We all know that everyone has their own insecurities and sometimes, a little change can make a huge difference in our lives. But what happens when a dad decides to help his son boost his confidence by paying for a nose job, and it causes a rift between him and the boy’s mom? Grab your popcorn and let’s dive into this family drama!
The Button Nose Dilemma

A Sensitive Topic

The Nose Job Request

Mom’s Stance ♀️

Dad’s Initial Agreement

Son’s Convincing Argument ️

A Life-Changing Decision

Dad’s Change of Heart ❤️

The Generous Offer

Mom’s Furious Reaction

The Transformation

Confidence Skyrocketed

Mom’s Accusation

Dad’s Generosity vs. Mom’s Fury: Who’s Right?
So, here we have a dad who just wanted to help his son feel better about himself by paying for a nose job and a car. But this decision didn’t sit well with the boy’s mom, who felt betrayed and accused the dad of backstabbing her. With the son’s confidence soaring and girls now showing interest, it seems like the nose job was a success. But was it worth the family drama? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this situation…
Dad’s money, dad’s choice. But is it spoiling or supporting?
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Debating the necessity of a nose job and parental betrayal
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NTA but poor financial choices

Debate over cosmetic surgery vs. medical necessity. NTA but mild YTA.

Dad spends all his money on son’s nose job and car, leaving mom to deal with the consequences. ESH
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At 19, he’s old enough to earn money for nose job. ESH.

Enabling insecurities? YTA. Medically-unnecessary procedure for vanity

Debate over cosmetic vs medical surgery gets heated

Parent criticized for financially supporting son’s nose job – YTA verdict

User doubts authenticity of story, calls out father’s poor decision-making.

Co-parenting fail: Dad pays for son’s nose job and car

Ex-wife can’t control your money or son’s body. ♂️

Support for dad’s decision to pay for son’s nose job & car

Don’t let anyone shame you for being a great dad! #NTA

NTA for supporting son’s self-esteem, but financial risk taken.

Did this dad do the right thing?

Parent enabling insecurities, YTA. Talk to your kid more

Clarify your financial situation to avoid YTA assumptions

YTA for not discussing with ex, spoiling son, and enabling insecurity

Son plays divorced parents against each other for nose job & car

Parenting gone wrong: paying for son’s nose job & car.

Mom’s ex furious after dad pays for son’s nose job

Father undermines mother’s authority, sets bad example. YTA ♂️
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Financial blackmail and spoiled behavior: everyone s***s here.

User calls out YTA for misunderstanding nose jobs vs vision correction

ESH. Mom thinks son is spoiled, commenter thinks he needs to learn financial responsibility.

YTA for lying to your co-parent about surgery on your child.

Compromising with your ex and therapy could’ve saved you money

Communication is key! YTA for going behind her back

Husband in trouble for not consulting wife about son’s surgery

Dad accused of being selfish for nose job and car gift

Parent regrets paying for son’s nose job, suggests therapy instead.

User questions dad’s decision to pay for son’s nose job.

Mom throws tantrum over dad spending money on son. NTA.

Mom’s ex is YTA for spending all his money on son’s surgery and car

Support for dad’s decision to help son’s self-esteem

Mom not the a**hole for not paying for son’s luxuries

Co-parenting advice: communicate and keep things cordial

Curious commenter questions son’s nose job and its purpose.

Parental love or financial irresponsibility? NTA but YDI

Teaching bad life lessons? YTA for going behind co-parent’s back

Dad’s secret nose job and car gift angers mom. YTA.

Parent criticized for paying for son’s nose job, needs therapy.

Dad’s entitlement leads to spoiled son. ESH

Co-parenting is a team effort, dad may be TA ♀️

Son gets nose job and car, dad goes broke: YTA.

Supportive comment defends dad’s decision to help son feel confident

Son gets nose job and car funded by dad, mom furious

User thinks dad is NTA but foolish for spending all his money on son’s nose job and car. Advises him to be more careful with his money.

Son chose car, dad paid for nose job. Mom reneged offer. NTA

Support for dad’s decision to pay for son’s surgery and car.

Helping your child gain confidence is important. NTA!

A 19-year-old can make his own decisions. NTA-ish

Defending cosmetic surgery, asserting son’s right to choose. NTA

NTA – Heartwarming comment about being a selfless parent ❤️

Adopted child shares experience of being different, supports dad’s actions

Self-love wins over going broke for a nose job

Surgery not necessary, poor financial decision, but NTA.

Supportive comment about son’s nose job, emphasizes importance of confidence

Dad defends paying for son’s nose job and car, mom angry

Supportive comment defends dad’s decision to pay for son’s surgery

NTA dad’s love for his son trumps his ex’s opinion

Son gets nose job and car, dad not the a****e.

Supporting adult son’s decision: NTA, mom furious

Ex tries to control spending, reneges on support. NTA wins

Supportive comment on son’s nose job and car, but advises caution

Son gets nose job and car, mom furious. Commenter supports dad.

Questioning the authenticity of a dad’s financial decision

Supportive comment on son’s nose job, highlighting safety concerns.

Son gets nose job and car, but is he spoiled?

Son’s choices spark parental conflict: NTA for asserting independence.
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Supportive comment acknowledges all sides in nose job controversy

Supportive comment defends dad’s decision to pay for son’s surgery and car.
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Last Updated on February 13, 2024 by Diply Social Team