School supply shopping is a time-honored tradition for many families, but one dad’s decision to defy the rules set by his children’s school has sparked quite the debate. The father of two was excited to include his 5-year-old in the shopping experience, but a note on the school supplies list demanded that all items be exactly as listed and shared among the class. This didn’t sit well with the dad, who decided to continue their usual shopping tradition and send a note stating that his children’s supplies would remain their own. But is he in the right? Let’s dive into the story!
The Excitement of School Shopping ️

A Fun Tradition

A Special Thank You

A Surprising Rule

Dad’s Dilemma

Mixed Reactions

EDIT: Clarifications

Respecting Teachers

The Great School Supply Showdown: Whose Side Are You On? ♀️
This dad’s decision to defy the school supply rules has sparked a heated debate. ️ While some argue that he’s teaching his children to be independent and value their belongings, others say he’s undermining the school’s efforts to promote sharing and equality among students. The father insists that his children love to share and he’s willing to buy extra supplies for those in need, but he still wants his kids to have their own supplies. ️ So, is he a hero or a menace? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
Don’t be “That Parent” – Extra items not necessary.

Teacher explains why individualized school supplies are not ideal. YTA.
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Teacher explains why it’s important to follow the supply list.

Commenter defends teachers, suggests district needs more funding

Ignoring school rules may not be the best solution

Teacher supports parent’s letter, commenter shares dog park story.

Ignoring school supply rules: YTA or just a caring dad?

Parent shares frustration with school supply rules and shaming.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Breaking school rules sets a bad example for your child

Why should you have to pay for communal school supplies?

Teacher explains why school supply rules exist, suggests government funding.

Parents debate sharing school supplies. One says NTA, teachers should ask for donations instead.

Breaking the rules for kids’ school supplies: Hero or Menace?

Sharing school supplies during a pandemic?

Teaching kids responsibility or stifling individuality?

Parent defends not buying supplies for other kids, blames teachers.

Parent questions absurd school supply policy, sparks debate.

Parent defends buying own child’s school supplies, sparks debate.

Parent defends not following school supply rules, sparking debate.

Different school supply rules in Europe vs America

Parent defies school rules: YTA or NAH?

Breaking school supply rules: NTA or menace?
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Sharing school supplies may not be fair to all kids

Buying supplies for own kids is okay, but sharing is inevitable

Is the American education system to blame?

School supply policy is inconvenient and unfair, write to authorities

Sharing school supplies? No way! NTA agrees.

Sharing school supplies can be frustrating.

Parent defies school supply rules, called out for not understanding sharing.

Schools should provide teachers with necessary supplies. NTA wins!

A parent questions school’s bizarre supply-sharing rule. NTA.

Defying school supply rules – hero or menace?

Is sharing school supplies really necessary? ESH seems to think not.

Sharing school supplies? NTA says it’s school’s responsibility.

Government should provide school supplies, not parents. NTA comment.

A kindergarten teacher explains the strict rules on school supplies

Parent defends not paying for other kids’ school supplies during pandemic

Confused parent questions school supply list, receives support.

Going against school supply rules: YTA or hero?

Parent defies school rules, sets bad example for child. YTA

Parent defies school rules for supplies, sparks mild controversy.

Debate over school supply rules: Is YTA preventing growth?

Disobeying school rules? YTA according to this commenter

Parents shouldn’t be forced to subsidize others. NTA

Commenter calls out dad for not following school rules.

Skipping school supply rules during COVID: NTA or menace?

School supply rules cause confusion and spotlight poor kids

Sharing is caring: why limiting school supplies can be beneficial

Sharing is a choice, not a rule. NTA wins.

Finding a balance between personal supplies and donations is key

Commenter hates the practice but still thinks YTA. Communication is key.

Teacher explains why YTA for defying school supply rules

Senior calls out dad’s supply rule defiance, defends teachers’ efforts.

Confused non-American questions lack of school supplies, no pencil case until 8

Buying extra supplies for teacher: NTA or hero?

OP’s refusal to follow rules sets bad example for kids. YTA

Teacher’s rules or Dad’s choice? YTA gets a pass.

Last Updated on May 20, 2023 by Diply Social Team