We all know that family and business don’t always mix well, and this story is no exception. When a son starts his own business after witnessing his father’s failure, tensions rise as Dad tries to give unsolicited advice. But when the son pushes back, things take an emotional turn. Let’s dive into this family drama!
Dad’s Business Goes Bust
Family Fallout
Son’s Business Success
Dad’s Friend for Hire?
Not-So-Great Candidate
Going with Someone Else ♂️
Dad’s Angry Rant
Son’s Harsh Reminder
Dad’s Hurt Feelings
Mom’s Take on the Situation ♀️
Son’s Regret
Dad’s Advice Backfires, Son Strikes a Nerve
In this family drama, a son starts his own business after witnessing his father’s failure. When Dad tries to give unsolicited advice on hiring, the son pushes back and chooses someone else. Dad’s angry rant leads to the son reminding him of his failed business, hitting a very sore spot. Now, with hurt feelings and regrets, the family is left to deal with the fallout. Let’s see what people think of this tense situation…
NTA commenter calls out dad’s poor business decisions
Standing up to dad’s business advice – NTA
NTA. The son’s hiring decision backfires due to dad’s connections. Lawsuit?
Learning opportunity for dad, NTA for hiring decision.
NTA. Calling you names for not hiring his mate is unacceptable.
Respectful employee screening pays off. NTA wins the day
Taking charge of your business and setting boundaries with family.
NTA for not taking dad’s advice after he uprooted life
Great business practice! NTA for sure.
Standing up for yourself and your business, NTA.
NTA stands up to father’s friend, earns gratitude from employees
NTA for making a business decision. Practice good analysis
NTA. Father’s failed business doesn’t justify AH behavior towards you.
Setting boundaries with family can be tough
Defending yourself with class
Culture and happy employees over experience and arrogance. NTA wins.
Hiring a manager with a bad track record is self-sabotage
Hiring a toxic person will have your employees quitting in no time
Standing up to family and setting professional boundaries.
Setting boundaries with r**e dad, NTA.
Don’t mix personal and business. NTA for standing up.
Salty dad berates daughter for not hiring unfit friend. Gets called out.
NTA calls out fragile egos and questions failed business advice.
Standing up to family can be tough, but sometimes necessary
Breaking free from sexist, old values. NTA takes charge.
Choosing employees for your company is your call. Be mindful.
NTA. Father’s entitlement and arrogance caused the business to fail.
Be kind or be quiet
NTA commenter supports OP’s decision to cut ties with bitter dad.
Hiring for personality vs experience – whose side are you on?
NTA reminds dad of his lack of business expertise ♂️
Standing up to a disrespectful dad pushing his agenda. NTA.
Standing up to disrespectful men in family business. NTA
Honesty is the best policy NTA stands their ground
Hiring family friends can lead to trouble. NTA in this case
Don’t let your dad’s behavior define you, stand up for yourself
Commended for references, NTA for not treating dad as authority
Dad prioritizes friend over son’s business. Commenter suggests sabotage. NTA.
Setting boundaries with a failed business dad
Business is business, but dad takes it personally.
NTA, but communication is key. Insulting dad’s business is low.
Bringing up personal issues in an argument: ESH or NAH?
Business advice from dad turns into family feud. ESH.
Honesty is the best policy when dealing with toxic behavior
Boomers weaponize ‘experience’ to boost their worth, hindering progress.
Taking emotions out of business decisions: NTA comment.
NTA: You run the business and hire according to what is needed
NTA but a low blow. Was the manager really the reason?
Dad’s jealousy of son’s success causing him to belittle achievements
Researching before hiring is key to avoid bad business decisions
Standing up to a bully dad who failed in business
You run the business, not his ego
Standing up to dad’s bullying and verbal abuse.
Defend yourself! NTA.
Standing up to emotional abuse from a parent is NTA
NTA, dad has no right to control your business
Don’t take advice from someone who failed in the same area. ♂️
NTA commenter defends themselves against victim-playing dad.
Standing up for oneself against unfair criticism. You go OP!
Breaking the cycle of toxic behavior in the family
NTA – Don’t hire an arrogant person, it’s bad for business.
Respectful response to dad’s failed business rant. NTA
Defending dad against r**e comment, but acknowledging irrational behavior. NTA.
Don’t throw stones if you live in a glass house
Learning from dad’s mistakes, NTA for acknowledging his failure
Don’t let your dad’s failed business bring you down!
Trust your gut when hiring and don’t let nepotism win.
Entrepreneurial advice from a failed business owner? NTA for speaking up
Dad’s business failure earns him a timeout corner.
NTA and a great boss for taking concerns seriously
NTA commenter calls out dad’s delusional business practices
NTA commenter supports OP’s decision to quit dad’s friend’s company.
NTA takes dad’s criticism in stride, but sees through his motives
Choosing success over revenge is always the better choice
Son confronts dad over failed business in emotional exchange
Last Updated on February 13, 2024 by Diply Social Team