Meet Beth and her husband, a couple with a blended family that includes their 18-year-old daughter Jessica and Beth’s two adult daughters, Monica and Leah. The family dynamic is far from perfect, with Monica and Leah constantly asking their stepsister Jessica to babysit their kids for little to no pay. When the family planned a 3-day vacation, the stepdaughters cooked up a scheme to leave Jessica behind to watch the kids, leading to a shocking revelation and a cancelled trip. ✈️
Babysitting Battle

Family Vacation Planning ️✈️

Stepdaughters’ Sneaky Suggestion

Dad Puts His Foot Down

Missing Passport Panic

Stepdaughters’ Scheme Exposed ️♂️

Passport Power Struggle

Dad Cancels Vacation ✈️

Wife Defends Stepdaughters

Accusations of Overreaction ️

Kicking Out Not an Option

Dad’s Drastic Decision: Was It Justified? ️
After discovering Monica and Leah’s deceitful plan to force Jessica to stay home and babysit during their family vacation, this dad decided to cancel the entire trip. His wife, Beth, accused him of overreacting and ruining the vacation for everyone. But was his decision justified, given the stepdaughters’ manipulative actions? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this family drama…
NTA. Wife and stepdaughters pull entitled passport scandal, commenters outraged.

NTA. Wife problem. Rethink family situation. Daughter treated unfairly.

Stepdaughters and wife cause drama. NTA, reconsider marriage

NTA: Leave Beth and her daughters, escape before it’s too late

NTA – Jessica deserves the vacation, entitled parents need a reality check

YTA, protect your daughter! Cinderella story with a twist.

Rebook the vacation and leave the stepdaughters behind. NTA

“NTA. Stepchildren and wife are entitled. Daughter should set boundaries. “

NTA. Time to kick the stepdaughters to the curb

NTA. Cinderella vibes! Stick up for your daughter, not a house Elf.

Passport scandal sparks family drama and vacation cancellation

Stepdaughters and wife are toxic. Not the a**hole.

NTA, but is your spouse treating your daughter unfairly?

Surprised by lack of criticism for staying with wife and her daughters. YTA

NTA, OP needs to confront wife and protect daughter

“YTA. Your daughter has suffered for years while you ignored it. “

ESH except Jessica. Time for Jessica to move out and thrive!

Stepdaughters and wife’s toxic behavior ruins family vacation.

NTA defends Jessica from toxic family members

Outrage over selfish parents canceling family vacation

NTA: Wife gaslighting, stepdaughters mooching, enabling behavior. Set boundaries for responsibility.

Furious parent cancels vacation after passport scandal

NTA – Grown a*s women gone wild!

Cinderella had a prince, but this daughter has toxic stepsisters

NTA, but a**hole for subjecting daughter to awful women

Last Updated on February 3, 2024 by Diply Social Team