Imagine leaving for college and finding out your family has invited a foreign exchange student to live in your home and sleep in your bed – all without discussing it with you first. That’s exactly what happened to a 19-year-old college student who felt replaced when his parents decided to host an 18-year-old girl while he was away. The situation escalated when his mother called to remind him about buying a Thanksgiving ticket home and casually mentioned that he’d have to sleep on the couch. ️
Surprise Guest Announcement

Family’s New Plan

The Exchange Student’s Situation

The Host Family’s Facebook Post

Feeling Replaced

“Obviously in Your Bed” ️

Parents’ Reaction

Weird Atmosphere

Unsettling Thoughts

Thanksgiving Ticket Time ⏰

Sleeping Arrangements Reminder ️

Phone Call Ends

Thanksgiving Decision

Christmas Break Plans

Parents’ Reaction

Thanksgiving Drama Unfolds
Feeling replaced and hurt, the college student decided to cancel his Thanksgiving flight home after his mom’s insensitive reminder about sleeping on the couch. He felt that his parents chose the exchange student over him and that he had every right to spend Thanksgiving with whomever he wished. The student plans to return home for Christmas break when the exchange student has left, but his parents are calling him childish for his actions. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
Stranger in your room and no Thanksgiving? NTA, go OP!

OP shares their experience of a great Thanksgiving without family

Parents’ erasure of college student’s room traumatizes for years

Commenter defends OP’s right to feel at home, suggests hotel stay.

Family relationships already damaged by parents’ decisions

Commenter sympathizes with OP’s hurt feelings over family’s exchange student

Parents being deliberately mean, NTA for cancelling flight

College student cancels Thanksgiving flight due to insensitive parents and houseguest

Communication is key . Losing a room is nothing compared to losing a house ♂️

College student cancels Thanksgiving flight over family’s new houseguest

College student cancels Thanksgiving flight over houseguest. Valid feelings expressed.

College student cancels Thanksgiving flight over family’s r**e houseguest ♀️

College student chooses not to fly home for Thanksgiving over family dispute
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Family dynamics cause heartbreak for college student on Thanksgiving

“YTA for expecting your room to be a shrine”

College student feels stripped of belonging and security at home

Parents’ lack of communication makes NTA cancel Thanksgiving flight

Commenter agrees with decision, no replies.

Parents gave away room without asking, NTA for cancelling flight

Commenter questions family’s motives and finds situation weird. NTA.

Do parents in the UK keep their kids’ bedrooms intact?

College student’s territorial behavior over family’s houseguest

Commenter calls out immaturity of young college student. YTA.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Thanksgiving plans canceled due to unwanted houseguest

Supportive comment encourages alternative holiday plans with family or friends

Canceling Thanksgiving flight over new houseguest. NTA strikes back!

NTA for feeling upset, but try talking to your mom

Commenter questions homestay approval process for foreign exchange program

NTA, Poor Communication from Parents on Houseguest Accommodations

Skipping holidays to avoid unwanted houseguests. Relatable

Feeling alienated after parents took room, NTA

Parents should have asked permission to host houseguest, NTA.

Family’s new houseguest forces college student to cancel Thanksgiving flight ♀️

Supportive comment validates OP’s decision to cancel Thanksgiving flight
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Commenter agrees with cancelling flight due to houseguest

User advises NTA to collect valuable possessions and official documents.

Parents replace college student with new houseguest. NTA.

Commenter supports OP, reminds to avoid using demeaning language

College student cancels Thanksgiving flight over houseguest drama. ESH.

Savage NTA clapback with a nursing home threat

Parents prioritize new houseguest over college student’s return

Transitioning into adulthood and wanting a safe, welcoming home

Skipping Thanksgiving due to new houseguest, practical or petty?

Commenter supports OP’s decision and criticizes parents’ behavior

Navigating family boundaries when moving out

Respectful NTA comment about family’s new houseguest and boundaries.

Being 18 and in college is a privilege, but feelings matter

College student cancels Thanksgiving flight due to family’s behavior

Validating feelings: NTA chooses to skip Thanksgiving over discomfort.

Growing up means no room at home, but canceling flight?

Family’s new houseguest left student without a room. NTA
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
New houseguest ruins Thanksgiving, commenter wouldn’t go back.

Parents can’t treat you like a child after giving away room

Setting boundaries with parents.

Suggests writing a letter to parents explaining feelings for better communication

Uninvited houseguest ruins Thanksgiving, commenter chooses another family

Uninvited houseguest takes over college student’s bedroom. NTA response.

Commenter thinks OP is not the a**hole for canceling flight

NTA learns couch is her bed, brattiness evaporates.

Suggesting a solution: Where will the houseguest sleep?

Stand up for yourself! You’re NTA for setting boundaries

College student chooses comfort over uncomfortable Thanksgiving with stranger. NTA

Enjoy Thanksgiving without interruptions, NTA wins the day

Last Updated on June 20, 2023 by Diply Social Team