Imagine being the only relative in town, working 60-100 hours a week, and having your trust betrayed by your own family. That’s what happened to this hardworking woman, who made it clear to her brother and sister-in-law that she would only babysit their child in case of a serious emergency. However, the couple lied about a friend’s accident to get free babysitting for their date nights. When the truth came out, the aunt vowed never to babysit again, even when a real emergency arose.
Setting Boundaries with Family

Work-Life Balance Struggles ⚖️

The Fake Accident

Broken Promises

Ignoring Calls and Texts

The Lies Continue ⏩

The Shocking Truth Revealed

Caught Red-Handed

Confrontation and Confession ️

“A Little White Lie”

The Ultimate Decision

Standing Her Ground

Name-Calling and Accusations

Trust Betrayed: Aunt Stands Her Ground ♀️
After discovering her brother and sister-in-law’s shocking lies about their friend’s fake accident, this hardworking woman put her foot down and vowed never to babysit their child again. Even when a real emergency arose, she refused, having had her trust betrayed one too many times. The couple resorted to name-calling and accusations, but our resilient aunt stood her ground. What do you think of this family drama?
NTA for refusing to babysit after repeated lies and disrespect.

NTA: Commenters suggest calling CPS after parents ghosted for 2 days

NTA for refusing to babysit and being lied to

Commenter and replyers agree: NTA, terrible parenting and entitlement

NTA stands her ground and could have reported child abandonment
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No more free babysitting after career damage. NTA
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Family isn’t a free babysitting service

NTA. Taking responsibility for your own kids is important

Babysitting gone wrong NTA for refusing future requests
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Commenter sympathizes with OP and criticizes brother and SIL’s behavior

NTA. Refusing to babysit lying nephew is totally understandable

NTA. Parents are not entitled to date nights.

Natural consequences for scammers. NTA, not your responsibility

Professional nanny services exist. Are they entitled or cheap?

Commenter and replies agree: lying family has no respect for boundaries

Commenter argues against expecting free childcare from family.

NTA. Commenter thinks lying couple deserves no sympathy for emergency.

Take the kid or figure it out on your own!

NTA, but brother and SIL are A’s. Let them pay the babysitter next time

NTA calls out fake emergency, gross behavior
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Commenter thinks OP is not at fault with witty remark.

Single mom shares struggles, commenter supports OP.

Commenter defends OP and insults children with emoji.

Commenter defends OP, accuses family of sabotaging their career

Aunt refuses to babysit nephew in emergency, gets called petty a**hole

NTA commenter questions why parents expect others to babysit.

Commenter supports decision, no blame assigned

Don’t cry wolf! NTA for refusing to forgive betrayal

Setting boundaries has consequences, NTA for sticking to them.

Don’t be the boy who cried wolf . NTA wins.
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Standing up to entitled family members

Betrayed trust = no free childcare

Parents disappeared for two days, NTA for refusing to babysit

NTA and concern for family’s suspicious behavior and overwork

Cutting contact after betrayal. Other solutions suggested. NTA.
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Nephew’s parents left him for days, lied, and took advantage. NTA.
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Nta. They cried wolf before and now it’s a real emergency ♀️

NTA saves the day and their wallet

No sympathy for entitled parents who can’t handle their responsibilities
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Can’t take kid to hospital? Let’s discuss portability

Trust broken. NTA. No babysitting owed. Hire a sitter.

Lying relatives get what they deserve, commenter says.

Commenter calls out entitled behavior and supports NTA.

Commenters agree: Brother and SIL are major a**holes

NTA judgment for family member refusing emergency babysitting

Commenter agrees with OP’s actions, uses shocked emoji

Parenting tip: Don’t force your kids on unwilling caregivers. #NTA

NTA stands up for herself and threatens CPS involvement

Commenter suggests moral fable for selfish aunt situation
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Doubting the ‘proof’ and not the a**hole.

Clear communication and betrayal. NTA, take it easy

Last Updated on June 14, 2023 by Diply Social Team