In a heart-wrenching family drama, two brothers and their father are at odds over a wrongful death settlement they received back in 1996. The settlement, a life-changing amount of money, was awarded after the tragic loss of their mother. The funds were placed into a trust, with the father as the trustee. Fast forward to 2020, the father requested full access to the trust, and that’s when things took a turn for the worse.
The Trust Set Up
Father’s Request
Lawyer’s Advice
Wives’ Intervention ❤️
Trust Dissolved
The Big Decision ♂️
Family Fallout
Father’s Intentions
Step-Mother’s Expectations
Trust Renewal
Father’s Generosity
Lawsuit Considerations ⚖️
Father’s Financial Situation
Trust Issues and Family Ties Severed
This heart-wrenching story revolves around a family torn apart by a wrongful death settlement. After their father requested full access to the trust, the brothers faced a difficult decision, ultimately choosing to keep their portions of the settlement. This led to a family fallout, with their father and aunts disowning them. The brothers had to weigh their father’s intentions, step-mother’s expectations, and their own financial futures. The emotional turmoil and moral ambiguity in this story leave us wondering: did they make the right choice? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
NTA for dissolving trust, father had plans for money. Replies support.
Commenter suggests father’s greed led to disownment, witty reply follows
Father’s greed over wrongful death settlement causes family disownment. NTA
Father took all the income, NTA for not giving access
Dad’s lawyer is the real MVP
NTA receives financial advice from commenters, revealing potential for higher settlement.
Father withdrew all gains earned every year, a terrible steward.
Father disowns adult child for rightful control of own money
Father chooses money over relationship with NTA child
NTA: Child’s loss is irreplaceable, he got his own money
Father’s motives for controlling funds unclear. Funds invested separately.
NTA comment chooses not to sue for interest taken.
NTA, the settlements were for individual losses, not your father’s. Did the aunts know the whole truth?
NTA. Prioritizing your needs is okay. Family is being unfair
ESH. Father mishandled trust, OP failed to manage finances properly.
Dad took all the interest, now the money’s worth less
NTA, father disowned for following mother’s wishes. Financial security achieved
Father accused of stealing from sons’ settlement. ♂️
Heartbreaking story of trust betrayed by a greedy parent
Redditor advises disowning family member for stealing settlement money
Stand up for what’s yours! Don’t let greed win.
Sibling dispute over inheritance sparks debate on family dynamics
Money is yours, keep it. Dad had his part. NTA
NTA. Keep your money and enjoy it, it’s yours.
NTA. Dad wants power to spend money. Aunts have no say.
Missing information creates NTA situation, but dad argues otherwise
Disowned for not letting them steal your money? NTA wins
Wife shocked by husband’s willingness to risk retirement for settlement.
Family feud over settlement money, commenter not at fault.
Father disowned his own children over wrongful death settlement. NTA.
Commenter clarifies missing information in a helpful manner
NTA receives support for using settlement money to improve family’s life.
Generous use of wrongful death settlement sparks family feud. NTA wins.
Father steals wrongful death settlement interest from children. NTA.
Family greed can bring out the worst in people. NTA
Prioritizing safety over family inheritance. #NTA
No sympathy for entitled family member
Sibling greed exposed in wrongful death settlement dispute. #NTA
Father’s greed cost children millions in lost interest and dividends
Father’s greed exposed, commenter not the a**hole for prioritizing family.
Extended family upset over settlement, NTA keeps their money
Set boundaries with your dad. Your money, your rules.
Sibling argues father’s greed in wrongful death settlement distribution.
Commenter prompts missing info, receives grateful reply ❤
Sibling duo avoids shady situation, dad may not approve ♂️
Father wastes trust money, disowns children, and demands more.
Commenter calls out selfish father in wrongful death settlement dispute
Stepmom and dad’s greed exposed, NTA for wanting justice.
Father disowned OP for not giving him money. NTA
Dad’s financial irresponsibility leads to family feud over settlement
Aunts might have had ulterior motives for wrongful death settlement
Family disowns NTA for keeping control of their mother’s legacy.
Commenter sympathizes with OP’s mistreatment in wrongful death settlement.
Father’s misuse of trust fund causes family feud
Dad accused of wanting to drain trust fund. NTA.
Dividing settlement for kids’ college fund, NTA.
Last Updated on June 4, 2023 by Diply Social Team