A concerned father found himself in hot water after making a controversial deal with his 19-year-old son. The dad promised to buy his son a car for his 20th birthday, but only if he lost weight and kept a job. The son, who has struggled with weight gain and job stability, accepted the conditions but later accused his father of favoritism and unfair treatment. The father’s intentions might have been well-meaning, but his approach has left his family in turmoil. Let’s dive into the story.
The Father’s Fitness Focus ♂️

The Car-for-Weight-Loss Deal ⚖️

Son’s Struggle with Weight

Dad’s Concerns about Fast Food

Son’s Progress Report

Son’s Job Success

Dad Delivers the Bad News

Son’s Emotional Reaction

Older Brother’s Drug Problem

Son’s Angry Accusation

Dad’s Clarifications

Dad’s Concerns about Health

Weight Loss Goal

Dad’s Final Decision

Dad’s Dilemma: Weight Loss vs. Car
A father’s attempt to motivate his son to lose weight by promising a car has led to accusations of favoritism and unfair treatment. The son, who has struggled with weight gain, feels that his older brother, who has a drug problem, is treated better. Despite the father’s concerns about the son’s health and the accessibility of fast food, he ultimately decides to buy the car if the son keeps his job by his 20th birthday. As the family navigates this emotional rollercoaster, let’s take a look at the internet’s reactions to this situation.
YTA on so many levels, I honestly don’t even want to go into it because it’s so much. I hope you get him his car and he drives far, far away from you. And he will, if you keep this up.

YTA for refusing to buy your son a car due to his weight. Your son deserves better treatment and you need to shape up

OP is YTA for punishing his son for being a healthy weight

YTA father’s fat-shaming causes eating disorder and family rift

Parental favoritism and lack of empathy towards son’s eating disorder. YTA

Father’s favoritism and body-shaming leads to family issues

YTA for body shaming your son. Losing 10lbs in 6 months is not bad.

Father refuses to buy son car due to weight. Commenter calls YTA.

Parental body shaming can lead to serious mental health issues

Parental love shouldn’t be conditional on body weight

Parent’s attempt at control leads to resentment and body shaming

Son’s weight is normal, dad’s behavior is toxic and unfair. YTA

Commenter calls out dad’s behavior, says YTA.

Father refuses to buy son a car due to weight. Commenters disagree.

Obese anorexic warns dad of permanent damage from body-shaming

YTA dad shames son’s weight, commenters express sadness

Parenting style criticized for prioritizing appearance over mental health

Weight shaming is never okay. Encouragement is better

Commenter calls out parent for prioritizing weight over mental health

Woman shuts down dad’s weight discrimination with muscle facts

Commenter calls out dad for favoritism and body shaming.

Commenter calls out parent for harmful behavior towards son’s weight

Encouraging exercise over food rewards can prevent disorders

Commenter calls out dad for being a massive a**hole

Parental body shaming can lead to eating disorders. YTA

Commenter calls out dad’s weight shaming, predicts karma for mom

Parental body shaming can have long-lasting effects. YTA.

Commenter suggests dad’s shaming caused sons’ coping mechanisms

Commenter calls out dad’s shallowness and warns of consequences.

Weight-shaming your child? YTA. Lazy but productive? NTA.

Father’s weight bias and favoritism towards older son criticized
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/433316ee-76da-4e06-8e9a-a91c35e6aabc.png)
Commenter calls out dad’s favoritism and body shaming

Commenter calls out OP for lack of empathy. YTA.

Parent’s judgmental attitude towards son’s weight gain questioned.

Father’s weight shaming of son is unacceptable. YTA

Commenter calls out dad’s judgmental behavior.

Sarcastic reply to dad’s weight discrimination. YTA called out.

Weight shouldn’t determine worth. YTA for fat bias.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/0a8b4eb2-1771-41c0-823b-5b45674eed5f.png)
Fiery response to parent’s car denial. YTA

Parent’s harmful obsession with child’s weight is concerning. YTA.

Commenter calls out dad for being the a**hole in weight-shaming son

Commenter calls out OP’s behavior with a curse word

Stop shaming your child. YTA. Weight isn’t an accurate indication.

Commenter calls out dad’s hypocritical and controlling behavior.

Parent’s micro-managing of child’s weight is hurting, not helping. YTA.

Commenter calls out absurdity, advises dad to buy car.

YTA wins sh*tty parent of the year award

Former addict calls out dad for playing favorites and body shaming

Commenter calls out dad’s unfair treatment of overweight son.

YTA dad refuses son’s car due to weight. Get him car.

Parent’s punishment for child’s weight is harmful and ineffective

Last Updated on June 2, 2023 by Diply Social Team