Picture this: you’re a hardworking, dedicated young person who’s been given a fantastic opportunity to learn and work in the film industry. You’re eager to learn and constantly ask questions to improve your skills. But there’s one thing that gets you fired – being too polite in your text messages! This dad recently fired his daughter’s best friend for not dropping formalities in her texts, despite his repeated requests. Now, everyone’s mad at him, and the internet is divided on whether he made the right call. Let’s dive into the story!
A Promising Opportunity
Hard Worker, Fast Learner
The Text Message Issue
Encouragement to Ask Questions
Polite Messages, Persistent Formalities
Attempts to Drop Formalities
The Ultimatum ⚠️
The Final Straw
The Aftermath
Consequences and Future Chances
A Lesson Learned?
Was Dad Right or Wrong? ♀️
So, this dad fired his daughter’s best friend for not dropping formalities in her text messages, despite his repeated requests. He believes he taught her a valuable lesson about adapting to a supervisor’s preferences. But now, everyone’s mad at him, and the internet can’t seem to agree on whether he was right or wrong. Was he too harsh, or did he do her a favor? Let’s see what people have to say about this situation…
Firing someone for being polite? YTA and a terrible manager.
OP apologizes and offers to reimburse lost hours, receives helpful advice.
Politeness gets punished? YTA fires daughter’s friend.
Firing someone over text is unprofessional and cowardly
Teenage girl fired for being too polite. Commenter calls YTA.
Firing someone for being too polite? YTA for sure
Commenter calls out dad’s unprofessional behavior towards daughter’s friend.
Dad fires daughter’s friend for being too polite – YTA
A scathing comment calling out a terrible employer
Firing a young girl via text? YTA, and you know it.
Firing a young, nervous newbie for being too polite? YTA ♂️
Firing a polite teenage girl? YTA and a big one
Commenter calls out unprofessional behavior in firing over politeness.
Firing someone for being too polite? YTA, big time
Don’t be a j**k boss! YTA for firing over politeness
Fired for being too polite? YTA. But wait, there’s a twist…
Commenter calls out the dad’s power trip with YTA verdict
Firing someone for being too polite? YTA for sure
Employee’s firing for not following direction sparks debate. NAH.
Firing someone for being too polite? YTA, and the internet agrees
Firing her won’t make her less polite. YTA.
OP may have discouraged a polite employee from asking questions
Debate over firing polite employee, but NTA had valid points
Dad gets backlash for firing daughter’s friend for being too polite
Firing someone for being too polite? YTA. Grow up
Importance of adapting to workplace communication preferences
Commenter calls out dad’s behavior as unacceptable.
Firing daughter’s friend for being too polite: justified or not?
Firing a polite teenager? YTA. Internet agrees
Commenter’s strong reaction to dad’s behavior.
Debate over firing daughter’s polite friend for being too deferential.
Polite employee fired for not following instructions, NTA according to boss.
Firing someone for being too polite? YTA. Unprofessional behavior.
Firing someone for being too polite? YTA, way too harsh
Commenter calls out dad for being controlling and insensitive.
Firing someone for being too polite? YTA indeed
Supervisor fires polite employee, internet calls out YTA behavior.
Firing someone for being too polite? YTA and in trouble!
Doctor defends politeness, calls OP the a**hole.
Firing a polite, efficient, and enthusiastic employee? YTA, dad.
Firing someone for being too polite? YTA, and the internet agrees
Supervisor fires employee for being ‘too polite’, internet outraged. YTA.
Dad fires daughter’s friend for being too polite, gets called YTA
Firing for politeness? NTA according to divided internet
Commenter calls out dad’s lack of understanding of power dynamics.
Internet unanimously agrees: YTA for firing daughter’s friend
Politeness in the workplace: Is it a hindrance or a strength?
Politeness gets you fired? Commenter calls out the dad’s behavior.
Defending politeness in youth: YTA according to commenters
Internet calls out dad for firing daughter’s polite friend
Adapting to your supervisor’s preferences is a priority. NTA for firing.
Politeness is a virtue, not a flaw. YTA, dad.
Firing someone for being too polite? YTA confirmed ♂️
Redditors call out r**e boss for firing polite employee. YTA.
Firing someone for being too polite? YTA for sure
Firing someone for being too polite? YTA according to commenters
Don’t be an a**hole, teach her to be less polite
Firing someone for being too polite is horrible
Politeness gets you fired? Internet divided over dad’s decision
Firing someone for being polite? YTA, and the internet agrees ♂️
Firing someone for being polite? That’s a new low
Redditor calls out dad for firing daughter’s polite friend. YTA.
Anxiety and fear of doing something wrong. YTA.
Politeness gets punished? Internet divided over dad’s decision
Last Updated on May 11, 2023 by Diply Social Team