Picture this: a loving dad, his 15-year-old daughter, and his soon-to-be wife living under one roof. Sounds like a perfect family portrait, right? Well, not quite. The dad, who we’ll call ‘Captain Dad’, has one rule: his fiancée, ‘Miss Almost’, isn’t allowed to parent his daughter, ‘Kylie’. This rule was laid out before Miss Almost moved in, but it seems she’s having a hard time remembering it. Let’s dive into this family drama and see what’s cooking.
Captain Dad Sets the Boundaries
The Rule That Wasn’t a Surprise
Miss Almost’s Unexpected Parenting Attempts
The Homework Showdown
Captain Dad Steps In
Dad’s Verdict: Not Her Decision
Miss Almost’s Outrage
The Unresolved Argument
Captain Dad’s Final Word
Miss Almost’s Exit
A Family Feud: Dad’s Rule vs. Fiancée’s Parenting Instincts
In the heart of a family conflict, Captain Dad stands his ground, refusing to let Miss Almost parent his daughter, despite her attempts to do so. From unexpected school drop-offs to homework showdowns, the tension is palpable. Will Miss Almost respect the boundary, or will she continue to push the envelope? And most importantly, how will this affect young Kylie? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this family feud.
NTA. Fiancée crossed boundaries, violated them, and got mad when called out.
Enormous red flags. NTA, reconsider relationship. Controlling behavior, pouting, deflection.
NTA. Fiancée oversteps boundaries with stepdaughter. Big red flag
“NTA. Fiancée tries to control daughter’s plans. Study group denied. “
Fiancée needs to respect boundaries or it’s a red flag.
NTA suggests reconsidering living together and postponing marriage due to controlling behavior.
NTA, set clear boundaries and communicate your expectations effectively.
NTA. Single mom defends her boundary with fiancée over parenting.
Setting boundaries with controlling fiancée, NTA. ♂️
Putting your daughter first and questioning the future.
NTA stepmom shares her experience with nacho parenting and responsibilities.
NTA: Setting boundaries with a partner’s child. Deal breaker?
NTA: Relationship advice for co-parenting boundaries and living arrangements.
Kid doesn’t need a mom anymore. NTA
Setting boundaries is important, but don’t neglect your responsibilities.
Fiancée overstepping boundaries, acting like a mom?
Engaged but don’t trust your partner as a parent?
NTA: Fiancée knew what to expect, issues will come up.
Dad sets rules, fiancée disrespects them. NTA!
Fiancée overstepping boundaries, dad needs to set clear expectations.
Is the fiancée excluded from being part of the family?
NTA for setting boundaries, but reevaluate the arrangement with partner.
Déjà vu! Redditors discuss the recurring theme of over-parenting conflicts.
NTA: Controlling fiancée ignores boundaries, causing discord in the home.
Clear boundaries set, fiancée crosses the line. NTA.
Fiancée wants to discipline daughter for going to the library?
NTA. Don’t agree just to change someone’s mind!
NTA, but boundaries need to be set to avoid resentment.
Household chores and finances: the key to resolving parenting disputes
NTA. GF crossed a boundary and argued. Time to reevaluate relationship.
Last Updated on November 8, 2023 by Diply Social Team