Picture this: you’ve been going to the same café every day for four years, always ordering the same thing and sitting in the same spot. One day, a group of ladies comes in and demands you give up your table so they can sit together. What would you do? Well, one person faced this exact situation and decided to stand their ground, causing the ladies to be asked to leave! Let’s dive into the details of this café showdown. ☕
A Regular’s Routine ️

The Usual Spot

A Busy Winter Morning ❄️

Enter the Demanding Ladies

A Polite Request

Rudeness Interrupts

Standing Their Ground

Escalating Tensions

The Final Straw

Torn Feelings

The Other Side

Café Clash: Who’s in the Wrong?
So, we have a regular café-goer who refused to give up their table to a group of ladies, resulting in the ladies getting kicked out. Was the solo diner right to stand their ground, or should they have been more accommodating? While one of the ladies was r**e, the others weren’t, and they could have enjoyed their meal in peace if the regular had moved. But then again, the regular was a paying customer who didn’t want to sit outside in the cold. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
Kindness prevails over vitriol in a cafe showdown. NTA

NTA. Former restaurant worker supports OP, suggests entitled ladies deserved ejection.

Bacon and eggs obsession overshadows r**e customer encounter

Solo diner stands their ground, earns NTA judgement

Fairness wins: First come, first serve. Demanding spokesperson ruins experience

Refusing a r**e favor request – consequences for actions

Table-sharing etiquette debated in crowded café

Politeness pays off: NTA gets rewarded for good behavior

Solo diner stands up to r**e customers, waitress rejoices

Valuing regular customers over r**e and demanding ones

Stand your ground! You’re a paying customer too

Solo diner stands her ground against r**e customers

A breakfast dispute leads to a patio showdown. NTA wins!

Restaurant worker shares experience of seating policy, commenter is NTA.

NTA calls out group for normalizing bad behavior

Solo diner stands up for themselves, no a****e here
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/4e050007-fc55-4b73-accf-3c57971b26e5.png)
Polite response to r**e customers, tipping culture discussed

NTA strikes back with a side of petty revenge

Regulars harassed by demanding ladies, NTA for kicking them out

Politeness is key . Even Hannibal Lecter agrees!

Solo diner stands up to demanding customers, sparks debate.

No escape from demanding customers, solo diner seeks refuge

Solo diner saves the day and the cafe from demanding ladies
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/493e30c2-0c80-4b92-9f08-1382e9ec5f55.png)
Regular diner stands up to entitled customer, suggests outdoor heaters ❄️

Solo diner stands up to entitled customers, cafe handles abuse

NTA stands firm against r**e customers in chilly Sydney

Waitress handled demanding ladies, commenter not the a**hole.

Steady customer gets backup against demanding ladies

Polite diner stands up for solo diner against r**e customers

Solo diner faced with dilemma, gets judged for his decision

Table drama: Who’s the a**hole? Solo diner or demanding ladies?

Solo diner stands their ground against r**e party of four

Friend fails to shut down demanding customer. NTA prevails.

Solo diner stands up to r**e group and wins!

Uncompromising solo diner stands their ground. Not the a**hole.

A non-confrontational response to a demanding customer

Solo diner stands up to demanding ladies with savage clapback

NTA shuts down r**e demanding lady

Standing up to r**e friends. You go, NTA!
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/a953f9fd-cb21-426d-97b3-cf9d7f8900ba.png)
Solo diner stands up to r**e customers, receives support.

NTA stands their ground against demanding customers

Standing up to r**e customers like a boss!

Standing your ground: NTA for not giving up your seat

Customer service veteran shares advice for dealing with r**e customers.

Comment section is off-topic ♂️

Standing up to entitled customers like a boss

Assertive solo diner stands up to demanding customers. NTA

Rudeness gets you nowhere. NTA for solo diner.

Fitness enthusiast defends bacon and eggs breakfast with humor

Stand your ground! Solo diner deserves respect

Solo diner refuses to move, demanding couple gets kicked out

Polite or not, no one should eat in the cold!

Regular customer stands up to entitled customers, refuses to be bossed around

Comment removed due to rule violation, no caption available.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/89994c4b-bcf6-499c-bffe-7cb3431f0c9e.png)
Standing up for yourself against demanding customers.

Offer seats to polite ladies, tell r**e one to leave

Polite request vs. r**e order: NTA for standing ground

Table for one, please! NTA comment advocates for solo dining.

Solo diner wins café showdown against demanding ladies

Solo diner defended after entitled ladies get kicked out

Confident response to a non-conflict situation.

Barista pressures customers to give up seats for r**e man

A close call for the solo diner, but NTA prevails.

Last Updated on June 19, 2023 by Diply Social Team