Divorce can be messy, and when it comes to child support, things can get even more complicated. One dad, who’s been divorced for almost 15 years, has found himself in hot water with his ex-wife after he stopped paying her ‘child’ support for their now-adult daughters, aged 19 and 21. Despite always being there for his girls and never missing a payment, he’s now facing the wrath of ‘mama bear’ as he tries to support his daughters directly instead of through his ex-wife. Let’s dive into the story!
A Divorce and Two Bright Daughters
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Dad’s Financial Struggles and Dedication
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Active Role in Their Lives
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Terminating Child Support Payments ⛔
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Voluntarily Paying Extra
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Ex-Wife Turns Grizzly
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No College Expense Agreements
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Supporting the Girls Directly
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Ex-Wife’s Claims and Dad’s Frustration
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Supporting Adult Children Directly
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Dad’s Dilemma: Supporting Adult Kids Directly or Through Ex-Wife?
This dad has always been there for his daughters, never missing a child support payment and even voluntarily paying extra for years. Now that his girls are adults and in college, he’s decided to stop paying his ex-wife and support them directly instead. But ‘mama bear’ has turned grizzly, demanding he continues payments to her for the next three years. Frustrated and confused, the dad questions if he’s really in the wrong for wanting to support his adult children directly. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
Ex-wife wants spousal support, not child support. NTA
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NTA cuts off ex-wife’s child support for adult kids, sparks outrage

NTA cuts off ex-wife’s ‘child’ support for adult kids. Justified outrage.

Mom’s money ran out, NTA dad cuts off support.

Cutting off ‘child’ support for adult kids: NTA or ESH?

NTA dad gets support and some petty satisfaction from situation

Is ex-wife TA for asking child support for adult kids?

Should the ex-wife receive support for adult kids living with her?

Divorce decree defines child emancipation, valid reasons for child support termination.

Does living arrangements justify child support for adult kids?

Empathetic comment about the impact of divorce on children.

Parental agreement and state law determine if NTA for dad.

Ex-wife gets cut off, commenters agree dad is NTA

Father stops ‘child’ support for adult kids, wife misused funds. NTA

Ex-wife’s bad lawyer, NTA for cutting off ‘child’ support

Late child support adjustment causes shock, but NTA move.

Confusion over child support impact on younger child’s tuition
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Ex-wife misused child support money, NTA for cutting it off

Taking care of his girls, not his ex-wife’s adult kids

Supporting adult children? NTA. Ex-wife’s entitlement? Outrageous

NTA dad stops ‘child’ support for adult kids, sparks outrage

Divorced parents navigate child support and home ownership.

Agreed time for child support over, NTA for stopping payments.

Supporting adult kids through college, NTA according to comment.

Savage suggestion to block ex after cutting off ‘child’ support

Unapologetic dad stands his ground against entitled ex-wife

NTA, but avoid involving kids in child support disputes

Redditors agree: OP is NTA for cutting off ex-wife’s support

NTA. Ex-wife misusing child support, dad cuts her off.

NTA cuts off ex-wife’s ‘child’ support for adult kids, sparks outrage

Taking child support for adult kids is wrong. NTA

NTA, prioritize relationship with children, not ex’s manipulation

Ex-wife upset she’s not getting cut of child support ♂️

Confused commenter seeks clarification on child support payment laws.
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Supporting adult kids? NTA according to this comment.

Father takes control of supporting adult children, NTA

NTA suggests a reasonable solution to ex-wife’s interference

Father stops ‘child’ support for adult kids, deemed NTA by commenter.

Divorced dad praised for cutting off adult ‘child’ support
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Supporting adult kids directly, NTA. Ex-wife can stew

Father stops ‘child’ support for adult kids, sparks support.

NTA, but is the ex-wife really using the money for kids?

NTA. Heartwarming story of a dad supporting his child’s education

Ex-husband stops ‘child’ support, internet agrees she should work

Ex-wife wants money for herself, NTA for cutting support

Ex-wife supports dad’s decision to end child support.

NTA for cutting off ‘child’ support. Wife misses extra cash

Supporting adult kids, NTA. Ex-wife misused funds?

Ex-wife seeking alimony? NTA for cutting off ‘child’ support

NTA if you help your daughters directly . Continuing to send money to ex-wife is enabling behavior.

Supporting adult children directly, NTA sparks outrage

Pay the child directly with stipulation, NTA

Father praised for cutting off ‘child’ support for adult kids. NTA

NTA dad stops child support for adult kids, sparks outrage

Divorced dad receives support for cutting off adult ‘child’ support

NTA stands firm on child support, not required to support ex-wife

NTA for cutting off ‘child’ support for adult kids

Directly dealing with adult kids, NTA. Cut off support.

Divorced dad of two admits to being NTA but a dumbass ♂️

Sarcastic NTA comment suggests financial education for ex-wife’s kids

Divorcee’s decision to cut off child support sparks agreement and empathy

NTA refuses to pay adult kids’ support, sparks outrage

Cutting off ‘child’ support for adult kids: NTA or ESH?

Cutting off ‘child’ support for adult kids. NTA wins.

Cutting off ex-wife’s child support: NTA, she’s a money grabber

NTA. A dad stopped child support but supported his child’s needs.

NTA dad stops ‘child’ support for adults, sparks outrage

Child support misused by selfish ex, NTA dad praised

Dad stops ‘child’ support for adult kids, sparks NTA outrage

NTA cuts off ex-wife’s ‘child’ support for adult kids

Ex-wife bitter over stopped child support for adult kids. NTA

Last Updated on February 12, 2024 by Diply Social Team