Imagine finding your dream home after years of searching, only to have the sellers change their mind just as the deal is about to close. That’s the dilemma one couple is facing, and they’re torn between their own dreams and the moral implications of going ahead with the sale. The couple, both just shy of thirty, have been looking for a home in the place where the wife grew up for around three years now. They finally found their dream home – an old farmhouse with 15 acres, perfect location, and places for them both to work from. But when they got a call from the sellers’ agent saying the sellers have changed their mind, they were left wondering if they would be the a**holes for proceeding with the sale.
The Dream Home Hunt

Finally, the Perfect Place

Contract Signed, Hurdles Cleared

Unexpected Twist: Sellers Change Their Mind

Sellers’ Reasoning

Moral Dilemma: To Proceed or Not?

Dreams vs. Dreams

EDIT: Legal Side Clear, Morals in Question ️

UPDATE: Decision Made

Legal Confirmation and Moving Forward

Sellers Accept the Decision

A Win-Win-Win Situation?

Dream Home, Here They Come!

Couple’s Dream Home Journey: A Happy Ending?
After seeking advice and confirming the legality of the situation, the couple decided to proceed with the sale of their dream home. The sellers, though initially resistant, eventually accepted their decision. Now, the couple can look forward to raising their children and creating memories in their dream home, while the sellers move on with a sizeable amount of money. It seems like a win-win situation for everyone involved, including the agents and mortgage brokers. So, let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
NTA, but the situation is unfortunate for the couple

Take a business approach and don’t let personal sympathies interfere.

NTA for not giving into guilt-tripping family. Financial concerns remain.
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NAH suggests talking to a lawyer as agent’s claim is dubious

Moving on from dream home after a year? NTA.

No a******s here. Couple must sell, buyer has right to purchase.

You bought the house, it’s not theirs anymore

Commenter suggests seeking legal advice before proceeding with purchase.

NTA. The petty side suggests a counter offer with extra cash. ♀️

Legal advice needed for couple’s home purchase dilemma in Australia

Stick to the contract

Asserting ownership: NTA, it’s legally their house.

Stick to the contract, it’s about money not family dreams

Protect your rights! Get a lawyer for your dream home

Assertive NTA comment shuts down any doubts about home ownership

Closing done, cooling off over. Time to commit!

NTA. Go ahead with the sale and create your memories

Claim your dream home, you’re not the a**hole here!
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Clear conscience: Not the a**hole in this situation!

Backing out of dream home sale: NTA, window closed

Quick thinking and insurance may save dream home from damage!

Ensure contract is signed to sell. Contact title company. #LegalAdvice

NTA for enforcing the contract, but maybe shouldn’t have bought it ♂️
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Commenter stands by dream home despite contract issues.

Secret offer? NTA commenter suspects more to the story

NTA for not budging on contract, but beware of drama

Sellers’ post-sale regrets don’t change the fact that a contract was signed.

Commenter sympathizes with sellers but suggests backing out of sale.

Seek legal advice ASAP and hope for the best!

Keep the dream home! NTA, avoid regret and stress ♥

NTA shares personal experience with selling house, emphasizes honoring sale.

Commenter supports backing out of sale, congratulates OP on new house
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Seller’s ‘family dream’ story may be a ploy for profit

Commenter defends decision, offers sympathy to couple.

Legally theirs, not their obligation. NTA ¯_(ツ)_/¯

NTA, but COVID-19 cooking off period check recommended

Homebuyers want out, but seller has no obligation to comply

Morally gray situation: Is it okay to back out now?

No regrets: commenter supports couple’s decision to proceed with sale.

Get a lawyer’s opinion before buying your dream home!

You’re in the right! NTA. Don’t let them bully you.

NTA for wanting privacy on mortgage, strange request from buyers

Homeownership stress! Commenter supports rightful owner.
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Stand your ground and don’t let them take advantage

Consider family impact and potential sabotage if sale is forced.
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Be cautious of hidden fees when backing out of contracts

Don’t back down. Treat it as a business transaction.

Get legal advice before buying that dream home.

Homeowner rightfully stands their ground in absurd situation

You own the house, NTA!

Offer to sell back at a higher price? Genius move!

Commenter is not the a**hole in this situation.
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Dream home on sale? NTA says it’s a red flag

NTA. The couple may have been trying to gazump you

Final means final! NTA has a point

Proceed with caution: Dream home may be a nightmare

Don’t back out after cooling off period! NTA, proceed!

Go for it! Don’t let them back out. Enjoy your dream

NTA stands their ground on legally owned house. Offers generosity.

Financial concerns and costly moves make backing out difficult

Don’t let seller’s remorse ruin your dream home. Enjoy it!

Pressuring buyers to follow through? Legal fees scare tactic.

Don’t let the sellers’ cold feet ruin your dream home

New mortgage allowances may have affected couple’s financial state

Not the a**hole for not wanting to give up dream home

Congratulations! You’re not the a**hole in this situation!

Dream house turned nightmare: NTA, but get a lawyer ASAP ♂️

Don’t let them screw you! NTA, threaten a lawsuit

Conveyancer supports forced sale, NTA. Legal and moral clearance

Last Updated on June 20, 2023 by Diply Social Team