Thanksgiving is a time for family, food, and gratitude. But for one woman, it turned into a dramatic showdown over a $6k hospital bill. She took over her mom’s annual Thanksgiving hosting duties and made sure to ask about allergies and food preferences. Her cousin, his new wife, and stepdaughter joined the festivities, but failed to mention any allergies. Little did she know, this oversight would lead to a dessert disaster and a family feud.
The Annual Thanksgiving Host Rotation

Cousin Joins with New Family

The Peanut Butter Cookie Calamity

Rushing to the ER

The Hospital Stay

The $6k Bill Surprise

Cousin Expects Payment

Reminding Cousin of Allergy Oversight

Family Gets Involved ️

The Financial Struggle

Feeling Guilty but Standing Ground

Updates: The Total Bill and Uncle’s Involvement

Cousin’s Omissions Revealed

Uncle Steps In

Uncle’s Text Message

Dessert Disaster Resolved? ️
After a whirlwind of emotions and family drama, it seems that the dessert disaster may finally be resolved. The woman’s uncle stepped in and had a stern chat with his son, telling him to take responsibility for his mistakes and leave her alone. With the family mostly on her side, it’s clear that she’s not alone in believing that it’s the parents’ responsibility to handle their child’s allergies. But will this be the end of the peanut butter cookie calamity? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this sticky situation…
NTA for asking and serving dessert. Negligent parents are TA

NTA for not paying hospital bill after child’s peanut allergy reaction. Commenters suggest child and parents should have been more aware and responsible. ♂️

NTA for not paying cousin’s hospital bill after dessert debacle

Allergy responsibility lies with the person affected. NTA

Navigating food allergies is tricky, but NTA in this case

Cousin’s step daughter’s allergy leads to hospital bill dispute

NTA for not paying cousin’s hospital bill after dessert debacle

Cousin demanding payment for hospital bill, but how accurate is it?

Clear case of NTA. No allergies mentioned, restaurant not liable. ♂️

Commenter feels guilty for paying copay after dessert mishap

Responsibility for allergies lies with individuals, not the host

NTA. Cousin wants you to pay for their mistake

Print those texts! Protect yourself from entitled family members

NTA! Guest with peanut allergy ate mystery cookie, didn’t inform. High bill due to US insurance. PPO’s can screw you over.

NTA. Refusing to pay is justified. Peanut butter cookies are distinctive

Being a food police is important to avoid allergy mishaps!

Parental responsibility in dessert debacle. NTA

NTA for not paying cousin’s hospital bill after ignoring allergy.

Mother not at fault for cousin’s allergic reaction

Stand your ground and cut them loose. Don’t be suffocated

Commenter defends OP and criticizes US healthcare system with sarcasm

Insurance woes lead to costly ambulance ride and medical tests.

Being diligent about allergies is not your responsibility. NTA

Parenting responsibility in food allergies.

Uncle’s response to entitled cousin’s hospital bill demands

Standing up for oneself when wrongly accused of negligence

Being a responsible parent and friend, NTA for informing allergies

NTA. Peanut butter cookies taste like peanut butter.

Parents not at fault for dessert incident, commenter says.

Brother’s mistake causes family drama over hospital bill

Navigating insurance coverage after dessert disaster

For-profit health care system and neglectful parents make OP NTA

Negligent parents and unpaid hospital bills. NTA wins.

Parents should have informed OP about allergy. NTA.

Accusations of scamming in dessert debacle – NTA defended.

Always mention allergies, it could save your life!

8-year-old should know allergies, parents should pay attention. NTA

Commenter suggests no sympathy for cousin’s hospital bill demand

Asserting NTA, commenter suggests not paying at all.

NTA demands $500 back after child neglect, CPS won’t investigate.

Being cautious with allergies is important. NTA did the right thing

Cousin’s daughter eats cookies with allergens, demands payment. Commenters agree NTA.

Allergy sufferer not responsible for managing allergies at social events

NTA and rightfully refusing to pay for unknown allergy hospital bill

Allergy alert: NTA not a medium for dessert debacle

NTA. Host can’t plan for every allergy. Cousin f’d up, blames you. Also, healthcare in US s***s

Being gracious hosts doesn’t mean paying for their medical bills

Commenter defends OP’s actions and blames cousin for negligence

Last Updated on June 11, 2023 by Diply Social Team