that.

NTA: Entitled mom and her spoiled kids get a reality check

NTA. Your stuff, your rules. Entitled kids don’t deserve it.

NTA: No obligation to entertain entitled kids with expensive toys.

NTA. Stand your ground and protect your belongings!

NTA. Teaching boundaries and saying no benefits everyone.

NTA: Setting boundaries with entitled kids, cousin encourages bad behavior.

Mom’s not the a**hole for not entertaining entitled kids. ♀️

Entitled Kids Meet Their Match: Fast Food Worker Strikes Back

NTA. Teaching entitled kids a lesson in respect

Responsible mom brings toys, shuts down entitled kids.

NTA. Spoiled brats and their enabling mother invade unannounced
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NTA. Setting boundaries with entitled kids.

NTA – Handling entitled kids: better options, late conversations.

Setting boundaries with entitled kids. No means no!

NTA. Glad the mini made it through the ridiculous tantrum without damage.

NTA- Finally, others agree that entitled kids need boundaries!

NTA. Entitled kids, clueless mother. Well played, dude!

NTA. Pack toys when visiting. Kid needs to learn ‘no’ ❌

Teaching entitled kids a lesson in saying no politely

NTA. Entitled kids face a r**e awakening without basic manners.

NTA: Stand up for your property rights!

NTA: Mom’s cellphone was out of battery, kids got bored

“NTA: Teaching kids boundaries now prevents future chaos! “

NTA: Teaching entitled kids a valuable life lesson.

NTA: Standing up for yourself against entitled kids.

Explaining why RC cars aren’t appropriate toys for kids. NTA

NTA. Kids need boundaries.

NTA: Entitled kids and sharing, a recipe for school drama!

NTA, but friends with kids think you’re r**e. ♂️

Setting boundaries with entitled kids: NTA, mom’s responsibility

NTA. Share it on r/entitledparents for maximum satisfaction!

Entitled kids, emotional tantrums, and a cookie for comfort

Setting boundaries with entitled kids. NTA, you did great!

NTA: Teach kids boundaries, don’t excuse bad behavior because of age.

Firm but fair: NTA for not entertaining entitled kids.

NTA, you were kind.

NTA. Don’t let entitled kids ruin your RC car fun!

Kid throws tantrum, tries to break RC car. Entitled much?

“F**k them kids.”- A bold statement on setting boundaries.

“NTA. Teaching kids boundaries is crucial. Parenting is lacking today.”

NTA. Kids’ tantrums should be addressed by better parenting.

NTA. Cousin was mean to kids, no entertainment for them.

You’re innocent. Not.a.single.thing.

Entitled kids throw tantrum over not playing with someone’s stuff.
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Entitled kids demand worker’s electronics, but he stands his ground.

Parent calls out entitled kids and bad parenting.

NTA – Politely declining could have been a better option.

NTA, but a little communication could have prevented the drama!

Being firm but kind could have avoided conflict.

Entitled kid tries to break RC car, parent complains. NTA
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Stand your ground and set boundaries with entitled kids.
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Parents need to BYOE (Bring Your Own Entertainment) for kids!

Setting boundaries and raising responsible kids.

NTA – Teaching kids boundaries is crucial for their development!

Parents with spoiled kids need a reality check!

Cousin needs to learn boundaries and teach her entitled kids

Teaching kids to handle ‘no’ is crucial. NTA wins!

Parent brings kids’ entertainment but teaches respect for others’ belongings.

Staying with parents, but they’ve changed. NTA for not appeasing.

Battle of the RC Cars: NTA vs Terrible Kids
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Cousin’s visit turns into RC car battle. NTA for setting boundaries.

NTA – Valid reasons, no mean-spiritedness. You’re in the clear!

Setting boundaries with entitled kids. NTA, teach them respect!
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Parents sacrifice personal space for their kids. NTA, no doubt.
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NTA. No a****e here. Who’s the winner? Let’s find out! ️

Teaching kids to handle rejection: NTA sets boundaries

Enablers vs. Fast Food Worker: Who’s the Real Winner? ️

NTA. Life lessons: tantrums won’t always get what they want

NTA! Teaching entitled kids a valuable life lesson.

NTA. Entitled parents ruining it for the rest of us.

Finally, someone said it! Kudos to you! Definitely NTA.

NTA. Stand your ground against entitled kids and meddling parents!

NTA, dude you are my hero. Parents indulging entitled kids.

Setting boundaries like a boss! NTA for the win!

NTA. Teaching love means setting boundaries and enforcing them.

Last Updated on July 25, 2023 by Diply Social Team