Hey there, dog lovers and drama seekers! Get ready for a tail-wagging tale that’s sure to get your emotions running high! I’m a 20-year-old gal with an adorable 8-month-old puppy who’s still learning the ropes. We’ve been training hard, but you know how excitable these little guys can be! Well, buckle up, because today’s walk took an unexpected turn when we ran into some neighborhood kiddos. Let’s dive into this paw-some story and see if I’m the one who needs to be sent to the doghouse! ️
Meet My Excitable Puppy!
♀️ Walks Turn into Training Sessions
Puppy Meets the Neighbors Near Daycare
Saying Hi to the Girls Next Door ♀️
⚠️ Warning: Excited Puppy Ahead!
️ Dad Won’t Listen to Reason
Puppy Pounces, Toddler Tumbles!
Startled, But Not Hurt
Feeling Awful About the Incident
Leashed and Legal
⏰ It All Happened So Fast!
Frozen in the Moment
Chill Dogs in My Hood
Every House, At Least One Pup
Soft Landing on the Grass
Puppy Pandemonium: Am I the Villain?
So, here’s the scoop: my puppy and I were out for our usual walk when we bumped into two adorable little girls from next door. I tried to warn their dad that my pup gets a bit too excited around kids and needs a moment to settle down before they pet him. ♀️ But the dad wasn’t having it and insisted the girls just go ahead and give my furry friend some love. Well, you can guess what happened next – my puppy jumped up, and the younger girl took a tumble! She wasn’t hurt, but the dad went ballistic, calling my dog a “feral, untrained mutt.” I feel awful about the whole thing, but I did try to warn them! Now, I turn to you, dear internet, to help me decide: am I the a****e in this situation? Let’s see what the masses have to say!
Standing up for puppy rights
Dad ignores owner’s advice and demands kids pet puppy. Commenter defends owner’s actions and calls dad the only a****e in the situation.
Assertive pet owner sets boundaries, ESH for ignoring warnings.
A cautionary tale about ignoring warnings and facing consequences
Owner warns dad not to pet dog, dad ignores. NTA wins!
Control your dog around kids or don’t let them pet
Irresponsible dad and stubborn owner both make mistakes
Neighbor’s demands for kids to pet puppy backfire ♂️
NTA dad, but owner should work on better dog control.
Entitled dad ignores dog owner’s advice, gets surprised by behavior
Entitled dad demands puppy, owner needs to learn to say no. ESH.
NTA. Dad ignores safety warning, encourages kids to interfere with training.
Confusion over timeline of events leads to questioning NTA judgement
Dog owner is ESH for not walking away. Dad s***s.
Dad defies owner’s request, chaos ensues. NTA wins.
Dad ignores instructions, causes chaos. NTA handles it perfectly
Saying no to kids and walking away ♂️is better than legal trouble ⚖️
Dad demands kids pet puppy, falls on b**t. NTA wins
Lesson learned: Be careful approaching even friendly animals. Dad = AH.
Owner warned dad but brought inadequately trained dog near daycare. ESH
Negligent dad learns the hard way to respect dog owners
Avoiding dogs is better than demanding to pet them.
Feral dad ignores advice, daughter gets startled. NTA wins.
Surprising NTA comment from a dog hater
NTA gives logical explanation for father’s reckless behavior
Owner warned dad, still demands puppy. Now blames owner.
Quick thinking could have prevented debate with dad.
NTA suggests talking to the mum and keeping the husband out
Responsible parenting saves kids from potential danger
Excitable dog + 2 year old = potential danger. NTA but caution needed
Dog owner receives gentle YTA judgement for ignoring kids’ request
Teaching kids how to treat animals is important!
Dog owner warns dad not to pet dog, dad ignores advice. NTA.
Assertive dog owner gives advice on controlling dog interactions
Dad demands puppy, blames owner – not the a**hole wins
Owner’s advice ignored, father learns hard way not to assume.
Dad ignores safety advice, could get kids bitten by dog
Parental ignorance leads to dog-owner’s warning, NTA comment agrees.
Dad demands kids pet puppy against advice, NTA handles feral dad
Insufferable dad demands puppy, gets what he deserves.
Dad’s entitlement leads to kid getting knocked down by puppy
Respect your dog’s boundaries to avoid potential legal issues
Irresponsible parent ignores warning, demands kids pet puppy, gets told off. NTA
Encouraging comment supporting dog owner’s actions and offering helpful training advice.
Owner stands up to entitled dad over puppy petting
Patient OP prevails against impatient dad in puppy dispute
Dad ignores owner’s advice, kids get jumped up. NTA frustrated.
NTA comment defends dog owner’s warning against entitled dad.
Walking away from pushy dad could have prevented tragedy
Toddler learns dog safety lesson from natural consequences. NTA dad.
Verbal warning not enough for impatient dad and puppy
Owner refuses dad’s demand to pet puppy, dad disrespects owner’s wishes. NTA.
Dad demands kids pet puppy, gets a lesson from owner
Dog owner takes precautions, but dad demands kids pet puppy
Dog owner advises walking away from unsympathetic people
Be firm in saying no to kids around your puppy
Dad demands kids get puppy, but commenters agree he’s TA
Entitled dad demands kids pet puppy, gets bitten. NTA.
Dog owner receives YTA judgment for insisting on untrained puppy interaction.
Tips for training your dog around pushy people
Respect boundaries: Don’t touch other people’s pets without consent!
Ignoring warnings leads to predictable outcome
When dad demands a puppy against advice and creates problems… ESH.
Dog owner shares experience of irresponsible parents at dog park. NTA.
Be a responsible dog owner, set boundaries for petting
Dad ignores owner’s advice, NTA commenter hopes for kids’ future
Dad’s entitlement backfires as comment calls him a ‘right t*t’
Polite training before petting: NTA comment advice for dog owner
Teaching kids to ask permission before petting dogs is key
Last Updated on March 27, 2024 by Diply Social Team