Picture this: you’re a dad in a family of five, with three daughters aged 14, 16, and 17. Your mother-in-law is coming to stay for six weeks, and your wife insists that your middle daughter must give up her room for grandma. But there’s a twist: the middle daughter is scared of the youngest daughter’s cat! You suggest a compromise, but it’s met with resistance. What do you do? Let’s delve into this family drama and see what unfolds.
The Unexpected Guest

The Usual Room Swap

The Feline Factor

The Proposed Compromise

The Bathroom Dilemma

The Space Issue ️

The Cat Conundrum

The Autism Angle

The Cat’s Nightly Adventures

The Cat’s Playtime Wakeup Calls

The Ultimatum ⚖️

The Choice

The Accusations Fly ️

The Possible Solution?

The Mother-in-Law’s Feelings

The Final Question ❓

The Afterthought

Caught in the Crossfire: Dad, Daughters, Cat, and the Mother-in-Law!
In this whirlwind of family drama, a dad finds himself in a tough spot. His mother-in-law is coming to stay for six weeks, and his wife insists their middle daughter should give up her room. But there’s a catch – the middle daughter is terrified of the youngest daughter’s cat! The dad suggests a compromise, but it’s met with resistance. The youngest daughter doesn’t want to keep the cat in her room, and the wife accuses him of favoring the middle daughter. As the drama unfolds, we’re left wondering – who’s right, who’s wrong, and what’s the best solution? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this…
ESH for throwing kid out of room for six weeks.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/46831a00-f4b6-4bcc-bb89-5aa4017645e7.png)
Dad’s dilemma: MIL, kids’ room, or hotel? ESH, except kids.

“YTA, your MIL should either get a hotel room or sleep on the couch stop disrupting your family, especially for 6 weeks”

Kids shouldn’t have to give up their rooms for 6 weeks!

YTA. Sacrifice comfort for MIL or wife? Commenters debate.

Parents’ sacrifice for their kids and grandparents brings cherished memories

“YTA. Put MIL on the couch.” ESH, wife and MIL s**k.

YTA wants OP to give up their bedroom!

Parents and MIL causing chaos and harm to their kids

Debate over room swapping and cat ownership sparks favoritism accusations.

YTA: Prioritize kids over MIL. ESH: That would be!

ESH including the kids? Dad’s got a tough decision

ESH: Wife’s mother, daughter’s assessment, and seeking validation on Reddit.

Concerned about daughter’s autism diagnosis. Need more advice!

Dad’s dilemma: wife, kids, mother-in-law. ESH except the kids

Sleep on the couch and teach your wife a lesson!

Adults vs. Kids: Battle for Personal Space

YTA, prioritize the kids! Consider a cot for guests instead.

Parenting priorities: Cat, kids, or mother-in-law?

“Sorry Mom, we do not have enough room” – Delicate family dynamics

Choosing between cat, kids, and mother-in-law? Prioritizing family dynamics.

YTA and failing as a parent

Dad needs to prioritize daughters over pushover tendencies.

YTA for leaving your family for six weeks!

Dad needs to stand up for his kids against weird AHs.

Dad’s caught in a tough spot between family members.

ESH except the kids. Stand up for your children!

NTA. Trying to compromise, but don’t compromise with terrorists.

Escape the chaos! Stay with your parents and save sanity!

Favoritism and room disputes – ESH! Who’s really the special one?

Fairness, cat confusion, and the importance of discussing length of stay

Parents vs. Kids: Who’s the real a**hole here?

Wife’s mother overstaying: ESH, wife more. Time for counseling?

ESH. Wife, MIL, and you need to prioritize your kids.

Hotel for MIL? ESH except kids. 6 weeks is insane.

YTA: Blow up bed for MIL or give up your room? ♂️

YTA for letting this situation escalate.

Cat, kids, and mother-in-law: a recipe for chaos

NTA: Stand up for your middle child and prioritize their well-being

Kid’s room dilemma: YTA for removing them or NTA for compromise?

Dad’s dilemma: Autism evaluation for daughter sparks family conflict. ESH.

Concerns about MIL’s extended stay for medical reasons

Guest overstays welcome, leading to marital conflict. Divorce looming?

Wife’s mom overstaying for 6 weeks? NTA, inconvenience her instead!

Kids, cat, and mother-in-law: a room-sharing dilemma! ESH

ESH: Wife’s unreasonable demands, daughter’s needs, and lack of communication

Stand up for your kids and set boundaries with your wife.

Wife’s mother overstaying? GTFO! You’re NTA for leaving.

Mother-in-law’s bed vs. cat: Who wins?

Parents vs. Mother-in-Law: Who’s the real a**hole here?

Kids’ feelings matter! Advocate for them, not your mother-in-law.

ESH. MIL needs to leave, wife should’ve discussed. Get daughter evaluated.

Kids’ space > MIL. No need for kids to sacrifice rooms.

NTA: Set boundaries with your wife and prioritize your kids.

ESH. Wife, MiL, and OP all need to address daughter’s needs

Wife’s secret visit sparks room dispute. NTA stands firm.

NTA. Watch out for favoritism and protect your middle child.

Wife’s unreasonable MIL visit sparks heated debate. NTA vs ESH.

Practicality wins: Two kids, cat, MIL’s ankle – room dilemma.

NTA: Protect your kids! Stand up against unfair treatment.

A cat fight dilemma, a lose-lose situation for this dad.

NTA. Six weeks?! Not fair to your kids or you.

ESH: Dad’s dilemma: Cat, kids, or mother-in-law? Room swap revenge?

Wife prioritizes MIL over family, husband should stand up.

ESH: Long visit from mother-in-law causing family burden. Talk needed.

ESH: Dad’s dilemma – wife, mother-in-law, or kids?

Marriage issues: Wife’s control, MIL, and importance of youngest’s sleep.

Fiery debate over wife’s authority and MIL’s accommodations!

Wife vs Mother-in-Law: Who gets the spare room?

Supportive parent defends *maybe* autistic child. Change is tough! NTA

Lack of privacy and support, it’s time for a change.

Strong opinion against displacing kids and uncomfortable sleeping arrangements.

Last Updated on July 31, 2023 by Diply Social Team