Meet our 29-year-old protagonist, who’s caught in a dilemma that’s got her questioning her own reasonableness. She’s moved back to her hometown for a better job, while her 30-year-old boyfriend remains in the big city, hoping to follow her soon. Our heroine is now house hunting, but with a twist: her dad is offering to help with the down payment. However, her boyfriend is demanding that his name be on the mortgage, or he won’t pay rent when he moves in! Is he being controlling, or does he have a point? Let’s dive into the story!
Back to Hometown
The House Hunt Begins
Dream House, Steep Price
Boyfriend’s Demands
Buy or Not to Buy?
Feeling Controlled
Boyfriend’s Efforts
Left Out?
A Generous Gift
Feeling Unworthy
Drama Unfolds Over Mortgage Demands
Our protagonist is in a pickle: her dad is generously offering to help with the down payment on her dream house, but her boyfriend is being stubborn about having his name on the mortgage. He refuses to pay rent unless he’s on the mortgage, despite not contributing to the down payment. She’s trying to see his side, but can’t help feeling controlled. He’s making efforts to move and propose, but is his demand reasonable? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
NTA, boyfriend wants his name on mortgage but hasn’t invested
NTA. Boyfriend wants name on mortgage, but Dad helped.
Protect yourself! Don’t put him on the mortgage without marriage
Engaging perspectives on buying a home without equal input
Boyfriend wants name on mortgage, but NTA says no way!
Torn between NAH and ESH. Different views on homeownership and relationship.
Boyfriend wants name on mortgage without contributing. Choose dad.
NTA, but are you letting others control your decisions?
NTA. Boyfriend wants house, not love. Dump him!
NTA: Boyfriend demanding name on mortgage? No way!
Red flags in relationship: buying house without joint decision.
Boyfriend demands name on mortgage without paying. NTA.
Don’t let love cost you! Protect your assets.
“NTA. Don’t let him mooch off your hard-earned house “
NTA. Don’t put his name on anything if he’s not contributing financially
ESH: Real discussion needed to make life plans with partner
NAH if I’m being honest. Boyfriend wants equal benefits from mortgage.
NTA for standing up to boyfriend, consider standing up to dad
Boyfriend’s concerns about financial investment and lack of guarantee
NTA. Boyfriend wants benefits without contributing.
NTA, boyfriend wants name on mortgage. Not feeling great about entitlement
Dump the loser boyfriend! Don’t put his name on mortgage!
Boyfriend wants name on mortgage but won’t pay living expenses?
NTA. Boyfriend demanding name on mortgage before marriage
Rent or buy? Tough decision. Low interest rates. NTA.
“NTA. Never buy a house with someone you’re not married to “
NTA. Boyfriend’s demand for ownership is manipulative and concerning
NTA: Don’t let him move in if he’s controlling.
NTA. Don’t let him freeload off your dad’s generosity
NTA – Boyfriend wants name on mortgage
Boyfriend wants ownership without contributing. NTA stands their ground.
“NTA. Boyfriend wants control over house, protect yourself with contract!”
NTA, your money, your credit…your house. Your boyfriend needs to wise up and realize this is a good deal for him too. If he wants on the mortgage that bad, he knows what he needs to do. ♂️
Last Updated on February 2, 2024 by Diply Social Team