Imagine having a friend who’s dying of cancer, and one day you see a post on Facebook announcing her death. You grieve for hours, only to receive a message from her saying she’s still alive and faked her death to see who cared. That’s exactly what happened to one person, who now faces a moral dilemma: should they block their dying friend for this manipulative act?
The Dying Girl’s Deception
Faking Death on Facebook
To Block or Not to Block?
Seeking Advice
The Girl’s Real Situation
Age Matters
Friend Takes Action
Alternate Account Exposed ️♂️
A Disturbing Detail
Understanding Different Perspectives
Grief and Betrayal
A Rollercoaster of Emotions
The Reality of Anger and Hurt
Final Thoughts ♀️
Age Update
The Internet Weighs In on the Dying Girl’s Deception ️
As the story of the dying girl who faked her death on Facebook unfolds, the internet is divided on whether the friend is justified in blocking her. Some argue that dying can make people do crazy things, while others emphasize the grief and betrayal felt by the friend. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions, and only time will tell if the friend will unblock her or not. ️ ♀️ Let’s dive into the top responses from the internet for your pleasure!
NTA for considering blocking friend who faked death on Facebook
Empathize with the dying girl’s mental state, don’t judge harshly.
Compassionate responses to dying girl’s Facebook prank. NAH.
Debating if she’s NTA or NAH, but friend can block
Playing with people’s feelings is a huge no
NAH or ESH? Commenter empathizes with dying girl’s potential fear.
Friend considers cutting off dying girl who faked death
Compassion for a dying friend’s strange behavior
Faking death for attention: blockable offense or cry for help? ♀️
Friend considers blocking dying girl who faked death on Facebook
NTA calls out fake death as sick and disrespectful
Friend calls out fake death drama on Facebook. NTA.
Debate on whether faking death is excusable due to illness
Compassionate comment about dying girl’s Facebook prank.
Commenter believes dying girl not at fault, but friend is unsupportive
Empathy and understanding are crucial in dealing with dying loved ones
Abandoning a dying friend over a test is disgusting
NAH, friend has a right to be upset, but dying girl’s behavior is understandable.
Dying girl fakes death on Facebook for attention, friend reacts.
Friend called out dying girl’s manipulative fake death on Facebook
Commenter sympathizes with dying girl’s behavior and mental state.
Empathetic comment suggests confronting friend about fake death prank.
Understanding the context of a mistake doesn’t excuse it.
Faking death for attention is manipulative and not okay.
Defending dying girl against harsh criticism with a reality check
Sassy NTA comment suggests using Ouija board to talk to ‘dead’ friend
Deciding whether to block a dying friend on Facebook
Adults confused about faked death on Facebook
Blocking a dying g*****n Facebook? NAH, but tread carefully.
Don’t leave things unsaid, express love while you can ❤️
Chronic illness doesn’t excuse toxic behavior. #NTA
Compassionate comment urges friend not to block dying girl
Compassionate advice for dealing with a scared and depressed friend
Commenter sympathizes with dying girl’s mental health, declares NTA.
Avoiding annoying Facebook posts without blocking – a helpful tip!
The dying often want to know what the world will be like without them. Why do the living insist we die gracefully?
Grieving friend defends deceased girl’s actions. It’s a sensitive topic
Report fake death girl’s page, NTA for wanting justice
Friend questions if girl faking cancer has Munchausen syndrome
Commenter calls out insane behavior of faking death on Facebook.
Compassion vs Boundaries: The Dilemma of a Dying Friend
Facing death, girl fakes death on Facebook. Commenter empathizes.
Compassionate response to girl faking death on Facebook.
Commenter empathizes with girl’s insecurity, advises forgiveness and understanding.
Dying girl fakes death to test friends, ESH for reaction
Grieving girl fakes death on Facebook, friend wants to block her
The psychological impact of knowing you’re close to death
Curiosity peaks as comment raises questions about fake death account
Understanding the thoughtless yet understandable actions of a dying girl
Compassionate response to dying girl’s Facebook stunt.
Friend questions if faking death is unforgivable, receives clarification.
Showing empathy towards a dying friend who faked her death
Friend approves of faking death on Facebook, no a****e here
Friend fakes death on Facebook, NTA wants to block.
Commenter expresses shock and concern for the girl’s behavior
Playing with emotions like that s***s, but NTA for blocking.
Maintain social distance, but keep relationships with others. NTA.
NTA calls out manipulative behavior in fake death stunt
Friend thinks faking death is f**ked up. NTA.
NTA commenter finds dying girl’s behavior appalling
Last Updated on June 4, 2023 by Diply Social Team