Ever struggled to keep your work and home life separate, especially when you’re working from home? Meet our hero, a dedicated dad and husband, juggling his professional and personal life under one roof. He’s got two young sons, a stay-at-home wife, and a job that demands his undivided attention. His solution to maintain the sanctity of his workspace? A spray bottle! But is he a genius or a j**k? Let’s dive into his story…
The Home Office Conundrum

The Closed Door Policy

The Persistent Interruptions

The Lockdown Threat

The Spray Bottle Solution

The First Spray

The Aftermath

The Family Dynamics

The Ultimatum

The Dilemma

Spray Bottle Dad: Balancing Act or Bullying?
Our hero is a dedicated dad, a loving husband, and a hardworking employee, all wrapped into one. But when his work-from-home arrangement is constantly disrupted by his well-meaning wife, he resorts to a rather unorthodox method: a spray bottle, usually used for his office plants. His wife, however, doesn’t appreciate this ‘animal-like’ treatment. Now, he’s left with a choice: continue the spray bottle routine, install a lock, or start commuting to work, leaving his wife alone with the kids all day. A tough decision indeed! Let’s see what the internet has to say about this intriguing situation…
Spray bottle discipline for interrupting work calls: NTA, hilarious solution!

“NTA. Keep spraying her. Verbal communication isn’t working. “

NTA. Spray bottle solution: genius or j**k? Commenters weigh in.

Locking her out: NTA’s genius solution or a j**k move?

NTA. Working from home is a privilege, but she’s taking it for granted and about to ruin it for everyone.

Spray bottle solution: genius or j**k? NTA comment sparks debate.

NTA. Wife acting like a child, lock her out

Spray bottle vs. lock: A**hole or practical solution?

NTA, but have a serious talk with your wife. ️

Spraying her may not be ideal, but she needs boundaries!

Spraying wife like a cat: r**e but funny and justifiable

NTA. Hilarious spray bottle solution for work-from-home interruptions!

Setting boundaries with a spray bottle, genius or j**k?

NTA: Kids trained to respect work boundaries, dad respects them too!

N T A. Dad’s spray bottle method to set boundaries

NTA: Partners need to respect WFH spaces!
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/4559eb36-fb57-4de7-94b1-b08e4642ebd0.png)
NTA: Setting boundaries with a forgetful and disrespectful family member
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/122f0ee7-1939-458c-a0f6-577e17051d86.png)
Spray bottle vs. door stopper: A battle of annoyances.

NTA. Hilarious spray bottle technique keeps family out during calls

Respecting boundaries during work calls: NTA’s genius solution

Teenager gets sprayed by dad during work calls: Effective or extreme?

NTA. Get a lock. Couples therapy might help too.

You’re patient and reasonable, NTA for setting boundaries!

Texting is the key! NTA for setting boundaries.

NTA, slightly a**hole but hilarious! Use a doorstop instead!

Spraying her wasn’t nice, but she keeps pushing your boundaries

NTA: Spray bottle tactic to maintain work-life boundaries.

Spray bottle: NTA for boundaries, TA for treating wife like animal.

Humorous j**k with a spray bottle: Genius or just annoying?

NTA suggests working from office to teach spouse meeting boundaries

Genius or j**k? Dad uses spray bottle to keep family out.

Nta…clear communication, no comprehension, kids know better. ♀️

Respecting boundaries during work calls: NTA sets a good example!

Hilarious comment that resonates with many readers.

NTA: Spray bottle keeps family out during work calls.

Spray bottle discipline: Genius or j**k? NTA comment defends.

NTA: Dad’s spray bottle method keeps family out during work calls

NTA: Spray bottle keeps family out during work calls

Spray bottle tactic: NTA, but try a sign or lock instead!

NTA – Setting boundaries with a spray bottle? Effective or extreme?

NTA. Get a lock and have your wife text you instead.

Spray bottle vs. bucket: creative ways to set boundaries

Spray bottle dad asserts authority, sparks debate on work boundaries.

NTA – Setting boundaries with a spray bottle?

NTA, spray bottle keeps family out during work calls. Genius!
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/3fbc8eb1-17d5-442f-979d-9b9e35f3c4b4.png)
Spray bottle discipline: effective parenting or overkill?

Simple solution: Just get a lock!

Spraying family during work calls: NTA, but get a lock!

NTA. Hilarious way to keep family out during work calls!

Spray bottle dad: NTA for setting boundaries with daughter during work.

Lock the door instead of spraying, be considerate

NTA. Clever solution to keep family out during work calls!

NTA: Locks and plant misting, a controversial combo

Dad sprays wife with water for disruptive behavior. NTA.

NTA: Super soaker revenge for not respecting work boundaries!

Last Updated on January 19, 2024 by Diply Social Team