Picture this: an 18-year-old girl buys a cute crop top with her own money, excited to wear it to a friend meet up. But when her mom sees the outfit, she’s anything but pleased. The mother-daughter duo gets into a heated argument, with the mom even trying to drag her daughter out of the car! In the end, the daughter stands her ground, but at what cost? Let’s dive into this wild story and find out!
Crop Top Controversy
![Image credit: cherryberry7294 | cherryberry7294](https://static.diply.com/af79d161-dc02-4d6d-a303-00c89efa6bf6.png)
Mom’s Ride and Outfit Disapproval
![Image credit: cherryberry7294 | cherryberry7294](https://static.diply.com/da3010e9-167b-4e0a-ba2f-2029f835fcc1.png)
Time to Change? ⏰
![Image credit: cherryberry7294 | cherryberry7294](https://static.diply.com/4b105191-db8b-4057-8517-e981ba0a67d0.png)
Standing Her Ground
![Image credit: cherryberry7294 | cherryberry7294](https://static.diply.com/df32c08a-0e15-46a0-b508-bdd7f5c2afba.png)
Three Points to Consider
![Image credit: cherryberry7294 | cherryberry7294](https://static.diply.com/163b4fb3-8079-46e2-9c55-37f41e0e01c2.png)
Not a Distraction ♀️
![Image credit: cherryberry7294 | cherryberry7294](https://static.diply.com/a07faffc-b8e4-4a66-9b5f-1187184a4604.png)
Mom’s Explosive Reaction
![Image credit: cherryberry7294 | cherryberry7294](https://static.diply.com/107bf767-e16f-4df6-b982-e8e0ae3a6c1e.png)
Closing the Door
![Image credit: cherryberry7294 | cherryberry7294](https://static.diply.com/adea5cf4-a7a6-485a-a064-9dc30c870bf8.png)
Banging on the Window
![Image credit: cherryberry7294 | cherryberry7294](https://static.diply.com/150f08b2-3da5-4d93-9fa7-23ac93f95a69.png)
Mom’s Missed Appointment
![Image credit: cherryberry7294 | cherryberry7294](https://static.diply.com/7f3ad20d-7cfe-483c-829a-da26fab2cd94.png)
Car Bought with Her Own Money
![Image credit: cherryberry7294 | cherryberry7294](https://static.diply.com/055ea812-1979-45a3-bd33-15d94a95f093.png)
Daughter Stands Up for Herself, Mom Loses It
So, our 18-year-old protagonist refused to change her crop top, leading to a major argument with her mom. Despite the mom’s aggressive attempts to force her daughter to change, the girl stood her ground and drove off to meet her friends. When she returned home, her mom was furious, blaming her for missing a nail appointment. But was it really the daughter’s fault, or should the mom have kept her cool and not caused such a scene over a shirt? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this drama-filled situation…
Mom’s spa day cancelled over crop top. Time to move out.
![Image credit: Inevitable_Speed_710 | Inevitable_Speed_710](https://static.diply.com/42e42f6d-5fbf-47d9-a7e7-37c670bafd96.png)
Mom crosses the line with violence and slurs over crop top. NTA
![Image credit: Reasonable_racoon | Reasonable_racoon](https://static.diply.com/7debff6b-3a03-46f5-8a93-3d488b42748f.png)
Take control and rock those crop tops!
![Image credit: tatersprout | tatersprout](https://static.diply.com/8956cf97-236e-4cec-9206-3098eb6e8418.png)
Explaining why she’s moving out and going no-contact with mother.
![Image credit: cherryberry7294 | cherryberry7294](https://static.diply.com/f3574942-a9a5-4973-84dc-b69727df6ce1.png)
NTA. Physical and verbal assault over a crop top shirt? Press charges if it happens again.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/e7218ab7-3161-4c3e-82fb-adae1d69ba62.png)
Mom’s spa day ruined over a crop top? NTA wins.
![Image credit: vercingetafix | vercingetafix](https://static.diply.com/a30edbec-6c89-43ea-a73f-ed8f04ef104e.png)
Mom stands her ground against entitled daughter. NTA
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/f1399598-f2d6-46df-999d-8d472bec9e06.png)
Secure your belongings, she sounds unhinged.
![Image credit: cassowary32 | cassowary32](https://static.diply.com/a32515db-c361-4292-a93a-246944b40aba.png)
Standing up for yourself and against violence. #NTA
![Image credit: DancinginHyrule | DancinginHyrule](https://static.diply.com/31de200d-b497-4dac-8ab9-4ac823267268.png)
Lock up your stuff, mom sounds unstable. NTA.
![Image credit: Lotex_Style | Lotex_Style](https://static.diply.com/e88bfdf5-d23a-4515-8cfe-b9e9ed0f6fe5.png)
Escape while you can! ♀️
![Image credit: Draculamb | Draculamb](https://static.diply.com/bc0e9e05-c3c7-46f3-8220-716a06578436.png)
Mom misses spa appointment over crop top. Daughter stands up.
![Image credit: ResearcherExpress671 | ResearcherExpress671](https://static.diply.com/10b1a43f-d7e8-49aa-a981-2181bddf1a7f.png)
Glad to hear commenter is working on getting out
![Image credit: L0rka | L0rka](https://static.diply.com/714c5d1a-d435-488b-84e1-9341e6668ae2.png)
Protect your crop top from abusive mom! Leave it elsewhere
![Image credit: ComprehensiveBand586 | ComprehensiveBand586](https://static.diply.com/e94ce3c0-f949-4582-ba16-3220b03a9d6e.png)
Stand up for yourself and find a new place to live
![Image credit: thatguysuba | thatguysuba](https://static.diply.com/e71be04b-b4c6-41f2-9772-af17182863fb.png)
Empowering response to mom’s outdated views on clothing choices
![Image credit: lmmontes | lmmontes](https://static.diply.com/88210714-4f72-4e6e-ae81-25d1e3c5252c.png)
Mom tries to force daughter, but she’s NTA. ♀️
![Image credit: demonmonkey1313 | demonmonkey1313](https://static.diply.com/f0907e30-f591-4b7a-b105-a27d30c85132.png)
Last Updated on February 13, 2024 by Diply Social Team