Learning to drive can be a nerve-wracking experience for anyone, especially for a 16-year-old who’s just started. One mom thought her husband was taking their daughter, Julia, for a simple neighborhood drive, but things took an unexpected turn. The dad decided to teach his daughter a lesson by tricking her into driving on busy roads and intersections. The result? A shaken and upset teenager. Was this a valuable learning experience, or did the dad cross a line? Let’s dive into the story.
A New Driver on the Road

Starting Off Slow ️

A Quick Learner

Dad Takes the Wheel

Surprise Takeout Run

Where’s Julia?

A Common Occurrence

Something’s Not Right

The Truth Comes Out

Nerves on the Road

Confronting Dad

Mom’s Fury

Broken Trust?

Silent Treatment


A Lesson Learned or Trust Broken?
Julia, a 16-year-old new driver, was tricked by her dad into driving on busy roads and intersections, leaving her shaken and in tears. Her mom was furious, accusing the dad of breaking their daughter’s trust. The dad insists it’s just how kids are supposed to learn. Is the mom being too sensitive, or did the dad cross a line? Let’s see what people have to say about this driving dilemma…
Dad’s dangerous driving lesson backfires, commenters agree he’s NTA.

Teaching a young driver needs to be done in stages

Hire a pro to fix husband’s betrayal of daughter’s trust

Parenting by manipulation erodes trust. NTA, husband was cruel

Father’s betrayal of trust while teaching daughter to drive. NTA.
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Father’s dangerous lesson backfires, leaving daughter upset and ignored. NTA.

Encouraging comment about teaching daughter to drive despite dad’s mistake

Supportive comment encourages teaching daughter driving, calls husband ‘a****t’

Forcing a nervous teen onto busy roads? NTA, that’s cruel

NTA. Letting a new driver get used to the roads is important

Father’s dangerous lesson breaks daughter’s trust and risks her safety.

Starting on busy roads is normal, but tricking isn’t cool

Teen refuses to drive with mom again after similar experience

Traumatized by dad’s screaming while driving. NTA for daughter.

Pushing your child too hard can lead to trust issues
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Learning to drive on busy roads: cultural differences and opinions.

Spouse’s reckless driving puts others in danger. YTA confirmed

Learning to drive on busy roads: necessary or reckless?

Unexpected positive experience with a similar situation

Teaching someone to drive by tricking them? Not cool

Driving while emotionally distressed? NTA for being concerned.

Encouraging NTA comment advises to rebuild daughter’s confidence after dad’s dangerous lesson

Driving instructor used same tactic, effective but not for everyone

Tricking a new driver onto busy roads is dangerous and unacceptable

Father’s actions caused long-term anxiety for daughter. NTA.

Traumatizing driving lessons, NTA for not letting dad teach her.

Father’s reckless behavior sets daughter back, AH move

Dad’s dangerous driving lesson – NTA says comment.

Putting his wants over her safety. Not cool, Dad

Forcing a teenager to drive on busy roads is dangerous. #NTA

Uncle did the same, NTA. Daughter needs to feel comfortable driving

Daughter learns valuable lesson, but at what cost?

Teaching someone to drive? Don’t be reckless

Teaching a lesson or betrayal? NTA says he should’ve consulted

Grandpa’s extreme teaching method backfired, resulting in lasting fear.

Traumatized by dad’s driving lesson

Forcing a new driver onto a busy road is cruel

Driving should be taught by professionals, not parents. NTA.

Dad’s betrayal of daughter’s trust while teaching her to drive. NTA.

Parent’s driving lesson traumatized child. NTA seeks validation and advice.

Traumatized by dad’s dangerous driving lesson

Teaching a child to swim by throwing them in a river?

Driving lesson betrayal, NTA and A H hubby.

Parental betrayal? NTA commenter calls out dad’s dangerous lesson.

Learning to drive with dads can be traumatic.

Driving anxiety caused by forceful teaching. NTA for refusing.

Professional driving instructor eases nerves, builds confidence

An 18-year-old with driving anxiety thanks a supportive parent ❤️

Traumatized by dad’s driving lesson, still hates driving at 27.
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Parent’s dangerous driving lessons can traumatize new drivers

Traumatized by mom’s driving lesson 25 years ago

Forcing someone to learn driving can cause severe anxiety

Trust issues with dad after dangerous driving lesson.

Dad’s tough love backfires, traumatizes daughter. He’s TA
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Dad’s trick was a betrayal, but daughter needs to learn. ESH

Tricking a new driver is idiotic and dangerous

Empathetic commenter shares personal experience and offers helpful advice.

Engaging discussion on compromising faith in a marriage.
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Empathetic comment shows support for upset father’s actions

Father tricks daughter into driving on busy roads, causing distress

Forcing your daughter to drive was a terrible lesson

Driving on busy roads is not a lesson, it’s dangerous

Parent’s betrayal leads to anxiety and mistrust.

A commenter shares her experience and supports the dad’s actions.

Forcing a teen to drive on busy roads: YTA (you’re the a**hole)

Facing fear or betrayal? One commenters take on dad’s actions.

Father’s teaching method backfires, NTA chooses not to repeat mistake

Ex’s betrayal caused driving anxiety, NTA for putting foot down
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Traumatizing experience shared by commenter, driving anxiety is real

Driving instructor confirms dad’s teaching method is unsafe

Dad’s dangerous prank on daughter: NTA calls for apology

Dad’s lesson or betrayal? Commenter thinks he should have apologized.

Overcoming driving fears at 24 – NTA wins this round

Driving lesson on busy roads: NTA dad, YTA approach.

Learning to drive takes time and practice. NTA.

Trust broken: NTA commenter advises to stop driving with dad.

Parental trickery can cause trust issues and fear in children

Driving instructor might help with anxiety on busy roads. NTA.

Traumatized by dad’s driving lessons. NTA.

Teen shares her own experience and supports the daughter. NTA

NTA. Comparing it to throwing kids in the river to learn how to swim, the commenter’s dad taught them to drive in an empty parking lot. The daughter doesn’t feel safe.
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Teen’s dad betrays her trust with dangerous driving lesson

Driving lessons should never involve trickery or fear. #NTA

Protect your daughter from husband’s cruel and dangerous behavior

Last Updated on February 27, 2024 by Diply Social Team