A simulation revealed what happens in your brain when you drink too much and blackout. In this YouTube video, they break down what happens in your brain after a night of heavy drinking, showing us just why it’s a good idea to stop before it’s too late.
Here’s what it feels like to wake up after a blackout drinking night
When you wake up the next morning with a hangover, feeling super dehydrated and your head pounding, you might have patchy memories — or maybe none at all. It’s the kind of thing that makes you text your friends, asking what even happened last night.
The brain’s role in what happens when you blackout
The YouTube video from Insider Science says more than half of college or university students have alcohol-induced blackouts — which isn’t the same as passing out. When you blackout, you’re probably awake and acting normal to everyone else, but later, you won’t remember what happened.
Neurotransmitters stop working as normal when alcohol interferes
It’s got to do with these special neurotransmitters in your brain, but alcohol messes them up. So, instead of making one long memory, you only remember bits and pieces — or sometimes nothing at all.
How much alcohol affects your blood alcohol content and memory
The video gives an example: “Let’s say you’re a 73kg adult man, and you’ve done eight shots in one hour. Your blood alcohol content is probably around .2 percent by this point, more than twice the legal limit for driving a car.”
Fragmentary blackouts occur when memory is partially missing
“That’s called a fragmentary blackout, AKA a greyout or brownout… You can still hold up conversations and appear OK.”
En bloc blackouts, as they are called, happen when you completely lose memory of the night
It can actually get even worse. If you have four more shots in just 30 minutes, your blood alcohol content could hit .3 percent, and that’s when your hippocampus goes dark and you get amnesia.
Your friends might not realize you’re blacked out
The scary thing here is that your friends might not even know you’re blacked out because alcohol doesn’t erase the long-term memories you had before you started drinking. So, you can still act normal, at least a little, and even have conversations and seem fine.
Excessive alcohol affects your brain’s reasoning and decision-making
Health-wise, besides blackouts, too much alcohol is just so bad for your brain health. It can mess with your reasoning and decision-making. That’s why people do some of the worst things when they’re drunk.
Blackouts can happen for different reasons, depending on the individual
Not everyone has blackouts — factors like your s*x, body weight, and family history can play a part. “So that could explain why your friends recall the entire night, despite downing just as much tequila, but it won’t save them from a wicked hangover the next morning.”
It’s important to drink responsibly to avoid alcohol-related harm
Understanding how alcohol affects your brain can help you make smarter choices, protect your memory, and prevent dangerous situations. Always know your limits and seek support if needed. Keep it safe and drink in moderation!
Last Updated on November 26, 2024 by admin