We’ve all had our fair share of phone accidents, from cracked screens to water damage. But what happens when someone else is responsible for the damage, especially if it’s your partner’s parent? Meet Serena, a careful phone owner who’s been dealing with her boyfriend’s dad’s ‘slippery fingers’ causing her phone troubles. Let’s dive into this story and see how this family drama unfolds…
Serena and Her Loving Family
The First Phone Tragedy
The Unfortunate Discovery
A New Phone and a New Beginning ✨
Deja Vu: The Second Incident
Oops! He Did It Again
Apologies and Repairs
The Unthinkable: Phone Tragedy Strikes Again!
Mysterious Circumstances ️♂️
Enough is Enough!
The Request for Reparations
Taking a Stand
An Early Exit
Family Opinions ️
The Great Phone Debacle: Whose Responsibility Is It?
So, we have a dad whose ‘slippery fingers’ have caused not one, not two, but THREE phone accidents for his son’s girlfriend, Serena. While she’s been understanding and paid for her own repairs, it’s clear that enough is enough. The boyfriend is now pressuring his dad to pay for the latest repairs, but the dad refuses, claiming to be a ‘poor old man.’ With family members weighing in, this phone debacle has turned into quite the family drama. Let’s see what the internet has to say about this situation…
NTA – Dad’s phone-breaking behavior seems deliberate. He should pay.
NTA. Commenters suspect dad may have ulterior motives with girlfriend.
Dad’s odd phone behavior raises eyebrows, NTA for not paying repairs.
Dad destroys girlfriend’s phone multiple times, but who’s at fault?
Dad destroys girlfriend’s phone multiple times, why keep lending it?
Dad’s suspicious behavior towards girlfriend’s phone raises red flags. NTA.
Dad destroyed girlfriend’s phone 3 times on purpose? NTA.
Dad destroys girlfriend’s phone thrice, is he doing it intentionally?
Dad’s phone rage reveals true feelings about girlfriend
Girlfriend suggests hiding phone from slippery dad.
Dad’s jealousy issues are showing, and his excuses don’t make sense
Dad keeps breaking girlfriend’s phone but won’t pay for repairs
Is the dad really clumsy or is something else going on?
Is he invading her privacy?
Commenter suspects dad’s phone destruction is intentional. NTA verdict.
Something seems fishy here. NTA, but suspicious behavior.
Dad’s destructive behavior may be a ploy for control. NTA.
Dad destroys girlfriend’s phone multiple times and refuses to pay. NTA suggests he should buy her a new phone.
Dad drops girlfriend’s phone thrice! NTA or ESH?
Dad needs to stop touching phones and pay for repairs.
Concerns raised about father’s motives for destroying girlfriend’s phone.
Dad destroys girlfriend’s phone, but not sorry. NTA.
Commenter uses wise words to call out destructive behavior.
Dad’s phone destruction raises concerns about trust and responsibility.
What’s the real reason behind the phone destruction?
Protect your phone and Serena from destructive dad.
Suspicious behavior or just clumsy?
Dad destroys girlfriend’s phone but won’t pay for repairs. NTA calls him out.
Breaking phones and breaking hearts, this dad’s in trouble.
Concerned commenter suggests medical check for clumsy dad. NTA.
Suspicious behavior leads to destroyed phone and relationship troubles.
Dad destroys GF’s phone thrice, but GF and OP are saints
Curious commenter asks about dad’s phone destruction rampage.
NTA, but dad needs to take responsibility for phone damages.
NTA’s witty comment gets a hilarious Nokia comeback
Dad’s destructive behavior towards girlfriend’s phone deemed unacceptable.
Commenter questions if dad has early dementia, calls situation odd.
Curious comment and replies await OP’s update on phone destruction mystery
Dad’s phone rage is intentional, commenter says. NTA.
Dad destroys girlfriend’s phone, but is he doing it on purpose?
Lesson learned: never give your dad her phone!
Dad destroys phone, but not relationship. NTA wins.
Confusion and disbelief in response to the situation at hand.
Is Dad really destroying the phone intentionally?
Compassionate suggestion to check for possible health issues. ❤
Dad destroys phone, but not relationship. NTA.
Find out why dad destroyed phone before bringing girlfriend around.
Concerned about possible medical issue or suggest LC (limited contact)
NTA commenter suspects something fishy and advises medical assessment.
Dad destroys girlfriend’s phone thrice! Daughter demands he pays for repairs.
Protect your phone and your power. Don’t give in.
Dad’s phone clumsiness or intentional? Either way, pay up!
Curious to know the motive behind the destructive activities
Clumsy dad destroys girlfriend’s phone, but not the relationship. NTA.
Father deliberately broke girlfriend’s phone thrice and refuses to pay. NTA.
Last Updated on May 4, 2023 by Diply Social Team