18 Terrible Real Estate Photos Someone Actually Took

I'm not going to lie, sometimes I find myself looking at gorgeous pictures of other people's houses. Perhaps I'm a glutton for punishment, but I enjoy admiring beautiful real estate, ha, ha!

However, occasionally I do stumble upon the exact opposite, and truth be told, I still look at those photos, too. The following examples are so bad they ought to make you laugh today.

1. This Bathtub Location

If you ever wanted to take a bath while you cook dinner, then welcome to your paradise here. For me, I like to keep those two activities separate. And I want some privacy, too, so this set-up would be a no for me.

2. This Odd Living Room Set-Up

I get it sometimes people need a little help while decorating their living space. I think that's severely lacking here because I've never seen a weirder set-up than the one here. What do you think?

3. This Unexpected Visitor

Oh wow, what do we have here? I honestly would have never expected to see a horse in somebody's home that's for sale. Perhaps they're trying to attract a certain buyer. Otherwise, I can't explain this here.

4. This Absolute Real Estate Winner

Ladies and gentlemen, I think we have a winner. This is by far the most depressing room I have ever seen. Just looking at it is going to send me into a tailspin. How about you?

5. This Hoarding Situation

I have one piece of advice for homeowners putting their place up on the market. How about you clean up and make it look nice? This isn't helping you get a good offer any time soon, okay?

6. This Toilet Situation

Okay, you know how convenient it is to have an ensuite bathroom? Well, I don't think this is what anyone had in mind, ha, ha! Can you even imagine getting cozy in your bed and then having to be rudely interrupted? Yeah, no thanks.

7. This Inverted Carpet Idea

Here's something I don't think I've ever seen. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you an inverted carpet situation. Why not, instead of putting it on your floor you have it installed on your ceiling? Hmm!

8. This Confusing Scene

Okay, I like how bright this room is here. However, I see a ladder but no way to use it. Where is it supposed to lead to, huh? Can somebody shed a light on what I'm witnessing here?

9. This Goldblum Fandom

Wow, what is it with people who are obsessed with either Jeff Goldblum or Nicolas Cage? I think you should refrain from admitting to it when you put your house on the market, but maybe that's just me.

10. This Room With Many Questions

I'm trying so hard to figure out what kind of room is this. Is it a kitchen or a bathroom? I'm still not sure. I need some expert advice here. If you know, please enlighten me.

11. This Doll Collection

I have to admit something to you, I too collected a few dolls. However, mine were beautiful Barbies and not dolls bound to give you nightmares. Get those things off the walls ASAP if you know what's good for you.

12. This Ode To Marilyn

I used to be a fan of a few celebrities, so I understand the fascination. However, I draw the line by hanging a poster in my room. This is the kind of homage that even Marilyn wouldn't appreciate.

13. This Kitchen Stove

Whoa! I must admit this is the most interesting-looking stove I have seen in a while. Where did they even get an idea like this, huh? Inquiring minds definitely need to know. What do you think? Yay or nay?

14. This Interesting Idea

Soon after completing the Sistine Chapel, the quality of Michelangelo’s work rapidly declined. Ha, ha, I hope that description here made you laugh. But seriously, though, who thought this was a good idea? They need their head examined, lol.

15. This Eclectic Decor Choice

Oh my goodness, if this isn't '80s chic, I don't know what is, haha. Whoever decorated this place here needs quite a lesson in subtlety, no? Somebody explain to these homeowners that less is definitely more.

16. This Plea For Help

OMG! Just when I thought a few dolls were bad enough I stumble upon this house. Why in the hell would they take a picture of this here? This is giving me quite the heebie-jeebies, that's for sure.

17. This Total Confusion

Excuse me, what the heck is going on in this room here? Is it supposed to be a living room, a bedroom or the kitchen? I don't think it's exactly what the definition of an open concept is supposed to be.

18. This Color Clash

Honestly, if I saw any of these separately, I probably would have liked them. However, when you combine all these colors and fabrics in one room, it's quite overwhelming, no? Do you get that impression too?

Wow, I have to admit looking at these pictures makes me appreciate my own home more.

Why would these folks think that these photos were appropriate for real estate marketing? I guess we will never know. I would love to find out if any of them got the asking price.