I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, I’m not the best DIYer . That’s an understatement, ha, ha! So I can definitely get why so many folks fail at this hobby.
After all, even if you watch an online tutorial, that doesn’t guarantee success. Am I right? Below you’ll see people who desperately tried but, in the end, had no luck at all.
1. This Christmas Tree Fail

Okay, not only am I a terrible DIYer, but I also s**k at baking. Yes, I said it out loud. So I would never attempt something as elaborate as this. And by the looks of it, neither should this person.
2. This Pinterest Fiasco

Here’s what’s wrong with Pinterest: Not everything you see there makes a whole lot of sense. This lady tried to make a smiling blueberry pancake only it turned out like something from a nightmare. Try forgetting this face.
3. This Mini Christmas Tree Pizza Attempt

Honestly, folks, don’t be too hard on yourselves. When you make something to eat, the most important thing is taste. Who cares that it doesn’t look as good as someone else’s? Do you agree with me?
4. This Cooking Attempt

Awe, isn’t this duck in a soup concept so cute? I would love to create something like that. Well, I have to say the person who attempted this came pretty close, no? Theirs is like a drowning version, hee-hee.
5. This Crochet Mistake

I really want to get myself an adorable crochet Baby Yoda, because I’m obsessed with Grogu. This lady decided she could do it herself but clearly overestimated her skills here. Aww, and it would have looked so cute, no?
6. This Beer Glass Fail
So apparently, you can make a cool drinking glass out of a beer bottle if you cut it properly. Don’t try this at home, folks, unless you really know what you’re doing. This doesn’t look right to me at all.
7. This Bus Cake Fail

Cake decorating is an art. It’s not to be taken lightly. So I’m surprised when ordinary folks even attempt to make something as elaborate as this. I mean, come on. There are bakers for a reason, right?
8. These Deviled Eggs

Who here loved deviled eggs? It’s one of my favorite egg dishes, that’s for sure. However, it’s pretty hard to make them look good. Even I know that, hee-hee. So I’m surprised this person’s mom even attempted it.
9. This Poor Baby Yoda Macaron

Who here is obsessed with Baby Yoda? Oh my goodness, I love Grogu and everything related to him. So I would adore these amazing macaroons here. However, this DIY attempt looks more like an angry Yoda, hee-hee.
10. This Candied Apple Fail

Honestly, candied apples can be hard to decorate. First, you need to let them fully harden, and then you still don’t know what will happen, eh? Well, here’s a perfect example of what not to do.
11. This Dog Grooming Nightmare

Dog groomers must have nerves of steel, no? I mean, it can’t be easy to keep a dog calm and still work your magic. So, do not attempt to do it yourself, or your furry friend could end up like this. Aww, poor doggy!
12. This Latte Art Attempt

I recently purchased a milk frother, but I haven’t mastered using it yet. So I have to admit my attempt at making latte art would have probably turned out like the picture on the right.
13. This Staircase Banister

What do you do when you have expensive taste but you budget is limited? DIY it of course! Sadly, in this case, I don’t think this project lived up to the photo that inspired it.
14. This Pom-Pom Dog
This poor dog looks like he’s seen some things in his life. Even though he doesn’t look anything like the photo, he is cute in his own, odd way, right?
So, what did I tell you? DIY isn’t for everyone.
Some people should really quit while they’re ahead or perhaps never start at all. Tell me, what was your worst DIY fail of them all? Don’t be shy. We all have one or a dozen, ha, ha!
Last Updated on September 8, 2021 by Kasia Galifi