Picture this: You’re a teenager, tasked with cooking for your super picky cousin who has a laundry list of foods he won’t touch. Among them, cooked onions – a staple in your diverse culinary repertoire. One day, you decide to finely chop the dreaded onions, hiding them in a delicious quiche. He eats it, loves it, but then…you reveal your secret ingredient. The result? A family feud that’s got everyone picking sides.
The Summer Guest and the Cooking Challenge
The Picky Eater’s List
The Foodie Family’s Dilemma ️
The Onion Objection
The Quiche Conspiracy ️♀️
The Onion Undercover Operation
The Big Reveal
The Family Fallout
Onion-Gate: A Family Divided Over a Quiche
So, what happens when a culinary experiment turns into a family drama? A teenager cooks for her picky eater cousin, hiding his most despised ingredient – cooked onions – in a delicious quiche. He devours it, only to discover later the ‘deceptive’ ingredient. The aftermath? A family divided, with laughter and anger in equal measure. The father finds it hilarious, while the aunt accuses the girl of ‘poisoning’. A classic case of foodie drama, isn’t it? ️ Let’s see what the internet has to say about this culinary conflict…
NTA: Entitled cousin refuses to eat veggies, aunt enables his behavior
ESH: Picky eater cousin and sneaky cook make a toxic combo
NTA: Teenage girl accused of ‘poisoning’ picky eater cousin ️
Cooking drama: Picky eater cousin gets served surprise onions
NTA. Hilarious onion deception turns picky eater into onion lover! ️
NTA. Aunt should keep her baby home if she’s concerned
NTA – Parents’ laxity with pickiness = future problems
Picky eater explains the consequences of accidentally consuming disliked ingredients
Debate over responsibility and respect in cooking for picky eaters
NTA. Understanding the complexities of picky eating and empathy.
ESH for messing with food, but consider sensory processing disorder
NTA, playfully ‘poisoning’ picky eaters with onions ️
ESH. Tampering with food is wrong, but setting boundaries is important.
NTA. Picky eater needs to learn to eat vegetables
Teen accused of ‘poisoning’ cousin with onions, but who’s the a**hole?
YTA for hiding it from him and then telling him
Last Updated on October 31, 2023 by Diply Social Team