Imagine being a busy pediatric physician and receiving a call from your kids, telling you that one of them has thrown up. What would you do? For one dad, the decision to stay at work and finish his appointments has sparked a heated debate between him and his wife. The story unfolds as the dad, who is also the primary caregiver, struggles to balance work and family life while his wife, a kindergarten teacher, is seemingly uninvolved in their children’s care. Let’s dive into the details of this family drama…
Busy Parents, Busy Lives

Wife’s Work Situation ️

Mom’s Online Teaching Choice

Dad’s Concerns

Wife’s Phone Usage

Kids’ Calls to Dad

Dad’s Work Dilemma

Vomiting Incident

Dad’s Response

Heading Home

The Big Fight

Wife’s Accusations

Babysitter Debate

Dad’s Perspective

Distance Matters

Family Feud: Whose Responsibility Was It?
This dad’s decision to stay at work after his kids called about a vomiting emergency has ignited a fiery debate between him and his wife. While he believes his wife should have stepped up and checked on their sick child, she argues that he should have come home immediately. As they clash over the issue of hiring a babysitter and defining their roles as caregivers, it’s clear that this family is struggling to find the right balance between work and home life. Let’s see what the internet thinks about this complicated situation… ️♀️
NTA for refusing to rush home, but kids need supervision

Commenter defends dad’s decision and calls out wife’s behavior
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Balancing work and childcare is tough for everyone Hire a sitter.

Dad rearranged his appointments but wife didn’t help. NTA.

Working from home isn’t always easy, but NTA for prioritizing work.

Wife ignoring sick kids, NTA for not rushing home

Doctor defends dad’s decision to prioritize patients over sick kids.

Wife’s refusal to hire a babysitter makes her TA

Parenting or roommating? NTA dad gets criticized by spouse.

Proactive parenting advice: Interview nannies before a crisis hits

Hiring a ‘mother’s helper’ or a live-in nanny might be safer

Doctor defends not rushing home for vomiting kids, suggests parenting solution.

Parenting is a team effort, but when one drops the ball… ♂️

Pediatrician hypothetical scenario highlights neglectful parenting. NTA, wife TA.

Parenting disagreements lead to neglecting child’s needs

User suggests confronting wife about childcare responsibilities.

Dad prioritizes work over sick kids, gets NTA judgement.

Commenter calls out neglectful wife, suggests finding new one. NTA.

Sensible advice for a neglectful parent. Hire a babysitter

Commenter calls out wife’s selfishness and suggests counseling.

Commenter calls out neglect and guilt of both parents. ♂️

Commenter suggests issue with dad’s wife, sparking discussion.

Dad prioritizes work, but is he NTA for leaving sick kid?

Dad’s career or child’s health? NTA but act now

Parenting teamwork questioned in hilarious vomit incident. NTA.

Comment suggests hiring a nanny to avoid similar incidents

Commenter suggests hiring a nanny for neglected kids.

Commenter defends dad, questions woman’s priorities in childcare.

Hire a sitter and de-stress the situation

Working parents need childcare; intern deserves a raise
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Strict rules lead to kids cleaning vomit alone. Counseling recommended.

Teaching online allows for flexibility and breaks, NTA.

Dad gets support for not rushing home during vomiting incident

NTA prioritizes children’s safety over inconvenience.

Pediatrician questions appropriateness of leaving young kids unsupervised all day
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Working from home and taking care of kids is tough

Parenting dilemma: Is hiring a sitter a bad idea?

NTA, but communication with your wife needs improvement

Taking a break could have prevented this

Commenter calls out spouse for failing to provide childcare

Commenter calls out neglectful parents for relying on intern. ESH.

Commenter calls out parent for neglecting sick child, demands better care.

Dad prioritizes self-care, deemed not the a**hole

Parenting priorities debated: Should wife have paused online class?

Parenting priorities questioned in comment section

Spouse’s ego causing problems? NTA dad has a solution

Concerned commenter suggests marital issues based on dad’s post.

Struggling with online school and work? Hire a babysitter

Parenting is a team sport . NTA for needing help.

Should young children be left unsupervised?

Parenting debate: Should one parent always be responsible for childcare?

Parenting disagreement sparks debate in comment section

Commenter shames mother for not rushing home to sick kids

Concerned commenter asks for more information about wife’s situation.
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Commenter criticizes neglectful mother, advises father to protect kids.

Parents need to take responsibility and find a solution

Parenting disagreement leads to unsupervised kids and vomiting incident. ESH.
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Teacher agrees NTA, suggests getting a babysitter for kids

NTA. Wife chose to teach online but won’t care for kids.

Commenter defends dad’s decision, calls out lazy babysitter.
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Working from home is not easy, but hiring help is.

Parenting struggles: NTA dad left to handle sick child alone.

Parenting advice sparks debate on childcare responsibilities.

Working mom criticized for not prioritizing her sick kids.

Teacher multitasks better than daycare worker, NTA

NTA defends dad’s decision to not rush home for vomiting incident.

Commenter defends dad’s parenting choices, throws shade at critic

Suggests hiring help during pandemic-induced stressful situations

Commenter questions parent’s neglectful behavior in a delicate situation

Working parents face difficult situation, need babysitter. Wife unreasonable.

Couple needs to prioritize communication and childcare responsibilities

Last Updated on May 15, 2023 by Diply Social Team