Imagine living with a controlling, narcissistic, and verbally abusive father who micromanages your life. That’s the reality for our 26-year-old protagonist, who decided to take matters into her own hands and buy a house without telling her father. With her mother’s help, she attended an auction and unexpectedly won the bid on a house. Now, her father is furious and demanding she sell the house so he can get ‘his’ money back. Is she in the wrong for buying a house without her father’s knowledge? Let’s dive into the story.
The Unexpected Auction Win
Living with Dad: A Nightmare
Daily Verbal Abuse
Father’s Mental Health Struggles
Dad’s Pessimism and Control Issues
Micromanaging Life
No Room for Disagreement
Father’s Money Obsession
Mom’s Support
Dad’s Demands
Father’s Hurtful Words
Considering Selling the House
Mom’s Encouragement
Seeking Peace and Home
The House Drama: Right or Wrong?
Our protagonist found herself in a sticky situation when she unexpectedly won a house at an auction without her father’s knowledge. Living with her controlling and verbally abusive father has been unbearable, and she just wanted to find a peaceful place to call home. Now, her father is demanding she sell the house and give him ‘his’ money back, leaving her torn between wanting to smooth things over and seeking the happiness she deserves. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
Escape the abusive house, embrace independence. Mom’s helping, too.
Escape plan: NTA, take Mum and run ♀️
Congrats on buying your own house! NTA. Don’t let your father’s mental illness stop you from accomplishing your dreams.
Escape toxic father, keep the house. NTA
Breaking free from outdated patriarchal norms.
Congrats on the house! Seek legal advice to stay safe
NTA daughter receives support for buying house despite father’s anger
Encouraging support for OP to prioritize their own happiness and seek counseling
Adult daughter buys house secretly, father’s reaction is outrageous
Daughter’s NTA comment prompts concern for mom’s safety
Buy a house with mom’s money and move away
Escape from controlling father with help from supportive mom ❤️
Mother helps daughter escape controlling father, NTA.
Don’t let emotional blackmail control you. Invest in yourself. NTA
Empathetic comment supports daughter’s decision, calls out father’s behavior
Daughter buys house secretly, father threatens to never visit. Replies: “Yeah, no s**t.”
Escape the abuse and take control of your own life
You’re not responsible for your father’s emotions. NTA
Supportive comment gets straight to the point
Supportive comment encourages woman to prioritize mental health
Take control of your life! Listen to your mom.
NTA. Don’t lose time and energy to someone who doesn’t care enough to sort themselves out.
NTA but tough situation with controlling father.
Commenter questions the authenticity of the post
Supportive comment encourages daughter to go no contact with toxic dad
Buy your house, move out, keep a spare room
New house for safety and mom’s break. NTA wins.
NTA comment provides comprehensive advice for escaping toxic household
Moving on is important, NTA. Don’t force reconciliation
Daughter’s secret house purchase raises concerns for mother’s safety
Mom helps daughter buy house secretly, Dad gets angry
NTA, but did mom use joint assets? AT if so
Escape toxic environment, buy house, cut ties with abusive father
Moving out doesn’t always mean leaving behind toxic relationships.
Escape the drama and enjoy your new peaceful home ✨
Escape the abuse ♀️ and live your life
NTA: Independence at 26, with supportive Mom
Cut him off for your own mental health
Escape from toxic dad: daughter buys house secretly. NTA
Encouraging comment to live own life with helpful resource
Redditor suggests subreddit for dealing with toxic parents
Daughter’s secret house purchase causes rift with father. Supportive comment.
Daughter’s secret house purchase angers father, but comment celebrates victory
NTA comment suggests peaceful resolution
Independence wins! NTA for buying your own house.
Commenter shares personal story of abusive stepfather.
Cutting toxic ties: NTA daughter buys house secretly
Support for the daughter, and a suggestion for the mother
Enjoy your new house! #NTA
Toxic father, supportive mother – escape the negativity
Take control of your life! NTA for buying house
Live happily away from him
Live your life! Don’t let anyone hold you back.
Moving out with mom, NTA prevails in father-daughter dispute
Escape from abusive father, but what about mom? ♀️
Escape plan approved by mom, NTA.
Redditors support daughter in standing up to abusive father.
Daughter buys house secretly, dad furious. Mom’s support matters.
Take mom’s advice and ignore him forever
Daughter stands up to controlling father in epic clapback
Cutting ties with toxic family? NTA, prioritize your well-being
Daughter buys house secretly, father furious. Commenter supports daughter.
Congrats on the new home! Definitely NTA
Daughter stands up to entitled father in house ownership dispute
Mom supports daughter’s secret house purchase, go for it!
Supportive comment encourages daughter to live her best life
Empathetic reply to relatable family conflict
26-year-old buys house secretly, father has no say.
Don’t let your father’s negativity control your life. Keep the house
OP called out for using ‘little man’ in post.
Cutting off toxic family members can be liberating
Last Updated on May 28, 2023 by Diply Social Team