Hey there, Facebook fam! We’ve got a story that’s sure to spark some debate. Picture this: a dedicated dad who’s done everything for his kids, only to feel disrespected and ignored by his adult daughter. He’s been providing for her education, but she barely gives him the time of day. Now, he’s had enough and is putting his foot down. But is he in the right? Let’s dive into this father’s tale and see what unfolds…
Dedicated Dad

Manipulative Ex

Hoping for Forgiveness

College Decisions

No Local Schools?

Left Out of the Process

Unhelpful Ex

Feeling Excluded

Out of State College

Trying to Connect

Holiday Visits

Frustration and Disrespect

Financial Support

No More Enabling

No Response

Still No Response

Messages and Assumptions

Thankful for Support

Dad’s Dilemma: Paying for Disrespect? ♂️
This father has been there for his kids since day one, providing everything they needed, including designer clothes! But his manipulative ex has turned their daughters against him. His younger daughter, Sarah, went off to college out of state, and he’s been trying to stay connected. He sends her funny posts, texts, and even offered to split the cost of plane tickets for holiday visits. ✈️ But Sarah claims she’s too busy to respond. Dad has had enough of the disrespect and is now refusing to pay for her tuition unless she starts showing him some respect. He’s received mixed reactions, with some people supporting his decision and others accusing him of being a bad father. So, what does the internet think about this situation? Let’s explore the top responses and find out!
Commenter calls out OP for bad behavior and parenting skills.

User suggests OP may regret cutting off daughter’s education funds

Parent is TA for resenting ex’s education level and trying to force daughter into their path.

Daughter’s college funding cut. YTA. Threats won’t mend relationship

Harsh criticism for parent who stopped funding child’s college.

Parenting basics aren’t a flex, YTA for controlling daughter’s future

A scathing reply to a dad who stopped funding his daughter’s college.

Daughter leaves controlling father, commenters suggest loans and independence

Parent advocates for giving college kids space to mature and grow

A scathing response to a controlling father’s actions

Criticized father’s parenting, urged reflection for a better relationship

User calls out father for lack of insight, recommends therapy ♂️

Curious about the other side of the story…

Divorced mother calls out entitled father for being TA

Parental control and emotional blackmailing won’t do any good.

Father criticized for stopping daughter’s college funding. YTA.

Reader predicts harsh comments for parent who cut funding. Yikes.

A harsh judgment from a reader towards the dad

Harsh comment towards dad who stopped funding daughter’s college.

Attitude may be the reason for alienation from children

Bare minimum parenting isn’t worthy of praise ♀️

Don’t let your ego ruin your relationship with your daughter

Parental frustration expressed in raw honesty

Toxicity won’t bring your daughter back. Work on yourself

Father’s lack of effort triggers strong YTA response

Parental involvement in child’s life is key to mutual respect

YTA: Using school money to manipulate daughter

Parent criticized for stopping college funds for daughter’s mistake. YTA.

Critical comment suggests self-reflection for dad’s behavior

A scathing reply calls out a hypocritical father for his entitlement

Dad cuts daughter’s college funding over ignored calls. YTA gets called out.

Harsh judgment for dad’s behavior

Accusation of manipulation creates tension in father-daughter relationship

Harsh comment calls out terrible parenting.

Daughter’s perspective on dad cutting off college funding transactionally.

Parent’s conditional love backfires, called out for being the a**hole

Frustrated commenter compares OP’s tantrum to toddler’s behavior

User accuses dad of being an a**hole and neglecting parental duties.

Critical comment calls out parent for lack of involvement and accountability

Daughter’s distant relationship with dad prompts YTA judgement ♀️

Furious commenter calls out vague and whiny attitude

Parent criticized for lack of personality and blaming ex-spouse. YTA

User criticizes father’s decision to cut daughter’s college funds, calls him manipulative.

Sarcastic remark calling out entitled dad.

Don’t make parenting conditional on obedience

Grow up and get involved for Sarah’s sake, YTA

Angry commenter calls out controlling father’s entitlement to daughter’s time.

YTA dad wants to control daughter’s life. Let her live!

Sarcastic reply to YTA comment defending father’s actions

User calls out OP for overbearing behavior and lack of support

Money isn’t love. You need therapy before you lose everything. ❤️

Parental financial abuse leads to strained relationship with daughter ♀️

This comment calls out the absurdity of the situation

A comment calling out a controlling father who stopped funding his daughter’s college education after being ignored.

Redditor calls out dad for expecting praise for bare minimum parenting

YTA comment receives scathing criticism for entitled attitude

Parental financial support or emotional manipulation? YTA confirmed

A scathing YTA comment on parenting and accountability

Daughter cuts contact with father, calls him out as a*hole

Mother’s decision leads to karma for entitled father

Savage comment takes down arrogant dad, no replies.

Dad stops funding daughter’s college with strings attached, YTA.

Father defends his decision to stop funding daughter’s college fees.

Harsh but fair criticism of the father’s emotional manipulation

Harsh response to controlling father.

Father loses daughter’s college funding due to lack of respect

In this comment, the OP is called out for emotional enmeshment

A comment questioning the authenticity and tone of the post.

Dude, your hard-nosed attitude is losing your daughter

Daughter’s father criticized for not paying full plane fare

YTA Alert Dad’s manipulation backfires with the car.

Parenting at its worst. YTA. Don’t cut funding for education.

Daughter’s college funding cut over ignoring dad – YTA called out

A comment calling out the dad’s behavior and narcissism

User thinks dad is TA for cutting college funding.

Father criticized for cutting daughter’s college funds. YTA confirmed.

Sending memes won’t resolve conflicts with your daughter

Last Updated on March 13, 2024 by Diply Social Team