If you have ever moved into a new home , you know there are many things to discover. Perhaps it’s an old chimney or a strange basement. But what if you find something so odd it gives you the heebie-jeebiess?
Well, that’s exactly what happened to these folks, and they lived to tell the tale. Check these stories out and be warned — you may not sleep tonight.
1. This Warning Sign

I don’t know about you, but if I saw this message on the wall of my bedroom, I wouldn’t take it as a good sign. Either that or somebody watched Idle Hands one too many times, ha, ha!
2. This Creepy Crawly Scene

There’s one thing I hate the most, and that’s creepy crawlies. So if I were the one shining a light through this newly discovered bunker underneath a home I bought, I would pretty much scream out loud. OMG! Run! They’re taking over the house!
3. This Fun Find

How would you feel if you realized somebody left this monkey behind in your new home? Was it a mistake or a purposeful omission? I guess you’ll find out soon enough. I just hope it doesn’t start clapping.
4. This Knife Room

So a lot of people have creepy basements where they store all their knives. Am I right? Is this becoming a thing now? Or was it always a thing, and I didn’t know about it, huh?
5. This Lonely Chair

This guy had to check the moisture level in the attic of the house he’s renting. Upon entering, he discovered the only thing there was this chair. And guess what? It sits right above his bed. Not creepy at all, right?
6. This Locked Door

People, how many times do I have to tell you not to open any creepy AF doors, especially when they point away from the basement. If you asked me, it’s a nightmare waiting to happen, okay?
7. This Obvious Warning

Somebody went through a lot of trouble to scribble this message above their bedroom door. Is it a warning, or are they’re trying to mess with your head? I, for one, wouldn’t care to find out.
8. This Stairwell

No, I wouldn’t find this hidden basement unsettling at all. I’m being sarcastic, of course. I would give $100 bucks to whoever wants to go down there and explore. Do I have any takers? Yes? Let’s go!
9. This Bunker

Let me ask your advice. How would you feel if you realized there was an old bunker in your new house? Would you be creeped out AF? Or would be like, “Cool, I have a place to hide when the apocalypse comes”?
10. This Old Ouija Board

No, this isn’t creepy at all. Many people play with ouija boards and don’t unearth anything from the beyond. So if I were you, I would sleep soundly and not worry about it. Yeah, right.
11. This 25-Foot Deep Surprise

These folks decided to renovate their new deck and look what they found. It’s a well that’s 25-feet-deep. Oh my gosh, I would be so creeped out. How about you? Don’t try going in there, okay?
12. This Ominous Photo

If you’re trying to convince yourself your new home isn’t haunted, I hope you don’t find something like this in there. Somebody is either pulling their leg, or an abomination is about to happen. I’m hoping for the former.
13. This Hatch Sealed Tight

Is it just me, or would you be concerned too if you discovered a hatch like this sealed tight? Somebody found it in their new basement. Wow! This is the stuff of nightmares. Am I right?
14. This Blocked Off Door

So let me ask you, how would you feel if you found this in the basement of your new home? Apparently, the previous owners blocked this door off, and it doesn’t lead into the outside. Okay, I’m out of here, bye!
15. This Creepy Toilet Surprise

First of all, that toilet is beyond gross. How long was left unused? Wait, I don’t want to know. But then W*F? If I were this contractor, I would stop working on this house ASAP.
16. This Lovely Find In The Attic

If you ever watched Rosemary’s Baby , you would be packing your bags right about now, ha, ha! I mean, it could be just a regular stroller, but then again, it could have had the devil’s child. Yikes!
17. This Masterpiece

I used to draw here and there but usually, it was just realistic styles. So I would be pretty weirded out if I, too, discovered this ‘art’ tucked away behind the washer/dryer in the laundry room of my new house.
18. This Aging Doll

Is this the case of the Dorian Gray painting where the doll ages but the owner doesn’t? For the same of whoever found it, I hope not. We all know how well that story went, right?
OMG, I’m so freaked out.
I’m happy that at least I didn’t look at these pictures in the dead of the night. Otherwise, good-bye sleep. Am I right? I mean, I don’t know how I would feel if I discovered any of these? What about you? Would you be scared?
Last Updated on October 14, 2021 by Kasia Galifi