Imagine being a proud dad, thinking your daughter is studying computer science in college, only to find out she’s been lying to you about her major all along. That’s exactly what happened to one father, who discovered his 19-year-old daughter was actually majoring in illustration, despite their agreement on a more stable career path. Now, he’s refusing to pay her tuition, causing a rift in the family. But is he being too harsh? Let’s dive into the story. ️♀️
The Big Reveal ️♂️

A Father’s Concern

The Lie Unravels

Furious Father

Money Matters

Ultimatum Time ⏳

Wife Weighs In

Standing His Ground

Feeling Deceived

Family Fallout

To Pay or Not to Pay? ♂️
So, we have a father who thought he was supporting his daughter’s computer science education, only to find out she’s been lying about her major and studying illustration instead. He’s furious and feels deceived, leading him to refuse to pay her tuition any longer. While his wife thinks he’s being unreasonable, he believes he’s just holding his daughter accountable for her actions. As the family drama unfolds, we can’t help but wonder what others think about this sticky situation. Let’s take a look at some of the top responses from the internet.
Former advisor defends daughter’s major choice. Let her self-actualize. YTA.

Daughter’s lie about art leads to tuition dispute. YTA verdict.

User shares personal experience and advises dad to support daughter

Passionate defense of daughter’s career choice and criticism of parent’s unsupportive behavior

Daughter lied due to judgemental and unsupportive father. YTA

Parent argues degree is not important, calls OP YTA

Daughter’s future not about dad. YTA in every way.

Let her explore, YTA. College is for self-discovery.

Parental pressure vs honesty, YTA receives backlash

User calls out dad for selfishness and hurting daughter’s dreams

Redditor calls out dad for being controlling and a**hole

Dad’s controlling behavior backfires, internet calls him a**hole
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Father criticized for controlling daughter’s career choice. YTA

College professor calls out parent for forcing major on daughter

Passion and dedication are key to success in any career

Pay for your daughter’s tuition and support her dreams. YTA

Grateful commenter reflects on parental support and condemns OP’s behavior

Father’s disbelief backfires as daughter’s success proves him wrong
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Father criticized for controlling daughter’s education and passions.

NTA. Daughter lied, father not obligated to pay tuition

Opinionated comment suggests alternative career options for daughter. YTA.

Redditor defends dad’s decision to withhold tuition after daughter’s lie

Parental control over child’s career choice criticized.

Supportive comment encourages daughter’s autonomy and father’s decision.

Redditor calls out dad for being TA, urges him to prioritize his relationship with his daughter over her major choice

Daughter lied, dad won’t pay tuition. NTA, set conditions.

Encouraging comment about daughter’s career choice in art with emojis

YTA gets called out with a warning of future consequences

ESH. Daughter lied, but demonizing her major and unfair punishment.

Harsh criticism for dad’s controlling behavior towards daughter’s education

NTA for wanting to agree on paying for college. Compromise possible.

Is a degree in art financially smart? Discussion ensues.

Dad’s controlling behavior jeopardizes his relationship with daughter

User suggests minor in graphic design for job stability. YTA.
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YTA comment receives support from others.

Father-daughter agreement broken, but should he fund her dream career?

Former art major shares personal experience with college major regrets

Daughter lied, Dad refused tuition. Commenter thinks NTA.

Parent defends dad’s decision to withhold tuition due to lie.
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Debate over daughter’s tuition and career choices, ESH.

Investing in education with good ROI is personal choice. NTA

Father refuses to pay daughter’s tuition after similar experience. NTA.

Let your daughter live her life. YTA.

Dad gets called out for being controlling and potentially ruining daughter’s future

Supporting daughter’s decisions doesn’t mean paying for her lies #NTA

Investing in college, not lies. Daughter should have gotten loans.

Debate over whether lying about 5-figure purchase is acceptable

Daughter lied for tuition, dad refuses to pay. ESH. ♂️

Supporting pursuing passion over parental pressure

Dad’s controlling behavior risks losing relationship with daughter.

ESH. Daughter’s lie costs thousands, but dad’s reaction is extreme

Daughter lied, dad refused tuition, commenter calls out both parties.

Parental pressure can lead to unhappy children

YTA comment calls out lack of care and pride.

Supportive comment defends daughter’s career choice.

User calls out father for being controlling and shortsighted

Choosing to major in illustration doesn’t entitle her to money

Finding middle ground in education choices can benefit all parties.

Lesson learned: ESH, no guilt trip, stop funding, move on

Why this comment calls the dad YTA will surprise you ♀️

Art major suggests learning a trade for better survival

Forcing your desires on your child can lead to lies

Parent’s conditional love and refusal to pay tuition criticized. YTA!

Daughter lied about major, dad refuses tuition. Commenter calls out both.

Lying for tuition? Not cool. NTA is the verdict.

Dad’s reaction to daughter’s lie – YTA or NAH?
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When parents dictate their children’s future, everyone loses

English major suggests daughter can forge her own path. YTA.
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Daughter cuts contact with judgmental dad. YTA

Advice to OP: Pay tuition out of love, not expectation. YTA

Illustrations are valuable, YTA for not supporting daughter’s career choice

Father’s reaction to daughter’s lie sparks YTA debate.

Controlling dad refuses to pay daughter’s tuition #YTA

Choosing a practical degree over a dream degree: a cautionary tale

Daughter lied for tuition, NTA for refusing to pay.

Choosing not to go to college vs lying about it. YTA.

Set rules, keep money NTA stands firm

Parent sets rules for tuition payment, suggests middle ground.

Father’s controlling behavior forced daughter to lie. YTA

Daughter lied, dad refused tuition. Commenters support dad’s decision.

Parental support should not be conditional on living vicariously through children
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Parental pressure vs. personal fulfillment. YTA strikes again

Encouraging comment to let daughter pursue passion, YTA verdict.

Parental control or overbearing? YTA receives backlash.

Illustration degree can lead to various applications in entertainment industry

Parent refuses to pay for child’s tuition after lie. NTA.

Father criticized for dictating daughter’s future and being controlling.

Last Updated on February 16, 2024 by Diply Social Team