Family drama alert! 17-year-old me just wanted to do something nice for a friend’s birthday, but little did I know it would turn into a full-blown dessert debacle! As the resident baker in my fam, I decided to whip up my specialty Strawberry Crumble Cake as a gift. Sounds sweet, right? Well, buckle up because this story is about to get as messy as a kitchen after a baking marathon! Let’s dive into this sugary saga and see if I’m the a**hole for not sharing the cake wealth with my family!
Family Drama Over a Special Cake!
A Birthday Gift Dilemma
Setting Boundaries with the Fam
Dad’s Demand for Dessert
️ A Heated Family Argument
Did I Cross the Line?
Dad’s Demand for a Do-Over
♀️ The Silent Treatment Begins
♀️ Mom’s Neutral Stance
Cultural Context & Health Issues ♀️
Strawberry Crumble Cake Recipe – Part 1
Strawberry Crumble Cake Recipe – Part 2
Strawberry Crumble Cake Recipe – Part 3
Strawberry Crumble Cake Recipe – Part 4
Strawberry Crumble Cake Recipe – Part 5
Strawberry Crumble Cake Recipe – Part 6
Strawberry Crumble Cake Recipe – Part 7
Strawberry Crumble Cake Recipe – Part 8
Strawberry Crumble Cake Recipe – Part 9
Strawberry Crumble Cake Recipe – Part 10
Strawberry Crumble Cake Recipe – Part 11
The Great Cake Debate: Am I a Selfish Slice Hoarder?
So, here’s the tea ☕️: I spent hours crafting a delectable Strawberry Crumble Cake as a birthday gift for my bestie. But when my dad found out, he threw a tantrum worthy of a toddler denied a cookie! He demanded I save slices for the whole family, but I stood my ground. The plot thickens when I *gasp* ate the cake with my friend’s family! Now, my dad’s giving me the silent treatment and I’m wondering if I should’ve just baked a second cake. But wait, there’s more! I’m dealing with back issues and cultural expectations that add an extra layer to this dessert drama. So, internet jury, what’s the verdict? Am I a cake-hoarding criminal or just a gal trying to be a good friend? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this sticky situation!
NTA – Dad has 3 options: wait, buy, or f**k himself. Recipe included.
Dad demands gift cake, OP not the a**hole for refusing
Dad’s entitlement to gift cake sparks NTA’s disbelief.
NTA calls out entitled dad for his childish behavior
Supportive comment offers NTA judgement, empathy, and helpful advice.
NTA! No ‘family cake tax’ and it was a gift
Sharing is caring, entitled dad should learn some manners.
Cake is a gift, not for entitled dad to steal
Entitled Dad demands cake from daughter’s friend, NTA shuts him down
Baked the cake, but entitled dad tries to steal it #NTA
Tips for saying no to entitled family members asking for cake
Dad acts entitled to daughter’s cake, but commenters say NTA
Father acts childish and entitled over daughter’s gift cake. NTA.
Dad wants the cake, but why not give him the recipe?
NTA, but who paid for supplies? Dad may have a point
Don’t feel bad for eating a slice . Father can buy cake. #NTA
De-escalation tip: offer to bring a slice home. NTA.
Friend’s cake is fair game, NTA for eating it
Regretful commenter questions cake-sharing etiquette.
Cake is a gift, not a shareable commodity. NTA
NTA for not giving entitled dad a slice of cake
Baking doesn’t mean you have to give entitled family a gift.
Paprika app saves time and filters recipe life stories!
Bake your own cake, entitled dad! NTA for leaving recipe.
Stand up for yourself and demand help. NTA
Baking can be a challenge, especially with back pain. NTA
Making a cake for 4-6 hours? That’s a crumble lot
Helpful link shared without judgment
Who paid for ingredients? Entitled dad demands second cake.
NTA for not making dad a cake, but consider compromise. Recipe please!
Recipe to bake his own d**n cake! NTA
Dad acts greedy for daughter’s cake. NTA suggests payment instead.
Father acts like a child and gets what he deserves
Dad’s entitlement for daughter’s cake sparks discussion about boundaries.
Father’s plan to steal half-eaten cake exposed. NTA wins
Dad acts entitled to daughter’s cake, friend and OP not having it.
Baking for others doesn’t entitle family to a slice
“Is this the hill you want to die on dad?”
Father-daughter cake bonding > entitled cake stealing
Making a special cake is a labor of love
Baker niece and nephew understand sharing better than entitled dad
NTA. ‘Sometimes cake is for other people.’
Dad’s future post warns about enabling entitled behavior and entitlement.
Father acting like a toddler, ask him to make it himself
Baked the cake, ate the cake, not the a**hole!
NTA. Father acts like a five-year-old, wants friend’s cake?
Confusion over entitled dad’s identity sparks discussion.
Baking etiquette debated: using parents’ ingredients for gift cake.
Fellow baker supports OP, calls out entitled father’s AH behavior
Frustration with food bloggers’ lengthy anecdotes before recipes
Insightful comment questions motive behind cake incident, uncovers potential issues.
Don’t mess with gift cakes! NTA made the right call.
Proper etiquette dictates sharing food gift. Introduce spoon theory.
Don’t let entitled parents ruin your birthday cake
NTA slams entitled parent for giving silent treatment over cake.
Dad tries to steal cake from daughter’s friend, gets called out. NTA
Dad can’t have his cake and eat it too
Dad demands cake but friend didn’t invite family. Lazy much?
Cake as a gift, not meant to be eaten by dad. NTA
Creator of cake deserves a slice, entitled dad needs patience.
Dad tries to steal cake, commenter calls him deranged.
Dad’s entitlement sparks outrage in comment section. NTA prevails.
Enjoy some cake and ignore the entitled dad tantrum
Sharing is caring, but entitled dad needs to bake his own cake
Baker defends not sharing cake with entitled family, offers baking tips
Proud 17-year-old baker stands up to entitled dad
Cake recipe requested and a wholesome message about sharing.
Sharing gifts with entitled parents? NTA, it’s strange
Setting boundaries with family is tough. Moroccan solidarity.
Baking a cake for a friend doesn’t make you a tenant
Last Updated on April 22, 2024 by Diply Social Team