Picture this: a group of friends who’ve been playing pub trivia together for about 10 years. They’ve formed strong bonds and even hosted game nights at each other’s houses. But one fateful night, everything changed. A new girlfriend entered the scene, and the team’s chemistry was thrown off balance. Disagreements over answers, a mystery chocolate prize, and a dramatic showdown led to the team’s breakup. Let’s dive into this wild story of betrayal, chocolate, and trivia.
A Decade-Long Trivia Team
New Girlfriend Joins the Game ♀️
Disagreements Begin
Ultimatum Time
Scores Plummet
The Bonus Question Gamble
Aiming for a First
Taking Charge ✊
The Walkout ♀️
Mystery Prize Revealed
The Chocolate Claim
The Final Showdown
Team Fallout
The Breakaway Team ♂️
Chocolate War: The Aftermath
In the end, the once-harmonious trivia team was torn apart by a night of disagreements, ultimatums, and a chocolate mystery prize. The protagonist was kicked out of the team, and a breakaway team was formed. The original team members no longer speak to each other, and years of friendship and game nights have come to an abrupt halt. Was it all worth it for a piece of chocolate? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
NTA stands up against manipulative girlfriend using s*x to control.
NTA. Commenter faced a manipulative and sulky teammate.
Trivia team has strict rules for answers, no unilateral decisions allowed
Competitive trivia player calls out manipulative behavior and sides with team
NTA vs. narcissist: a trivia team divided
New girlfriend manipulates trivia night and threatens relationship. NTA.
ESH, but OP’s decision to deny GF chocolate was unjustified
Form a new team and leave the girlfriend behind ♂️
OP’s team kicked them out to win back AH’s boyfriend.
Chocolate trivia leads to team turmoil. NTA kicked out.
Commenter compares the situation to a TV show, others share similar experiences
Girlfriend ruins pub trivia night, NTA calls her out
Commenter and reply share experiences of group dynamics and bullying.
Unilateral chocolate decision leads to team turmoil
Team kicks out OP for not sharing chocolate with girlfriend. ESH.
Commenter calls out manipulative trivia teammate and sparks agreement.
Group dynamics can be tricky and unfair.
Commenter calls out OP for biased account of trivia team drama
Pub trivia addict declares NTA, advises to stick with new team.
Good sportsmanship: NTA comment takes loss in stride ✌
Partner’s attention-seeking behavior is isolating and makes him miserable. NTA.
The comment section is divided on whether OP is TA
Commenter explains why they were kicked out of trivia team
Chocolate trivia causes team breakup. Commenter supports OP’s decision.
Team falls apart during chocolate trivia night, everyone s***s here
Partner withholding s*x as punishment is abusive. Agreed, gross behavior
Betrayed by a friend? Share your story in the comments!
No a****e here, but what caused the team to split?
Defending against a bad friend with a clever trivia question
Female team member faces sexism in pub trivia team.
♂️ ♀️ Can’t we all just get along?
A small team with occasional guests, seeking trivia glory
Commenter defends OP and criticizes new girlfriend and boyfriend.
Did this person take the trivia game too seriously?
Standing up for yourself can be tough, but you’re NTA
Friendship tested after calling out bad behavior.
Avoiding cliques and building a breakaway group for trivia success
Commenter expected a different outcome, but still thinks woman’s behavior is horrible.
Navigating a toxic girlfriend in pub trivia: ESH.
Team of 10 years kicks out member over trivial issue
Petty chocolate fight leads to team conflict. ESH.
Finding new friends after trivia team breakup
Chocolate trivia causes team rift, commenter defends themselves.
Surviving a breakup: NTA’s friends will stand by them
Handwriting skills lacking in pub trivia team
NTA forfeit leads to team split
Team torn apart by gf issue, commenter NTA, got Yoko’d
Chocolate caused a team to break up? ESH, but sharing is caring
Entitled brat ruins pub trivia night and friendship. NTA.
Commenter suggests OP is leaving out important details in ESH situation.
Leave the toxic team behind and embrace the new one! ✨
One night of trivia caused a team to break up
Last Updated on May 29, 2023 by Diply Social Team