Imagine being in a blended family where the dad teaches his biological daughter his native language, but not his stepkids. That’s exactly what’s happening in this family, and it’s causing quite a stir! The stepkids are feeling left out and are demanding to learn the language too, but the dad has his reasons. Let’s dive into this dramatic story and see if you think he’s in the right or not.
Blended Family Background

Language Barrier

Preserving Heritage

Stepkids Feeling Threatened

Teaching vs Acquiring Language

Not a Teacher

Time Constraints ⏰

Special Connection

Class Offer

Language Tension

Language Lessons or Favoritism? ♂️
This dad is in quite a pickle! He’s trying to preserve his biological daughter’s heritage by teaching her his native language, but his stepkids are feeling left out. They want him to teach them too, but he insists he’s not skilled enough and doesn’t have the time. He’s even offered to find a class for them, but they refused. The tension in the house is growing, and it’s clear that something’s gotta give. What do you think of this language lesson dilemma? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this situation… ️
Teaching native language to biological child vs stepkids. NAH.

NTA for teaching language to bio daughter, but stepkids too?

Teach stepkids little sentences while doing stuff, make it fun!

YTA for excluding stepkids from learning your native language.

YTA for excluding stepkids from learning native language.

NTA for not wanting to be a teacher, but consider family counseling ️

NTA! Keep teaching your daughter, but try to include stepkids
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
NTA. Teaching a baby vs older kids is different. Stick to your plan!

Teaching native language to baby vs. teens/pre-teens, sticky notes idea!

NTA, but be mindful of your language and offer support

Excluding stepkids from language lessons? YTA, time to include them!

YTA – Include your stepkids, make learning a fun family activity!

“YTA, showing favoritism and causing resentment. “

NTA – Teaching your native language to your biological daughter!

“YTA. Treating kids unequally based on biology is unfair and hurtful!”

NTA for teaching native language; offered professionals for stepkids.

Family therapy needed! Reddit isn’t qualified for this delicate situation.

NTA for teaching native language, offered classes, it’s their choice.

“YTA. Excluding stepkids from bonding activity. They’ll resent it. “

NTA. Offer special activities for bonding, separate from language teaching

NTA, but odd to keep language between you and baby

Last Updated on February 1, 2024 by Diply Social Team