Imagine moving in with your best friend, only to find out that their newly-discovered autism diagnosis would lead to a bizarre conflict over… cat kisses? That’s precisely the situation one 20-year-old woman found herself in when her 21-year-old male housemate took issue with the way she was smooching her feline friend. The housemate’s disgust sensitivity, a common trait in people with autism, turned a simple act of affection into a heated debate between the two pals. Let’s dive into this peculiar tale!
The Big Move and Autism Discovery

Disgust Sensitivity and Boundaries ️

Cat Kisses: The Breaking Point

Ableism Accusations and Emotional Turmoil ️

Defending the Cat and Property Rights

Gaslighting Accusations and Tears

Apologies and Lingering Tension

Awkwardness and Uncertainty

The Cat Kiss Conundrum: Where Do We Go From Here?
So, the cat’s out of the bag, and these two friends are left in a state of awkwardness and uncertainty. While the woman has made efforts to accommodate her housemate’s autism-related needs, the cat-kissing issue has left them both feeling hurt and misunderstood. As they try to navigate their way through this unusual conflict, it’s clear that communication and empathy will be key. ️ But what do others think about this feline-fueled feud? Let’s see what the internet has to say…
NTA roommate weaponizing possible autism, time to move out

Roommate’s self-diagnosed autism used as excuse for bad behavior NTA

Don’t let an undiagnosed issue control your life and cat

Roommate’s germaphobia causes conflict over cat kissing. NTA for setting boundaries.

Cat kissing conflict sparks hilarious ‘get your own cat’ retort

Standing up for oneself is NTA, but apologizing for truth?

Roommate’s gaslighting behavior and red flags, NTA.

Standing up to gaslighting and manipulation. NTA

Roommate’s OCD causing conflict over cat kisses. NTA for wanting to move.

Cat’s affection causing conflict between housemates. NTA wins.

Setting boundaries is important, but being controlling isn’t okay.

Living with difficult roommates: when to call it quits?

Navigating mental illness in a shared living space
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Autistic cat owner defends right to interact with pet

Roommate’s autism diagnosis weaponized, time to move out

Autistic housemate’s discomfort with cat kissing leads to conflict

Meet the adorable cat that stole the show

Cat’s smugness adds to the chaos of housemate’s autism conflict

NTA comment accuses gaslighting, sparks heated debate
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Cat bites and germs: NTA warns of serious infections.

Respectful boundaries are important. Don’t let him control your life.

Kissing a cat is cute, but not for someone with germophobia

Don’t let his controlling behavior dictate your actions. NTA

Setting boundaries with disabilities is healthy. NTA for accommodating.

Simple solution: move out. Not the a**hole
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Living on eggshells with undiagnosed housemate. NTA.

Respectful boundaries should go both ways

Commenter doubts housemate’s autism, advises to stop enabling him.

Cat saves the day! Should humans be replaced with cats?

Diagnosis doesn’t entitle bad behavior. NTA for standing up.

Moving out due to conflict sparked by autism. NTA.

Housemate lies about discomfort, NTA for not compromising on cat.

Respectful boundaries go both ways. NTA.

Supportive comment advises against further involvement in conflict.

Commenter asks for cat pictures, gets adorable response

Respecting boundaries: Cat kissing conflict resolved peacefully

Don’t let your roommate’s OCD and germophobia control you
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Commenter defends someone called a ‘d**k’ in autism conflict.

Roommate not a cat person, time to find a new one?

NTA. Accommodating his nuances is one thing, but changing pet interaction?

Respect personal boundaries without controlling others. NTA wins

Respect for individual boundaries and choices

Germaphobe’s conflict with cat kisser sparks judgemental comment.

Cat lover defends right to smooch feline despite housemate’s objections

Loving your cat shouldn’t be a problem for anyone

Roommate’s OCD causing conflict, NTA suggests coping mechanisms.

Cat lovers unite! Kissing cats is always NTA

Autistic commenter defends OP’s right to kiss their cat

Last Updated on May 20, 2023 by Diply Social Team