Picture this: you’re a software engineer at a prestigious tech company, and one of only two women in your department. Frustration is mounting, and you’re asked to be on a panel at a recruiting event. When a young woman asks if the company has a supportive environment for women in engineering, your male colleagues jump in to speak on your behalf. What would you do? Well, one woman decided to speak her truth and expose the reality of her experience. But was it the right move? Let’s dive into the story.
The Lone Female Engineer ♀️

Recruiting Event Panelist

The Big Question

Interrupted by Male Colleagues

Speaking Her Truth ️

A Gradual Change

Appreciation and Backlash

Carpool Confrontation

Defending Her Words ️

Worries About Work

The Aftermath: Was She Right or Wrong? ♀️
So, our fearless female engineer spoke her truth, but faced backlash from her male coworkers. They argued that the panel wasn’t the place for her to air her grievances, but she stood her ground, stating that her supervisor was already aware of the issues. While she worries about potential fallout at work, she also received appreciation from a fellow woman in the industry. Was she right to speak up, or should she have kept quiet? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
NTA for calling out mansplaining and lack of support for women.

Female engineer speaks up about being talked over in meeting

Woman diplomatically exposes sexism in tech industry, men embarrassed themselves.

Empowering women to speak up against mansplaining. #NTA

Woman handles inappropriate behavior at tech panel like a boss

Standing up for yourself and calling out sexism is always worth it. NTA.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/96e84a64-dfce-47c4-9d91-c6cc5049d0c2.png)
Women in tech still face discrimination and are often excluded.

Breaking the silence on women’s struggles in tech, but at what cost?

Female engineer receives support after being ignored by male colleagues

Breaking the glass ceiling: A woman’s struggle in tech
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/dc00246b-a5c5-4d87-a1c8-f1deebe7daff.png)
Breaking the silence on normalized sexism in the workplace

Standing up for what’s right and shedding light on issues. #NTA

Woman gives diplomatic response to NTA comment, triggering emotional replies ♀️
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/c47cfdaf-82cd-4aa3-abb2-b169f89d8796.png)
Standing up for yourself and calling out injustice

Not the a**hole! Comment references ‘mansplaining’ with humor.

Male manager supports women’s voices in tech industry.

Empowering response to a man talking over women’s experiences.

Female engineer shares struggles of being a woman in STEM

Empowering response shuts down ignorant coworkers’ fragile egos!
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/e97201f0-5bbe-4069-b1d2-6d6fa288bd8d.png)
20 years in IT and still dealing with gender bias

Acknowledging privilege and empathy towards minority groups.

Female engineer silenced by male panelists in tech company

Female engineer approves of speaking up against pandering behavior

Handling a**hole behavior with humor and class – bravo!

Breaking the stereotype: Being a woman in STEM still challenging

Breaking the silence: Women speak up about tech industry struggles ️

Breaking barriers in tech as the only female software engineer

Skeptical commenter questions the authenticity of a woman’s tech experience.

Fishing for compliments makes you an a**hole
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/b4ec70dd-edd6-4c20-b09b-aa2b2d217c64.png)
Female engineer shares struggles with lack of respect and attention.

Woman silenced at tech panel, called ‘idiotic’ for speaking up

Empowering comment against mansplaining with a touch of humor

Standing up for honesty and women in tech

Sarcastic NTA comment shuts down sexist remark

Honesty from recruiters is appreciated, HR only wanted diversity props.

“NTA shuts down mansplaining at tech panel “

Breaking gender barriers in tech

Female engineer stands up to sexist colleagues and wins!

Handling workplace sexism with diplomacy and directness

NTA but DFM. Honesty in internal culture discussion builds trust.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/81ef6009-0eff-4c94-86d8-dc4c45004e78.png)
Commenter supports the post and wants to see video evidence
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/f1a957ae-2c41-40b1-b073-fb8cd17f033b.png)
Female engineer dismissed in tech company, NTA

Déjà vu? A commenter suspects a repost.

Cheers to this supportive comment!

Empowering comment encourages women to speak up against men’s dominance.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/92608df1-ded9-447d-9919-d5d0bfa32cdf.png)
Female engineer diplomatically addresses male colleagues’ ignorance and hypocrisy.

Breaking gender barriers in male-dominated industries ♀️

Speaking up for what’s right can still have consequences

You go girl! Shutting down the haters like a boss

Fighting mansplainers in tech? This recruiter has your back!

Male colleagues cut her off when asked about being a woman. NTA

Networking pays off! Commenter receives job lead after leaving toxic workplace.

Fighting back against mansplaining! Not the a**hole.

Standing up for yourself and giving an honest answer! #NTA

Breaking barriers: Woman in IT management shares struggles and discrimination.

Honest comment about women’s struggles in tech.

Speaking up about negative experiences at work can have consequences

Good on you for giving honest advice without badmouthing the company.

Fighting against mansplaining and bias in the workplace

Last Updated on May 13, 2023 by Diply Social Team