Imagine having a childfree lifestyle and being forced to babysit your younger cousin. That’s the dilemma faced by Tina (19f), who’s been clashing with her dad over her newfound babysitting duties. After Tina’s aunt passed away, her family took in her 4-year-old cousin, Jenny, causing tensions to rise. Tina’s dad insists she helps out with childcare, but she’s not having it. Let’s dive into this family drama!
The Family Dynamic Shifts
Tina’s Frustration Grows
Childcare Crisis Strikes ⏰
Tina’s Ultimatum
Rent or Babysit?
Tina’s Grievances
Adult Responsibilities
Financial Struggles
Tina’s Options
The Final Verdict ✅
Tina’s Expenses
Room and Board Costs ️
No Child Support or Government Assistance
Adoption and Family Priorities
Dad’s Final Thoughts
Forced Babysitting or Paying Rent: What’s Fair?
Tina’s dad is standing his ground, insisting she either helps with childcare or pays rent. With her monthly expenses already totaling over $1200, Tina begrudgingly agrees to babysit three days a week. Despite the family’s financial struggles and the challenges of adopting their niece, Tina’s dad believes he’s made the right decision. But, is it fair to force Tina to babysit when she’s so adamantly childfree? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
Babysitting for family perks: reasonable or financial abuse?
NTA dad receives backlash for forcing daughter to babysit niece
NTA suggests fair exchange for free rent, replies agree.
Agreement with NTA comment and discussion on child-free identity.
NTA for expecting help in exchange for free rent and food
NTA. Commenter calls out daughter’s entitlement and lack of empathy.
NAH. Tina is being a brat, but it’s understandable. OP is right to ask for help, but threatening to kick her out is not cool. Good response from commenter.
NTA, Tina’s lack of empathy towards her cousin is unacceptable
Daughter’s room taken away, forced to babysit. Commenters concerned.
Debate over whether babysitting is free labor or not
Flexible approach needed for childcare. YTA.
NTA dad demands contribution from childfree daughter, commenters agree
Using your kids as childcare makes YTA, emotional manipulation involved
NAH verdict, but relying on kids for childcare is not ideal
Daughter’s strong reaction suggests parentification, YTA for labeling her freeloader.
College course load and living conditions cause family tension. ESH
Commenter calls out dad for not considering his children’s feelings
Being childfree doesn’t mean not helping out family. NTA
Sharing personal experiences and advice on dealing with ultimatums.
Dad enforces babysitting duties on childfree daughter, fair or not?
Daughter forced to babysit as rent-free living consequence
NTA for requiring daughter to pitch in. Concerns about niece’s safety.
NTA offers daughter 3 choices: help, pay rent, or leave
Daughter declared childfree, dad forces babysitting duties. Commenter thinks dad is TA.
Commenter expresses concern for child’s emotional well-being and criticizes babysitter’s lack of empathy
Dad demands daughter babysit after paying for her expenses. NTA?
Commenter calls out OP for blackmailing daughter into babysitting.
Daughter forced to babysit, but is she being heard?
NTA. Daughter needs to contribute for free ride
Suggestion for fairer babysitting arrangement sparks discussion
NTA if temporary, but YTA if not finding longterm solution.
Compromise needed. Dad should pay or offer alternative tasks.
Engaging and empathetic comment suggests family therapy for emotional support.
Daughter forced to babysit niece, comment argues YTA and exploitative
Commenter seeks clarification on daughter’s living arrangements and responsibilities.
ESH. Daughter should help temporarily, but dad needs permanent solution
Babysitting a child who despises her? YTA and cruel.
NTA. Dad asks daughter to chip in for babysitting duties
Commenter calls out a parent for forcing babysitting on daughter.
Commenter calls out OP for punishing daughter for their decision
Leaving a 4-year-old with a reluctant sitter is manipulative
NTA. Dad gets backlash for forcing entitled childfree daughter to babysit
Dividing babysitting duties fairly among three kids, including childfree daughter?
Charging rent as punishment and openly disliking a child? ESH
NTA, life happens and sometimes you have to pull together
Commenter explains why YTA for forcing babysitting during college workload
Daughter refuses to babysit, but also verbally abusive to niece
Sharing household duties is fair, but babysitting is tough
Commenter suggests setting boundaries and hiring a nanny/babysitter.
Adult daughter not entitled to free care, but minors should not be guilted into unpaid childcare.
Last Updated on May 26, 2023 by Diply Social Team