Buckle up, folks! We’ve got a sibling showdown that’s sure to make your jaw drop! Meet our 16-year-old heroine, who’s had it up to HERE with her prank-loving YouTuber bro. He’s been shovin’ cameras in her face and pullin’ “pranks” that would make even the most seasoned prankster cringe. But our girl’s got a trick up her sleeve… and it involves a whole lotta Disney magic! ✨ Get ready for a wild ride!
Sister vs. Prank YouTuber Bro!

Bro’s Makin’ Bank, But Sis Ain’t Happy!

No Privacy for Lil’ Sis!

Grounded for Bro’s Fake Report Card!

Sis Banished to the Back!

Disney to the Copyright Rescue! ♀️

Bro’s Views Droppin’ Like Flies!

So, Is Sis the A****e Here?

♀️ No Social Media for This Gal!

The Internet Has Spoken!
Well, well, well! Looks like our girl’s not the only one fed up with her bro’s antics! The internet’s weighing in, and let’s just say… they’ve got some THOUGHTS! From calling out the parents for playing favorites to suggesting some seriously savage revenge plots, these folks are NOT holding back! But hey, can ya blame ’em? This poor gal’s been through the wringer! Let’s see what kind of spicy takes the World Wide Web has cooked up for us!
Standing up against harassment for financial gain.

Toxicity in the family, time to move on

NTA shuts down r**e brother with hilarious comeback

Don’t let the bully win. Keep playing Disney

Bullying disguised as ‘pranks’ is not cool

Protecting privacy and taking down TikTok, NTA takes action

Stand up for your rights and start your own channel!

Protect yourself from abusive family members. You’re not the a**hole.

NTA claps back at unfunny YouTube prankster

Demand your fair share!

Push back where it hurts. The money. NTA.

Protecting minors and their rights against cruel pranks

Setting boundaries is key. Demand respect and compensation

Protect your future plans and money from exploitative family members.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/3227d6ca-b72e-45f1-9ff0-68d82d20b54c.png)
Standing up for yourself and getting paid, NTA!

Clever comeback to a prankster, but filming without consent TA

Supportive comment calls out brother’s exploitative behavior, suggests alternative options.

Seek legal help and get out of the abusive situation. ✊

Using Disney music as a ‘prank’ may lead to serious consequences. ♂️

Survival tips for dealing with a cruel brother’s pranks

Standing up to bullying brother on camera: NTA

Brother’s bullying is unacceptable. Emancipation might be an option.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/da4acf22-57a5-4dd0-ae2e-fcf3061fab92.png)
Brother’s ‘pranks’ result in abuse from parents. NTA, ditch them.

Disney music prank gets NTA support from commenter. ♥

Calling out the pranks and his fake audience might help

Parental negligence and favoritism leads to family disintegration.

Clever revenge suggestion against cruel brother’s ‘pranks’

A humorous but not-so-subtle suggestion for dealing with the prankster.

Demanding fair pay for being part of his content

Taking legal action against cruel ‘pranks’

Playing Disney music to avoid being in an influencer’s content

Clever Disney references, NTA has it covered

Standing up to a cruel brother’s pranks – NTA wins!

Standing up to abusive family member, keep fighting for justice

Standing up against abuse at home – NTA.

Brother’s ‘pranks’ not funny, parents at fault. Viewership dropped

Setting boundaries with ‘prankster’ siblings

Sibling rivalry gets out of hand, commenter applauds OP’s response.

Sarcastic comment praises prankster and slams prank channels. NTA.

NTA! Encouraging tips to build yourself a great future

Brother’s cruel ‘pranks’ and parents’ indifference make OP NTA
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/019c7b26-ff84-4005-852d-0aac0df5b739.png)
Brother’s cruel ‘pranks’ causing family division, commenter NTA

Brother’s ‘pranks’ cross the line, NTA commenter suggests legal action

From YTA to NTA, a genius prank with corporate greed

Protecting yourself from illegal use of your image is reasonable ✅

Stand up to bullies, move out, and live your life!

Getting revenge by making him pay for his ‘pranks’
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/510998b4-27a6-4c94-b7e6-88d8c7164336.png)
Stand up for yourself! You have the power, don’t back down

Sibling’s prank channel causes family tension. NTA response.

Turn the tables on parents with harmless pranks!

Proven fake report card leads to unjust punishment by parents. #NTA

Get legal help to deal with cruel brother’s pranks. NTA!
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/44f353f5-6256-46aa-aeae-d01186d3babd.png)
Think twice before sharing embarrassing videos of teenagers

NTA. Posting footage of you like this is illegal in many countries

Claim your brother’s videos for copyright and get your share

Standing up to bullying brother, surrounded by NTA’s.

Take back control with a powerful message and music

Brother’s ‘pranks’ causing distress in multiple aspects of life. Consider action

Protect yourself and your interests. ️

NTA. Keep blasting that Disney music. Your brother and parents are.

NTA calls out emotionally abusive behavior and stubbornness

Escape from toxic family pranks. Get out now!

Sibling’s ‘pranks’ jeopardize OP’s education, NTA for refusing. Parents enabling.

When pranks go too far blasting music as revenge

Disney music is mild retaliation for cruel ‘pranks’ . Laser revenge tempting.

Brother’s pranks cross the line, commenter suggests payment for filming.

Disney is profitable and a clever inspiration for pranks!

Protect yourself from toxic family members ✊

Insensitive comment, let’s keep it civil

Last Updated on April 11, 2024 by Diply Social Team