Picture this: you’re living with your ex-spouse, her four kids (none of which are yours), and a sandwich goes missing. Sounds like the start of a sitcom, right? Well, for one man, this is his reality. Our protagonist, let’s call him ‘Sandwich Sleuth’, found himself in a pickle when his Subway sub mysteriously disappeared. The culprit? His housemate’s 14-year-old son, who we’ll refer to as ‘Gluttonous Gus’. Now, let’s dive into this delicious drama… ️♂️
The Exes and Their Unconventional Living Arrangement

Enter the Kids… and the Sandwich

The Disappearing Sandwich Act

The Early Bird Gets the… Hot Food? ️

Radiation Fears and Cold Cuts

The Timeout Tactic ⏰

Reflection and Regret

Clarifying the Timeout ️

The Aftermath ️

A Sandwich Saga: Who’s the Real Culprit Here? ️♂️
In a household filled with tension, one sandwich sparked a conflict that would leave everyone questioning their actions. Our ‘Sandwich Sleuth’, an ex-husband living with his ex-wife and her four kids, found himself in a pickle when his Subway sub vanished. The alleged culprit? ‘Gluttonous Gus’, the 14-year-old son of his ex-wife. After a day filled with noise, hunger, and a disappearing sandwich, our protagonist served Gus a microwaved cold cut sandwich and put him on a timeout. But as the dust settles, he’s left wondering if he went too far. Let’s see what the internet has to say about this sandwich saga…
NTA but deeper issues: ex-wife TA, A needs therapy

NTA. Kid needs to learn basic cooking skills and see a doctor if obese

NTA. Independent young teens and kids can cook too!

NTA. Stand up for yourself and prioritize your own well-being.

Housemate pays for babysitting, but tensions arise with invading space

YTA for misleading post, better communication needed

Teen’s fear of radiation due to cancer survivor experience

NTA. Ex-wife’s kids lack life skills. My autistic son can cook.

Living with ex-wife and her four sons: a**hole or saint?

Commenter calls out the exes for their lack of boundaries

ESH for lashing out at the kid and defending abuse

Commenter criticized for acting like a parent to 14-year-old.

A professional needed for this complex housemate havoc

Commenter compares situation to Augustus Gloop from W***y Wonka

Kid steals food, but has trauma from cancer.

YTA, Dude, find a new living situation.

Sleeping on the job and fat shaming? YTA, no doubt

Setting boundaries with housemate about food and responsibilities.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/8d9c0b2b-ea6e-48c6-b642-ff169caed516.png)
NTA. Ex-wife’s kids lack boundaries, ex-husband neglects responsibilities

LOL! Not the a**hole in this hilarious housemate havoc

Curious about the boys’ mother? Here’s the scoop!

YTA if you can’t take on a parental role

Babysitting drama: YTA denies responsibility, sparks heated discussion

YTA for ordering food only for yourself and not the kids

Reddit’s food frenzy: pregnant women and fat teenagers uncontrolled!

Bullying a hungry child? YTA! Show some empathy

Get your own place

Confusion and frustration over a lengthy time-out punishment

INFO: A’s cancer may explain behavior, but therapy is needed.

14-year-old should cook for himself, it’s not rocket science!

Compassion for the kid’s behavior due to possible medical condition

Misunderstood comment sparks heated debate about disciplining children

NTA. Boundaries and happiness are key in this chaotic living situation

Are you responsible for the kids? Let’s talk about it!

Boundary issues and hungry kid: ESH, but seek medical help ♀️

YTA for selectively editing your post. Move out or get a lock.

Cancer survivor kid needs therapy, OP is a lazy babysitter

Insatiable appetite, toxic situation – is there a brain tumor?

Kid can make his own dinner! NTA!

Ex-wife’s kid needs manners? NTA stands up for civility

Commenter criticizes ex-wife’s parenting, calls son spoiled and lazy

NTA! Cooking skills are basic, even an eight-year-old can handle it

NTA. Concerned about child’s unhealthy food obsession, therapy needed!

NTA. Stand up for yourself and set boundaries with your brother!

A compassionate suggestion for a child with autism and hunger

NTA. Concern for kid’s future. Admirable patience. Payment clarification.

14-year-old A needs to grow up and take responsibility

Stop blaming the kid, hold the parents accountable

Escape the chaos! Get your own stress-free studio apartment.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/ad703160-6c0a-4018-8bd8-d1e050c06bb2.png)
14-year-old should make his own food, not eat yours. NTA

From family chef to cooking hater, relatable teenage struggles

14-year-old can’t cook? NTA shares disbelief.

Not the a**hole for what? Tell us more!

NTA’s concern for kid’s food addiction sparks urgent counseling debate
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/5e825ec6-a02a-4454-b959-be47ac048cb8.png)
Not the a**hole for what? Tell us more!

Cut ties with entitled ex and enabling mother for peace

NTA- Time to find a new place to call home

NTA. Ex needs therapy. Distance yourself for a healthier life

NTA- Time to find a new place, relationship is doomed

Ex-wife’s son is a j**k, ex and mom are negligent.

Engaging suggestion: Let him order his own food next time!

Teen wants food, but commenter thinks they should make it themselves

Not the a**hole for what? Tell us more!

Concerned about 14yo’s health, possible Prader-Willi disease? Need info

Not the a**hole, a sandwich sparks housemate havoc

Survivor A might have a valid reason for microwave fear.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/fae804a2-da1a-44e7-a317-e321e576b295.png)
Concerned about a 14-year-old’s compulsive food stealing, possible psychiatric issue.

Investigate potential neurodivergence and mental health issues before judging NTA

Ridiculous timeouts and sandwich wars? ♂️ Boundaries needed for everyone.

Last Updated on July 24, 2023 by Diply Social Team