20 Sights That Left Our Neck Sore From Double-Taking

Sometimes, taking one look at a thing just isn't enough. Maybe it's just too strange to understand at first, or maybe it's not what you assumed it was at all.

In any case, you might be doing double-takes with the pictures in this list. And you can't blame us if all that whiplash starts to make your neck hurt.

"A salt crystal I grew at home."

I, for one, would really love to know how you "grow" salt.

According to OP of this picture, it's a thing that literally anyone can do. They even wrote and entire guide showing you how to do it.

"The inside of this watermelon bubblegum."

I love the fact that this gumball looks exactly like a tiny watermelon, seeds and all. Even if it did take me by surprise at first. After all, this is a lot of effort for a gumball that just tastes like watermelon.

"This 300 year old oak tree at our property in the Ozarks, making it older than the United States of America."

It's weird to think that a tree that existed before the birth of a nation is still around. In fact, I'm sure there are plenty of trees in the US that are older than the country itself. The rest of the Americas too, for that matter.

"A real and very rare $500 bill."

Once when I was a cashier, I had some guy pay for a $5 purchase with a $100 bill. That probably wouldn't be nearly as bad as having to break someone's $500 bill for them.

"Dropped a WWF panda cutout on my mouse and now it looks like the panda is a cyborg sent to prevent ecological collapse."

As far as I know, pandas are endangered species. What if they go extinct and get replaced by cyborgs in the future? They'd probably look a lot like this.

"I made a gingerbread version of my family’s house."

I'm actually super impressed by this; a lot of effort probably went into it. But the worst thing is knowing that I probably couldn't even afford a mortgage for that miniature house.

"First Sonogram was today. Looks like she's flipping everyone off."

Imagine seeing your baby for the first time, and before she's even born she's making rude gestures at you. I really hope this isn't a sign of what's to come for her poor parents.

"The way a sunbeam perfectly hit this rubbing alcohol to make it glow."

At first, I kind of thought this was some kind of strange, bottle-shaped lamp (which is totally possible). But no, it's just a weird bottle of rubbing alcohol that got hit by the sun just right.

"This amoeba-shaped ice on my porch."

Even though I know this is just a weird patch of ice, my mind is currently screaming, "Kill it! Kill it with fire!" It looks like some kind of prehistoric creature that should've been left in the prehistoric era.

"Newspaper pencil."

I don't know what's more surprising, the fact that this pencil is seemingly made out of newspaper, or the fact that someone used it so much it's basically a stub now. Neither of those things seem very likely.

"I saw Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Pricilla Chan, at McDonald’s."

I guess it just goes to show you that even the super wealthy like to eat at McDonald's. Still, I'd be super weirded out if I ever saw Mark Zuckerberg in a fast food joint, or anywhere, really.

"Found a tiny tangelo in my big tangelo."

A smaller fruit growing inside of a larger fruit isn't the most farfetched thing in the world, but it's still very unexpected. Like, what do you do with it if it isn't ripe?

"The rest of the sign has rubbed off."

Imagine being super tired one night and trying to read this sign. I can see myself spending way too much time staring at it, trying to figure out what it's saying. The answer: absolutely nothing.

"Baby Venus Flytraps."

In my mind, a Venus flytrap is like someone named Gary: it was never a baby, and just went straight from birth to adulthood. Seeing one of these plants so young and tiny just feels... wrong for some reason.

"This candle burned for three hours and not one drop of wax dropped down the side."

Are... are we sure that this is a real candle and not an electric one? I've been staring at this picture for a long time, and the candle looks real. There's only one way to explain the lack of wax: witchcraft.

"Found a Loch Ness monster made out of old tires."

Okay, but is it a Loch Ness monster if it isn't found in Loch Ness? Or is it just a monster? I mean, either way it isn't even a monster to begin with and I'm way overthinking things here, but still.

"The way this table aligns with the street in my local library."

I'm having a hard time believing that this is a coincidence. The library staff put that table there on purpose, probably because they thought it would be cool. And you know what? They were right to do that.

"The feet on this bench at my gym look a lot like an impaled iPhone."

I'm pretty tempted to think that this wasn't on purpose, and that someone dropped their iPhone, it got crushed underneath a bench leg, and the gym staff just rolled with it. That would be a pretty expensive bench foot, though.

"The portrait mode on my iPhone partially got rid of the glass in this picture."

Reddit user Howlyhusky said, "I'm guessing Apple is boycotting Windows." And that's it, time to pack up. Nothing on the internet is ever going to top this comment. Not even the strangeness of the picture itself.

"This Mystery Flavor K-cup?"

Wow, that could be anything. It could be coffee, or tea, or hot chocolate, or some other thing. Apple cider K-cup? Something less disgusting? I guess we'll never know what's in there unless OP decides to try it out (they didn't).

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