When it comes to ~ funky ~ celeb parenting techniques, Gwyneth Paltrow’s methods deffs belong up there.
Is Gwyneth eclectic because she’s a celebrity? Maybe. Is it because she owns a lifestyle brand whose whole thing is being weird? Maybe. Is it because she named her daughter Apple? Again, maybe ! We can never be too sure anymore!
In case you didn’t know, Gwyneth Paltrow is a lil’ ~ wacky ~ ya know? A little off the wall. A little funky, if you will.
She always reminds us of this fact when she posts a picture of a new face mask or launches a candle that smells like her lady parts!
So when she revealed on her Goop site that she bought her 14-year-old son a b****e themed puzzle, people were like *OH GWYNETH!*
The $40 Jiggly brand puzzle contains 450-pieces!
This innovative puzzle was designed by a Brooklyn-based freelance illustrator named Julia Heffernan, and features drawings of b*****s of various shapes, sizes and colors.
So honestly, it’s a great thing for teens to see! What a great reminder that all b*****s are different, but equally beautiful!
Of course, Gwyneth told Goop readers she got the B**b puzzle for Moses “just for fun.”
The puzzle was part of Gwyneth’s summer at home article, where she highlighted some of her family’s must haves.
The list also includes a $28 almond milk creamer, $39 Goop brand mint oil pulling sachets and a $1050 gemstone heat therapy mat.
The fans were loving Gwyneth’s gift to her son!
“It’s a great move on her part. He’s 14 and has access to internet. This puzzle will teach him about body positivity and to not treat b***s as just a sexual thing,” tweeted one fan.
“I think it’s cool that she can be open with her son about sexuality,” remarked one fan.
“If you’ve never watched her Goop videos, they’re about self-awareness and learning to get past all the hang-ups we’ve had ingrained since childhood. Way to go Gwyneth,” they concluded .
Way to go, Gwyneth!
Last Updated on July 10, 2020 by Anastasia Ross