20 Bizarre Things People Spotted That Have Us Tilting Our Heads And Going 'Huh?'

There are some truly weird things out in the world. Like, stranger than you could probably imagine on your own. But to be honest, how can you imagine what you probably don't expect?

It's kind of hard to describe these pictures. In fact, I'd be totally unsurprised if your reaction is a simple "huh?" You might not even register what you're looking at.

There's a reason why they had to put this sign in place.

I, for one, really don't want to know the reasoning behind this sign. Then again, it's probably self-explanatory. I'm not really sure who among us needs this kind of reminder, but, well, here it is.

Someone took this sign a little too literally.

There's a huge difference between green vehicles and vehicles that are green. Though, I guess a green vehicle can also be green. Confused yet? Because I am.

This truck may be green, but it definitely isn't green. Trust me on this.

Now there's a plot twist no one saw coming.

You'd think that this deer wouldn't be able to see the tent. After all, it's camouflage, which basically makes it invisible.

Maybe it didn't see it there, and thought it was sitting in the middle of an empty field.

"My cat has her own lamp, chair, stairs. We share the living room."

Sure, this cat seems to be living the life of luxury, but something tells me she doesn't even pay rent. She's probably also messy, reclusive, and rude at times. Actually, this sounds just like a regular roommate.

"Dog was whining for a couple minutes. Returned to see he was 'trapped' by a USB cable."

Some dogs will walk right through your charging cables, not caring about what phone or laptop they just made fall on the floor. This dog seems... a bit confused, but at least he wasn't a jerk about it.

"I ordered an iPhone case and a guitar string…."

It's amazing how much packaging we have to deal with for such small, simple items. Too much, if you ask me. And people wonder why there's so much pollution and litter all over the place.

This dog is making me extremely uncomfortable.

Look, I love dogs just as much as the next person. But you have to admit that this one is giving a vibe, and it's not a good one. Maybe because it's standing like a person, and staring into our souls.

Oh great, now we can't even trust banks anymore.

I'm sure I don't have to explain the Squid Game reference that this bank billboard is making. I mean, I'm sure it's trying to say that you can just go to them instead of trying to play the Squid Game, but it looks like they're trying to put the games on, instead.

Nothing to see here, just a random car on a random rooftop.

I always wonder how cars get up on roofs like that (because of course, this isn't my first time seeing a picture of a car on a roof). Strong winds? Seems... unlikely, but how else would you explain it?

As if bacon soda wasn't bad enough, here's turkey flavor.

I will never understand why novelty soda flavors are a thing. They never taste good (speaking from experience), and literally no one would want to get one as a gift. They probably just exist to annoy us.

Wasp nest in the walls, no big deal.

Imagine buying a new house, tearing walls down to start a renovation, and finding this. Not as bad as finding a rat colony in your walls, but still pretty gnarly. I'd just burn the house down and build it from scratch. Or move.

"Accident, engine flew out of car!!"

There are plenty of things to worry about while on the road (like other drivers). But... I don't think anyone thinks that their engine would just fly out of their car in the middle of the highway. That's a new one.

"I found the creepy clown shower in Lalysos, Greece!"

It's not the fact that it's a creepy clown. It's not the fact that it's an outdoor shower. It's the fact that it's both of those things at the same time. Remind me to never use this particular public pool.

"A strange mural found after removing the paint in my aunt's new house."

How can something that probably isn't super old, look so ancient? Like, was it made to look like a bunch of cave drawings on purpose, or did it just age horribly? Either way, it's probably gonna get painted over.

"Old crashed car in the middle of the woods - nearest road 100+ meters away."

I guess there comes a point when a car gets so totaled, there's no point in trying to salvage it. This car is one with nature, now, which means it's probably been there for a long, long time.

Technically, it counts as a half bath.

I know this isn't as bad as a surprise wasp nest in the walls, but it's still really... bizarre. And, like, kind of gross, too. Would you get guests to use it while they're over, and... you're in the same room?

"I bought this at an antique shop in Pennsylvania. WTF do I now own?"

I wish I could answer that question with something other than "this really weird piece of pottery." Because that's literally all it is: a really weird piece of pottery. It's also super unsettling, so I'm glad I don't own it.

"Guy riding down the road holding a dresser on top of a car on a 50 MPH road."

This is probably the strangest and dumbest thing I've ever seen anyone do. There are about a thousand things that could go wrong here, and I don't want to think about any of them.

"Well I suppose it makes sense. The mullet of vehicles."

A mullet is supposed to be business in the front, party in the back. But this truck is more like weird in the front, weird in the back, and also weird in the middle. The only thing it has going for it is the dog, to be honest.

"So uh, Ikea in Singapore decided to release a completely black hotdog."

See, I just don't get this. It looks burnt. Like, charred beyond all flavor and recognition kind of burnt. I wonder if that made them sell better or worse (I'm guessing worse).

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